CannaWine – CBD Cannabidiol Cannabis Extract Infused With Wines?


CannaWine is a company that offers both red and white wines that are infused with cannabis sativa L., which contains the non-psychoactive substance known as CBD. The wines allow consumers to reach a level of relaxation that is impossible with wine alone.

What is CannaWine?

Whether used as a celebratory or a comforting beverage, many people enjoy the taste of wine in the right setting. Everyone has different flavors and undertones that they enjoy, even though wine is an acquired taste.

While wine alone is a delicious way to unwind with the energy of the day, there are some days when that glass does not cut it. Rather than adding too many refills, CannaWine introduces an ingredient that takes relaxation to the next level.

CannaWine was originally a project in 2010 when the founder started exploring different possibilities with cannabis and wine, but was unable to pursue it further. However, in 2013, the brand started exploring the formula further, and was able to release their alcoholic beverages by 2015.

There is little information about the company online, but they have been featured at multiple wine-tasting events for their impressive approach to their concoction.

About Cannabis Sativa L.

While cannabis and cannabis sativa L. are from the same history and genetic family, they are actually much different. Consumers will find cannabis sativa L. in their CannaWine, and it has been used for hundreds of years in different forms.

Cannabis sativa L. contains CBD, which is a little different than the psychoactive substance THC. THC is commonly found in marijuana, and its use is prohibited in the majority of states. However, CBD is legal in all states, since it does not actually alter the consumer’s mental state.

When users consume products that have CBD, they can feel more relaxed and peaceful without a psychotropic impact on the brain. Many studies show that it even helps to reduce nausea, inflammation, pain, and depression, though the list of benefits extends much further.

Wine Types from CannaWine

Even though the company may eventually expand their repertoire of wines, the brand presently just offers one type of red wine and one type of white wine. Consumers can view the year that the bottle was made under the lid, and all the wines are available to go with a meal or dessert.


The Spanish red wine from CannaWine offers the delicious aroma of young red grapes that come from Costa Brava, which are half garnacha and half cariñana. The red and black fruits help give the red wine a sugary flavor that is common with this type of wine already. Each bottle features a 14.5% alcohol content, and is combined with Cannabis Sativa L. without any type of pesticides or other harmful chemicals.


The White Wine offers a Spanish flair that makes the flavor feel rich with culture. With a pale and deep color, this sweet wine is made of a combination of white garnacha and macabeo original. The wine offers a 14.5% alcohol content, and it is best when consumed after chilling.

Along with the wine flavors included, consumers will notice a hint of Cannabis Sativa L, which is grown organically to reduce the unnecessary chemicals. Every bottle will offer 50mg CBD, and should be allowed to breath for several minutes to release the heavy concentration of flavor.

Where To Buy CannaWine

With so many impressive features to either of the flavors, the only question that consumers may still have is where they can get their hands on a bottle. Any interested consumer has the possibility of buying from a distributor, a wine shop, or a local shop.

A typical 500ml bottle of either choice will cost about 15,00€, which may vary with the current promotions and sales.

Available distributors include:

  • NaturFlow (Girona)
  • Green and Grow (Canary Islands)
  • Hemp Trading (Spain)
  • SW Distributions (Barcelona)
  • Alchimia
  • Cadiz
  • Flower Indoor
  • PowerCogollo
  • Eurogrow
  • Grow barato
  • Cogolandia
  • Cannabislandia
  • Piensaenverde
  • Sativa Grow

The CannaWine brand appears to be primarily available internationally, but there are some shops in Florida that may offer it. Consumers can visit any of the company websites to make a purchase.

Contacting the Creators of CannaWine

Since this type of wine is so new in the industry, consumers may want to find out more details about the company before making a purchase. The website offers a form for consumers to fill out, but there is also an email address for consumers that want a more direct method of communication, which is [email protected].

CannaWine Review Summary

CannaWine is a revolutionary step in CBD products, offering a beverage that consumers already drink regularly, and turning it into something even better. Some consumers do not enjoy the taste of wine or even of CBD, but the fusion of the grapes and other fruits will create a flavor that simply cannot be found with any other alcoholic beverage.

If you want to take that relaxing night to a completely different level, the CannaWine flavors are a step in the right direction.

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