Affecting over 46 million people across the world, Alzheimer's is a poorly understood neurodegenerative disease that is the primary cause of more than three quarters of dementia and memory loss disorders.
With a broad spectrum of symptoms that includes disorientation, speech and language difficulties, issues with recalling or remembering families or loved ones, and regressions to previous states of mental development. With no cure and no method of effective immunisation, Alzheimer’s is a disease that can destroy families and make life difficult for both sufferers and close friends.
There are, however, practices and lifestyle methods that can help to reduce the chances of developing this debilitating disease and protect the brain against neurodegenerative disorders.
There are many different conflicting sources of information available on the internet that provide advice on protecting both yourself and your loved ones from the effects of Alzheimer's, from mental exercises that promote brain health to nutritional diets that enhance the natural capability of the brain to repair and heal itself.
Determining whether the program you’ve selected, however, can be a difficult process. As Alzheimer’s is so poorly understood, the mechanisms that contribute to the causes of neurological decay can be hard to identify.
Neurological experts agree that brain disorders can be prevented through a combination of regular low impact exercise, a balanced diet, and regular mental activity that encourages neuronal growth.
One of the most effective guides available online designed to promote brain health and protect against Alzheimer's is the Alzheimer's Defense Program.
Focused on increasing the levels of naturally ocurring ketones that protect the health of brain tissue, and backed by clinical science with thousands of successful treatments, the Alzheimer’s defense program takes advantage of the little known neurological applications of herbal extracts and botanical supplements that are inexpensive and easily sourced to help you protect against and even reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s for both yourself and your loved ones.
In this article we’ll provide a full analysis of the Alzheimer’s defense program to help you decide whether this program is the right solution of you.
How Does Alzheimer’s Affect Memory?
Over five million individuals in the United States suffer from Alzheimer’s today, with a new diagnosis occurring every 70 seconds. Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's are the fifth leading cause of death in the world, rising from 47% to 48% over the last ten years.
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, which follows a pattern of increasing functional impairment and cognitive malfunction.
Early stages of Alzheimer’s development are often mistakenly attributed to the natural process of ageing or the impact of high stress on the body, with a slow decrease in the efficiency of short term memory recall that develops into an inability to recall new information, recently learned knowledge or the names of new acquaintances.
This process of mental decay proceeds and increases in severity until sufferers of Alzheimer's require professional medical assistance and constant care.
The origins and causes of this complicated and difficult to understand disease are a controversial topic.
There are many different hypotheses and theories that present possible biomechanical and neurological functions that contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s, with evidence suggesting genetic inheritance plays a pivotal role in the risk factor of neurodegenerative development.
Other theories suggest that reduced neurotransmitter levels and neuronal growth can cause inflammation in brain tissue, damaging the brain and reducing the ability of the brain to think and function clearly.
Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Medical solutions for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease generally include the use of pharmaceutical steroidal compounds that reduce the amount of inflammation in brain tissue and minimize the risk of developing degenerative issues.
The best method of treating Alzheimer’s is prevention through maintaining an active and engaging mental lifestyle by regularly partaking in intellectual activities that stimulate neuronal development such as musical practice, crossword puzzles, social interaction or sudoku.
There is a large body of clinically proven and scientifically endorsed evidence that demonstrates that diet plays a large role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s.
Foods rich in fatty acids such as omega 3 have been shown to reduce brain inflammation, while inversely regular consumption of saturated fats and simple carbohydrates that increase blood glucose levels elevate the risk of pre-dementia symptoms that lead to Alzheimer’s.
Natural herbal extracts and critical nutrients are able to heal the brain and reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s, with diets that are high in natural ketones and flavonoids, vitamins A, C, and E and minerals such as potassium, selenium and zinc able to assist the natural healing ability of the brain.
Natural solutions that help reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s have become popular in recent years due to the negative side effects associated with pharmaceutical medical solutions such as atypical antipsychotics.
These solutions are effective at reducing psychosis in sufferers but have adverse effects such as stroke and movement difficulties.
How Does The Alzheimer’s Defense Program Work?
Typical pharmaceutical antipsychotic solutions carry a number of strong side effects that can increase blood pressure and cause a variety of negative health effects such as stroke, heart disease and respiratory disorders.
The Alzheimer’s Defense Program works by encouraging the levels of ketones, natural brain healing organic compounds, to increase through the practice of an easy to follow and simple diet.
Called Health Fuel, the Alzheimer’s Defense Program eating plan unlocks a critically important substance in the brain called MCT’s that not only help to heal the effects of Alzheimer’s and protect against further neurological damage, but also protect against other health disorders such as type 2 diabetes and promotes an overall state of higher energy, lower fatigue, increased mood stability and overall health.
Alzheimer’s Defense Program Pricing & Availability
While time consuming, ineffective and potentially harmful medical solutions can cost tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars with no guarantee of effective treatment, the Alzheimer’s Defense Program, available in easy to access ebook format, is priced at just $67 and has an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee and can be ordered from the Alzheimer’s Defense Program Website
If you’re looking for a natural and effective solution to the difficult and hard to manage effects of Alzheimer’s disease, The Alzheimer’s Defense Program is the right choice for you.