Gillette TREO – Try The New Men’s Assisted Shaving Razor & Gel?


What is the Gillette Treo?

Razors are typically designed for individual usage; the Treo is different though. It is a newly designed razor that is high-quality and made for people who need assistance.

The Gillette TREO is specifically designed for men who are aging and need help while shaving. Shaving is a sign of dignity for many men, but as men get older their ability to use a razor declines. They have to generally rely on caretakers or loved ones to assist them in shaving.

There is a huge population of aging men in the United States. The amount of men 65 or older will be close to double that of what it is today by 2050. According to the United States Census Bureau. That means there will be a lot more men who need help with shaving and grooming. There is a massive problem with razors today that are not designed for people who need assistance.

The Treo by Gillette is the first of its type that was created by caregivers for men who can’t take care of shaving themselves. The razor is designed to work like a paintbrush, and make it easier for users to get a clean shave. It also makes it easier for men to be more careful so they don’t hurt themselves.

The blade uses less water than other razors because a lot of elderly men shave while not in the bathroom. And the handle is squeezable and contains a scented gel that makes the TREO a one of a kind shave package. It is a basically a stand-alone package.

Gillette hopes the TREO can help older gentlemen better take care of themselves so they can have a higher sense of confidence in their abilities for self-care. It’s clear that when you see care givers who look after men who need help taking care of themselves, dignity plays a major role in it.

How Does the Gillette TREO Work?

The razor is ideal for aging men, it is designed to be safe and easy to use. The Blade is ideal for making a close shave that is safe and will help prevent clogging. The handle is perfect for easy use and operates similar to that of a paint brush.

The entire Treo system is a unique design that will provide comfort as well as control to help caregivers as well as the men they are caring for. And the shave gel in the easy to squeeze handle is perfect to make it easy for gel to hydrate the hair and give a smooth shave. It’s essentially designed for aging skin to help hydrate and lubricate it and make it a mess-free, very comfortable shave.

Even the strongest men in the world age and lose their strength. Oftentimes after a person has a stroke, they need help with even the simpler tasks of life. Many times, the role of parent to child change and child usually ends up taking care of the parent. With a regular razor it can take 30 mins or longer for a simple shave.

But with the Gillette TREO people can easily take care of their fathers. This is basically the first razor in the history that has been designed to be used to shave someone else.

Because of the easy, fluid design. Caregivers can shave without worry of cutting or injuring the people they are caring for. The blade is designed to cut hair only, never skin and the entire razor is designed exclusively for assisted shaving.

It’s a not a razor that is designed to be used by people who are struggling to shave, it’s designed to be used on the people who are struggling to shave by someone else.

You can get a free sample of the razor on the Gillette website. You do have to give some medical information on the person you will be shaving as to what exactly is the condition of the person you will be shaving.

Another cool aspect of Gillette is they are very appreciative of any feedback that is given about the Treo. It’s actually encouraged as they are continually trying to improve the razor and make it even better for use by the people who use it and for the people it is used on.

The Bottom Line on the Gillette TREO

Gillette TREO is the first razor designed to be used for assisted shaving. It’s very easy to use apparently, it’s engineered for comfort and control.

To use the razor, just put on the clear gel with your hand and wait 30 minutes for the gel to take effect. After 30 minutes, you start shaving. The blade is designed to be completely clog free and can be used by anyone.

You apply the gel as needed, and once the shave is done you simply throw away the cartridge and dispose of it properly. The Treo is likely to replace all razors in care homes and by caregivers in the next few years.

Gillette is known for having the best shavers in the world, so there is a good chance this one will hold up to a higher standard as well. If you know someone who could benefit from this razor or who is a caregiver, it’s a good idea to inform them about it or to take a look for yourself.

Gillette TREO is only really designed for elderly men.

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