Clearblue Easy – Revolutionary Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test?


The Clearblue Easy Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test

Whether you’re patiently planning a family or not, Clearblue has had the reputation for bringing the best quality results in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of mess. Clearblue has done this again with the Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test.

With results, as soon as the first day of your missed period, the Clearblue Easy Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test will give you the results you’re looking for easily during a very important time in your life.

The new ergonomic design was created based on the needs of women. Clearblue now offers a wider tip, along with a longer, curved stick to avoid spills. It’s now easier to hold and maneuver with less risk of contamination or mess.

Did you know that the reported leading cause of user testing error is having too much urine enter the device during testing? Clearblue has alleviated this issue with a new Floodguard technology, this helps prevent excess urine from altering your results.

Accurate results are the number one priority for the Clearblue Easy Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test, no consumer should be left with unanswered questions about whether they are pregnant or not. When used from the first day of your missed period, results are 99% accurate.

Think You Might Be Pregnant?

Before you start, please read the instructions carefully.

If you’re using the test from or after the first day of your expected period, you can use urine from any time of the day. If you are attempting to test before the first day of your last period, it is important to use your urine from first thing in the morning, as this is more concentrated and will give more accurate results.

To take the test, remove the cap and place the color change tip in your urine stream, or in a sample of your urine collected in a dry, clean container. 5 seconds is all you need for accurate results. The color change tip should turn pink indicating it is ready for testing.

Set the test aside, a blue line should form to allow you to know the test is working.

Although a positive sign could emerge almost immediately, waiting up to 3 minutes to check the results is advised.

*Please note that there must be a blue line in the control window to indicate that the test has worked. If there is no blue line, please try a new test. If there is a positive (+) sign in the window, it is possible that one line is darker than the other, this is normal and still indicates a positive result.

The best time to test for pregnancy is on or after the first day of your missed period, however Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test can be used up to 4 days before you expect your period, or 5 days before the first day of your missed period. Testing earlier than this can generate a negative result, but pregnancy can still be a possibility. Since there is a chance you could be pregnant, it is best to wait for a few days so your results can be more accurate.

Some women experience irregular periods, which can make it difficult to know when to test for pregnancy. If you yield a negative result but still believe you could be pregnant, it is suggested to wait until 19 days after the last time you had unprotected sex before testing again.

Aside from testing too early, the use of fertility drugs containing HCG can give false positive results. In addition, being recently pregnant and not carrying to full term can result in a false positive result, as can ectopic pregnancies, ovarian cysts, and menopause lead to mistaken results.

It is possible to test positive early on, and later test negative or get your period. Although Clearblue Rapid Detection Test is 99% accurate, it is possible to be pregnant and later have a negative test result as 1 in 4 pregnancies end in early miscarriage, often before a woman knows she is pregnant.

Clearblue Easy Review Summary

Clearblue Rapid Detection Tests have come a long way in advancements to make this process an easy one. With an easy to use, no mess tip, 99% accuracy, and a clear (+) or (-) you can now be sure of your results right at home.

It is important to read all the instructions before you begin, and to consult with your doctor if you have any questions or are unclear about your results. A positive test result is the first step before seeing your doctor to confirm a pregnancy.

Clearblue has remained the #1 choice by women and doctors, leaving no questions behind. We’ve come a long way in at home pregnancy test advancements, and will continue to provide the most innovative at home pregnancy test advancements, and will continue to provide the most innovative at home pregnancy test options.

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