Amway XS Energy Drinks – Sugar & Caffeine-Free Sparkling Juice?


XS Energy Drinks are beverages that are meant to be served cold, containing the equivalent caffeine content that a good cup of coffee has. These drinks can be ordered in a 12-pack from Amway.

What is Amway XS Energy Drinks ?

Getting your day started can be a challenge for some people, which is why so many people rely on the help of their coffee or other caffeinated drinks.

However, even though these hot beverages can do the trick, preparing them before you head off to work or for errands is not always convenient. You may want to be able to grab something from your fridge and leave, when you have a situation with time constraints.

Luckily, Amway XS Energy Drinks can give you that boost to get you out the door and into the carpool lane.

The XS Energy Drinks give you extra support during your morning, balancing out your mental clarity and ability to focus with B vitamins. You will have 83mg of caffeine in each drink, though there are several flavors that have no caffeine included. If you need more caffeine, the 12-ounce cans give you 125mg of caffeine, which is about the same as a coffee.

To make them even better, you won’t have to worry about building up a tolerance, due to the healthy composition of the drinks. These drinks come with the wholesome goodness of the included ingredients that you simply can’t find with other drinks.

Finding the best way to perk yourself up for the day will largely depend on the flavors you like. Some people prefer to energize with coffee or tea, while others commit to sleeping for a full eight hours before they get up for work or school. Unfortunately, getting the sleep you need isn’t always an option, and a little help is appreciated.

Instead of drinking the same brew of coffee every time, you get the chance to try different flavors with Amway XS Energy Drinks.

Even though these products are safe and balanced, you shouldn’t consume more than two of the energy drinks within a 24-hour period, due to the caffeine content.

What’s in It?

The great part about the energy drinks by XS is that you won’t find caffeine in most of the drinks. However, to give you the energy you need, you will get real fruit juice and a high level of vitamin C, which helps you perk up without sugar.

If you chose the Energy + Burn drink, you will get the added benefit of consuming African Mango Seed Extract in the drinks. This substance helps you to improve your mental clarity while satisfying your appetite.

These drinks only contain the sugar that’s included in the fruit juice, rather than refined sugar. You will only find half a calorie of sugar in most of the drinks, depending on the flavor.

Amway XS Energy Drinks Flavors and Variations

The best part about Amway XS Energy Drinks is the amount of variations that you can choose from. You can choose from:

  • Caffeine-Free Sparkling Juiced Energy Mango Pineapple Guava
  • Sparkling Juiced Energy
    • Dragon Fruit
    • Mango Pineapple Guava (also available without caffeine)
    • Pink Grapefruit
  • Energy + Burn
    • Melonade
    • Strawberry
  • Energy Drink
    • Black Cherry Cola Blast
    • Cherry Blast
    • Citrus Blast
    • Cranberry-Grape Blast (also available without caffeine)
    • Electric Lemon Blast
    • Root Beer Blast
    • Tropical Blast
    • Wild Berry Blast
    • Classic Blast
    • Naranja Blast
    • Summit Blast

The drinks are available in cans, which are mostly in a 12-pack. The price varies, but stays relatively low for such an effective drink. You can also choose from several variety packs, letting you try out multiple flavors at once to determine your favorite.

Pricing for XS Energy Drinks

If you’re ready to drink these beverages, the website states that the packages start at $27.60 and go up to $40.20 in the retail cost. You will be responsible for covering the cost of shipping for this product.

Where to Buy Amway XS Energy Drinks

If you want to make the XS energy drinks a part of your day, you can order them directly from the Amway website. The page for the drinks has a form that you can choose from any of the different variations, ordering multiple options at once.

Contacting the Creators of XS Energy Drinks

The XS Energy Drinks are sold specifically by Amway, and are not available through other sources right now. If you have questions about the different ingredients or anything else about the product, you will need to contact the customer service department via phone or email.

The fastest method to reach Amway is by calling 800-253-6500. The department is open on weekdays from 8:00am to midnight EST, and on Saturdays, from 8:30am 5:00pm EST. If you want to send your question via email, address your message to [email protected].

Amway XS Energy Drinks Conclusion

Amway XS Energy Drinks help you to get a boost in the morning without needing to wait for the coffeemaker to finish brewing. You don’t have to mix anything into the energy drink to change the flavor, since all the drinks feature a delicious fruit juice taste. If you want to get out of the door quickly, order a 12-pack of XS Energy Drinks to keep in your fridge when you need them most.

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