AstaReal – Powerful Natural Astaxanthin Antioxidant Extract?


AstaReal is a lineup of nutritional supplements based on the power of astaxanthin. Find out how AstaReal works today in our review.

What Is AstaReal?

AstaReal is a lineup of nutritional supplements based on the power of astaxanthin, a popular antioxidant. The AstaReal formula is marketed towards those who want to reduce the effects of aging by flooding their body with antioxidants.

Antioxidants, for those who don’t know, are oxidation-fighting molecules that target free radicals throughout your body. Oxidation, of course, is what causes the body to age.

With that in mind, AstaReal claims that astaxanthin is “nature’s most powerful antioxidant”. The company is best-known for supplements like Astavita, Astaxin, and Astarism.

Since the 1990s, AstaReal and its various subsidiary companies have been selling astaxanthin supplements around the world. They started selling products in Japan and Sweden. Today, they have offices in Japan, USA, Sweden, Singapore, Australia, and India.

How Does AstaReal Work?

AstaReal gets its astaxanthin from a type of freshwater microalgae known as “Haematococcus pluvialis”. The algae can be found all over the world – from African lakes to snow fields in the Arctic. Typically, it’s found in ponds and rainwater pools – including rock pools in the Stockholm archipelago.

Why does AstaReal use a unique type of algae for its astaxanthin? It’s because that algae is one of nature’s richest sources of astaxanthin. Here’s how the astaxanthin content breaks down compared to other popular sources:

  • Lobster and Crawfish: 0.3mg per 100g
  • Salmon: 3mg per 100g
  • Krill: 4mg per 100g
  • Phaffia Yeast: 800mg per 100g
  • Haematococcus Pluvialis Algae: 6,000mg per 100g

The astaxanthin in the algae works in a similar way to other types of astaxanthin. Here’s how AstaReal describes it:

“Astaxanthin acts like a force field that protects the nuclear DNA and cell content from oxidation and UVA radiation. The encapsulated form of the alga is called an aplanospore and in this form. the alga can survive for long periods, even under harsh conditions.”

Since the 1990s, AstaReal and its various subsidiary companies around the world have been integrating this astaxanthin into a range of different supplements and products.

AstaReal Products

AstaReal separates its product catalog into Retail Products, Bulk Products, and Animal Products. The company is best-known for its nutritional supplements for humans. Here’s a brief overview of each product:

Retail Products


Astavita is a series of astaxanthin supplements launched in 2000 “in anticipation of the coming super-aging society in Japan”, explains the official website. The products were developed to meet the needs and performance requirements of the aging body.


Astaxin was originally created to provide a strong antioxidant in Sweden. The supplement has been sold across Europe since 1995, where it’s used to support active lifestyles and boost immune system functionality.

AstaReal ACT

This is a lineup of nutritional supplements developed for the global marketplace, with an emphasis on helping both physicians treat their patients and themselves.


Asterism is the AstaReal lineup of skincare products formulated to meet the needs of women. The skin care products provide a high dose of antioxidants to your skin, where they flush toxins from your body, reduce the effects of oxidation, and make your skin feel clean and clear.

Bulk Products

AstaReal’s bulk products are marketed towards food and supplement manufacturers around the world. The company sells its astaxanthin formula in a number of different varieties, including all of the following:

  • Oil Extract: for use in softgel capsules or cosmetic products.
  • Powder: For hard capsules and nutritional tablets.
  • Water-Soluble: For beverages and liquid nutraceutical supplements.
  • Beadlet: For dietary supplements that come in powder sachets.
  • Biomass: For hard capsules and tablets.
  • Softgel Capsules: Ready-made soft capsules.

All AstaReal bulk products contain the same astaxanthin formula used in their retail products.

Animal Products

AstaReal creates a feed supplement for animals designed to enhance reproduction and animal performance. The supplement is called Astamate, and it claims to “meet the needs of pet owners who enjoy their lives with their pets as family members.”

Health Benefits Of AstaReal

How does astaxanthin improve your health and wellness? Like other antioxidant supplements, AstaReal’s astaxanthin can improve your health in a variety of ways. Here are some of the health benefits according to the website:

  • Skin Health: AstaReal claims that their astaxanthin revitalizes skin, reduces the size of wrinkles, improves skin microtexture, and boosts skin elasticity by strengthening the collagen layer.
  • Eye Health: AstaReal’s official site links to multiple studies that show a link between astaxanthin and improved eye health. It can be used to improve capillary blood flow in the eyes, for example, reduce inflammation of the ciliary muscle, and improve symptoms of eye fatigue and “Computer Vision Syndrome”.
  • Muscle Performance: AstaReal claims astaxanthin can boost muscle endurance, reduce recovery times, lower lactic acid and fatigue, reduce muscle damage and inflammation, improve blood flow, and enhance fat metabolism.
  • Cardiovascular Health: AstaReal can improve heart health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, improving lipid profiles, and promoting better blood flow in capillaries.
  • Brain Health: Astaxanthin boosts brain health by reducing forgetfulness, improving multitasking performance, decreasing oxidation of red blood cells (something that’s linked to the prevention of dementia), and modulating blood risker (which lowers stroke risk).
  • Anti-Fatigue: Astaxanthin can reduce mental and physical fatigue by promoting faster recovery times, improving mood, and improving symptoms of fatigue-induced loss of concentration.

AstaReal provides an in-depth look at all of these benefits here, including links to independent studies supporting the claims.

AstaReal Review Summary

AstaReal traces its history back to 1987, when AstaCarotene AB was established in Sweden. That company succeeded in growing astaxanthin-rich algae in industrial indoor tanks for the first time in the world. That company produce and sold its astaxanthin supplement throughout Sweden, and continues to sell it under the name AstaReal AB. In 1995, they launched their supplement Astaxin to the Swedish market.

AstaReal Co., Ltd. was established in the year 2000 as a subsidiary of Fuji Chemical Industries Co., Ltd (or at least, the company was fully funded by Fuji Chemical Industries). Fuji traces its history back to 1946.

Between 2000 and 2016, the company introduced a number of astaxanthin products to the market – including all of the products we mentioned above.

Today, AstaReal maintains offices around the world – including in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan; New Jersey and Washington, USA; Nacka and Gustavsberg, Sweden; Singapore; Bowral, Australia; and Mumbai, India.

You can learn more about Astareal’s family of products by visiting today.

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