Sudden Coffee – Best Tasting Freeze-Dried Instant Coffee Drink Mix?


Coffee is one of the most widely used beverages in the world, along with tea it is the preferred choice of many people as their morning drink.

The origins of coffee are very interesting, even though the plant was initially harvested and used in the Mediterranean region, word soon spread about its exotic taste and various beneficial properties.

In a matter of 100 years, the beverage became a staple of many European diets. Countries like Italy, Great Britain and France absorbed the drink into their daily regimes and started experimenting with various flavors.

In today's scenario, the countries which have been found to consume the most amount of caffeine per day include the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. The consumption rate of the beverage in these countries clocks in at over 2 cups per person daily.

In terms of its health benefits, coffee is known to deliver various energy release and cognitive benefits.

When consumed in moderate quantities (1-2 cups), the active agents in the substance can greatly enhance the metabolic breakdown of food so that our bodies can receive adequate energy to perform our daily activities.

Similarly, it has also been found to help stimulate our CNS (Central Nervous System). Through this neural optimization, users can receive various benefits like increased focus, enhanced mental clarity, heightened acuity, and reduced mental fogginess.

However, like any other substance, coffee is prone to being misused due to its amazing stimulating properties. Excess caffeine may cause issues of mineral accumulation, liver degradation and increased agitation.

Thus it is essential to stick to minimal consumption or switch to alternatives like de-caf beverages.

What Is Sudden Coffee?

Sudden Coffee is the brainchild of Kalle Freese and Joshua Zloof, Kalle started his coffee adventure working as a passionate Barista and eventually opened his own cafe in his hometown of Helsinki, where his passion shifted towards producing his own signature coffee.

Similarly, Joshua’s background was a bit more varied, he was more inclined towards the technology side of things and after working on Breadcrumb, an app for high-end restaurants, he realized he needed something else.

Joshua and Kalle meet soon after Josh decided to start things afresh and move to San Francisco, they soon started a partnership and established Sudden Coffee.

They both immediately knew that this was where their passion lay, and since then have been determined to deliver users with the perfect cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Sudden Coffee Features

Some of the unique aspects which really set Sudden Coffee apart include:

Instant Brew:

It is one of the the easiest and quickest way to make cafe-quality coffee anywhere. All one needs to do is add water and then sit back and enjoy their beverage. It does not require users to handle any coffee brewing equipment or in depth coffee knowledge.

Professionally Prepared:

Sudden Coffee offers users with high-quality single-origin beans which are brewed in a custom “fully-closed centrifugal brewing system”.

This patented method has been designed in a way such that it can lock-in flavors and aromas, more profoundly. After the beans have been fully prepared, they are powdered and packed immediately so as to maintain their integrity.

On the Go:

The product can be enjoyed at home, at one's workplace or even while one is traveling. Due to its ease of preparation, it is perfect for early morning use. Similarly, it can be used in the afternoon as an ideal energy booster and can be added to milk, oatmeal or yogurt.

Monthly Delivery:

The product is available through a monthly subscription. Each month, users can opt to receive a supply of Sudden Coffee by simply subscribing on the official website.

Along with the coffee, users also get certain supplementary books and guides which can allow them to prepare a tastier cup of their Favorite beverage.

The Sudden Coffee Difference

  • While regular instant coffee is made from leftover crops, which can sometimes be more than 5 years old (and even insect ridden), Sudden Coffee is grown on fertile soil which produces fresh and sweet beans.These freshly extracted beans are hand-picked, washed and used only when they are perfectly ripe and ready for human consumption.
  • Most instant coffee brands spray dry their coffee produce under external heating sources. This method has been found to destroy the innate flavor and aroma of the beans.On the other hand, Sudden Coffee is dehydrated using a proprietary process that locks in aroma and preserves a fuller flavor.

Sudden Coffee Customer Reviews

Sudden coffee has received rave reviews by individuals and media outlets alike, there are many positive reviews that can be found online in relation to the product.

Some sources which have praised the blend include the New York Times who say “Sudden Coffee is so clean and elegant, you get all the floral notes in a coffee such as the Biftu Gudina from Ethiopia.”

Similarly, Edith Salminen of Vice Media says “Sudden Coffee is of a completely different caliber than its competitors. It has a surprisingly pleasant aroma, a mature, fruity sweetness, nice acidity, and lingers well on the tongue.”

Lastly, Noah Kauffman (columnist for ‘Food and Wine’ magazine) mentions that “The end result is hands down the best instant coffee I've had. The taste is earthy and full-bodied, almost caramel-y without any bitterness to speak of.”

Purchasing Sudden Coffee

Each coffee packet comes in sleek, red plastic containers. Every package contains 8 of these coffee sachets and is priced at $19.00. Multiple purchase options are also available.

The easiest way to place an order is to shop online at the official website or use an online shopping portal like eBay or amazon.

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