Alenza Chewable Tablets – Protecting Your Pet’s Health


If you have a dog, then you want to keep him healthy from the very start. No matter what age he was when you adopted him, you treated him like a sweet puppy, giving in to every request for attention. However, as he gets older, you need to pay attention to his body’s needs to prevent him from having to deal with the pain and inflammation that can occur around the joints. Luckily, that’s where Alenza Chewable Tablets come in.

Alenza Chewable Tablets are advertised as a more natural way to treat your dog’s normal inflammation that comes with age and activity. This formula also helps your dog to heal quickly after an injury, returning back to the sweet pup he’s always been.

This formula is not a medication, which means you won’t need a prescription from your dog’s veterinarian to administer in. As a supplement, it supplies your dog’s body with the necessary nutrients that it needs to stay strong and playful. All of the ingredients come from safe and botanically-based methods of extraction. The formula is best for consumers that want to help give their active or aging pet the extra support that he needs to keep moving along.

How Do the Alenza Chewable Tablets Work?

As with supplements for humans, the key to these chewable tablets being effective is based off of the ingredients that are included in the formula. The majority of the ingredients focus on giving the right antioxidants to your body, which also helping to recycle the waste that is left behind as a result. However, there are two major ingredients in the Alenza Chewable Tablet – Vexadol and Boswellia serrata.

Vexadol is a blended ingredient, containing a variety of bioflavonoids that serve a very distinct purpose. It is only with the balance of these bioflavonoids that the formula can elicit a healthy inflammatory response as needed. Additionally, this ingredient helps dogs to recover quickly after an injury.

Boswellia serrata is meant to support the connective tissue in a dog’s joints and cartilage. As your dog ages, he loses cartilage in his joints like you do, so it’s necessary to compensate for these changes to prevent or alleviate pain.

Using the Alenza Chewable Tablets

This blend of essential nutrients for your pet is easy to include at meal time or just after a meal. When you serve the tablets to your dog, use your personal discretion to determine how to administer it. Some dogs need to be “tricked” into taking a vitamin, which means your best bet would be to crumble it up into his food. However, some dogs are much easier, accepting the entire tablet without any bells and whistles.

The main thing you should know is that the dose varies, and the dose your dog needs will directly correlate with the size of the dog. Here is the guide that many third-party retailers use to determine how much to give your dog:

  • 26 to 50 lbs. – 1 tablet per day
  • 51 to 100 lbs. – 2 tablets per day
  • 101 to 150 lbs. – 4 tablets per day

After consuming this supplement, you will need to make sure your dog has enough water available constantly. Hydration is essential to maintaining a healthy dog, and the tablets are likely to make him feel incredibly thirsty.

Storage Instructions

Since these tablets are chewable, rather than remaining inside a protective casing, you need to pay careful attention when you store them. Alenza Chewable Tablets must be stored at room temperature for optimal performance and to preserve the structure of the tablet.

Where to Buy Alenza Chewable Tablets

This type of chewable tablet is available from multiple online and in-store retailers, which makes it extremely accessible. Some of the most popular third-party websites to order this tablet include:

  • Doctors Foster and Smith – $35.99 for 60 capsules
  • Amazon – $43.00 for 60 capsules
  • Healthy Pets – $33.19 for 60 capsules


Keeping your pets healthy and nourished properly is one of the best things you can do for your furry family member. He looks to you for all of his needs, and prioritizing his pain level will make him feel loved, returning him to the happy-go-lucky attitude that he had before the pain settled it.

These tablets can be easily mixed into food or just given to your dog as is. With regular use, you and your pup will notice a major difference in how he is able to walk and run and play with everyone in the family.

You should always consult with your veterinarian when you make the decision to self-treat a situation. The joint pain may be simple enough to relieve with this supplement without a recommendation from the doctor, but pain can sometimes be an indication of another condition. If you have any other questions about the use of this product, consult with the customer service team.

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