Athletic Quickness – Improve Sports Speed & Body Performance?


Many people have found out the hard way that a regular exercise routine alone cannot adequately cover for all of our athletic requirements. For example, in sports like football, basketball, an individual needs to possess amazing speed and stamina to excel.

Speed cannot be simply developed through running for hours a day and experts have shown how special training routines and exercises can allow for faster lateral movement without us having to go overboard with cardio.

At this point it would be beneficial to talk about training programs that have been devised particularly to optimize certain areas of our athleticism like running, jumping, lifting etc. These regimes are designed to work on particular areas of our muscles so that we can obtain a host of all round effects.

About Athletic Quickness

Athletic Quickness as the name suggests is an all new ‘training system’ that has been designed to help us get get faster via all natural means. Through the use of certain dietary changes and exercise habits, the program helps raise our athletic performance to levels that are hard to obtain via regular workout means.

Who Is Behind the Athletic Quickness ?

These “revolutionary speed training exercises” are the brainchild of Dr. Larry Van Such who is an expert in the field of ‘fitness optimization’. Larry created these program for a wide range users including all star athletes, regular gym goers or even casual enthusiasts.

What's more, through the observation of many case studies, he devised these systems to help deliver results in as little as 14 days.

What Benefits Can I Expect?

Athletic Quickness (AQ) Speed training programs have been tailored to target, strengthen and quicken all of the muscles that are utilized during running and jogging.

Whats even more unique is the fact that these training skills enable us to enhance our muscle fiber growth rate, tendon strength and even our nervous system efficiency (so as to experience many athletic benefits). This program can be used by individuals of any age group or skill level (experience).

Different Athletic Quickness Programs Available

(i) Soccer:

This exercise training regime is highly specialised and has been designed to particularly aid soccer players. Since soccer involves nearly 90 minute of constant activity, this program has been made to utilize dynamic resistance bands that have been shown to help train our muscles for speed and quickness.

What's more special about this program is the fact that it can deliver results within just a fer days. It is simple, safe, effective and can be used conveniently without the use of any special equipment or weights.

Lastly, it should also be mentioned that the program also targets the strength of an individual. All of the prescribed exercises can be successfully used anyone irrespective of their age,and fitness levels.

From a benefit standpoint, we can see that when used as part of our daily workout regime, this speed training program, can help soccer players dramatically increase their running speed, lateral quickness and kicking power.

(ii) Baseball:

While not thought of as an overtly athletic sport, baseball still requires good upper body strength and running speed. This Baseball Speed program has been designed to enhance performance of all players, irrespective of what position they might be playing (pitcher, infielder, outfielder or catcher).

When used as described, this program has been shown to help improve throwing speed, enhance athletic performance and heighten upper body strength.

Also, to improve a player's speed, the program has incorporated running exercises that are currently being used by track sprinters. This ensures that the user is able to get down the line faster to first base, thereby allowing for benefits like

  • Beating out more infield singles
  • Turning more singles into doubles
  • Stealing more bases,
  • Chase down more fly balls in the outfield
  • Get to more grounders quicker in the infield.

(iii) Run Faster:

As is clear from the name, the ’Run Faster’ system is particularly designed to help maximize our running speed. By adding these simple workouts to a sprinter's regime, he/she will be able to experience a host of explosive results. The exercises entailed in this system have been shown to condition muscles for speed in unique ways.

Additionally, the program also entails the use of interval training modules that other workouts usually do not utilize. In terms of benefits experienced, the exercises in this program when done alone or with other trainings, helps us tap into dormant muscular energy that dramatically improves our speed and enhances our agility.

(iv) Football:

One of the most popular sports in the United States. This sport requires high levels of fitness from its participants. However, it has been shown that many athletes often tend to ignore large and important muscles that can at a later stage become their achilles heel.

This program has been devised to specially target, strengthen and quicken these muscles which have remained dormant for long periods. Additionally, the system also helps enhance our nervous system so as to condition it to serve our speed ability and energy release mechanisms.

(v) Jump Higher:

This program deals more with lateral quickness and our leaping ability. Through the use of the ‘Jump Higher Program’, users will be able to substantially increase their leaping ability.

The exercises work out all of the muscles that are most commonly used in jumping and sprinting. Not only that, there are certain routines in this program that allow for the development of our hip extensors, quadriceps, calf muscles, hip flexors and hamstrings.

(vi) Drive Longer:

This golf based program comes packed with instructions, diagrams, and photographs for the individual exercises that have been included. When looked at in more detail we can see that each of these exercises target one of the several muscle groups used in the swinging motion.

Some of the areas of our physique that are affected include hip and spine rotation, back muscles, shoulders, chest, arms and forearms. Not only that, there are also some other exercises that have been included to target the muscles of our lower body.

This include the notoriously overlooked hip flexor muscles (in all there are a total of 18 exercises in this program).

(vii) Tennis Speed:

As we all know, tennis requires high levels of athleticism. Therefore this ‘isometric tennis exercise program’ has been designed to deliver users with amazing results within a short span of time.

The ‘Tennis Speed’ program makes use of dynamic elastic resistance bands, that come included along with the principal guide. The included exercises have been scientifically shown to train our muscles for speed and quickness.

By performing these exercises for just a few minutes daily, an individual will be able to witness a dynamic increase in his/her stamina and physical output. Also, the exercises can be done simply, safely and effectively at our convenience.

Not only that, these simple tennis based exercises can be successfully utilized by people of any age group, skill level etc.

(viii) Martial Arts Speed:

This highly specialised system makes use of a total of 28 uniquely designed exercises. It has been seen that once users start to incorporate the strategies entailed within this system, they will be able to gain immediate benefits in relation to their speeds, power and overall athleticism.

Not only that, the exercises are designed to train our muscles in a way such that they become firmer and stronger faster. Lastly, though the optimal conditioning of our muscle fibers, users start to to see a dramatic improvement in their ability to move quickly and easily.

What Are Users Saying About Athletic Quickness?

The program has received rave reviews from a plethora of users. Its patrons include high profile athletes, coaches and even common gym goers and other fitness enthusiasts.

Some satisfied customers include NFL Cornerback Mark Parson who says “When I saw the website, I was amazed at all the information that Dr. Van Such provided, because most trainers do not provide the ‘why’ and ‘how’ specifics of each exercise like he does, and it made me more interested and I wanted to try his program.”

Similarly, professional basketball player Randy Booker says ‘I found Dr. Van Such’s work on youtube and immediately began to use those workouts while also researching his philosophy top to bottom around the internet.’

Lastly, David Washington says ‘I bought the program and kept it to myself and have have been using since I bought it. My latest time is 4.83 in the 40 and my weight is 294 lbs. The coaching staff is now using the exercise as a part of their training program. Thank you for a program that works so well.’

Where Can I Order The Various Programs?

All of the training systems are delivered online in the form of Pdf’s and videos. Pricing and other relevant information can be obtained by simply clicking on the desired program. Payments can be made via safe means such as PayPal, MasterCard and Visa.

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