Leftover Chef – Cookbook To Transform Your Food Recipes?


Leftover Chef is a unique cookbook that teaches you how to make delicious food from leftovers found in your fridge. Find out everything you need to know about Leftover Chef today in our review.

What is Leftover Chef?

Leftover Chef is a cookbook available through a new As Seen On TV-style offer. You can also purchase it online through BuyLeftoverChef.com.

No matter where you buy it, you’re paying about $17 for the cookbook.

What’s the big deal behind Leftover Chef? The big deal is that you get to learn how to make great foods using only your leftovers.

In the infomercial, the Leftover Chef himself gives you two examples of foods you can make from your leftovers, including mixing leftover chicken with cheese, peppers, and sour cream to make a fajita casserole that will feed the entire family.

He also teaches you how to stir fry leftover spaghetti to make “scrumptious spaghetti balls”.

Instead of eating bland, boring leftovers – or worse, letting them go to waste – Leftover Chef teaches you how to get the most out of your leftovers.

Whether you want to turn a leftover baked potato into a full breakfast meal or you want to make bread budding, Leftover Chef will teach you how to maximize the value of your leftovers.

Who is The Leftover Chef?

Leftover Chef – the cookbook – was created by the Leftover Chef – the person. That chef is Daniel Green. The infomercial describes him as a “celebrity chef”.

Born in London, Chef Green can be seen all over the Food Network, including as a host and food judge (watch for him on Kitchen Inferno and Food Fortunes). He also designed the menu for Cathay Pacific and has written 11 cookbooks to date.

In 2014, Green published a book about the paleo diet called “The Paleo Diet: Food Your Body is Designed to Eat”. That book is well-reviewed on Amazon.

Daniel Green partnered with As Seen On TV specialists Telebrands to bring the Leftover Chef cookbook to market.

Leftover Chef Recipes

What kind of foods will you learn to make through Leftover Chef? There are over 150 recipes in total, all of which can be made using leftover food in your fridge (or, of course, you can make the food from scratch if you want to cheat, but that kind of defeats the point).

Many of the recipes are similar to the fried spaghetti and fajita casserole recipes we mentioned above: they take leftover foods, mix them together with fresh ingredients, and bake or cook to make delicious new food.

Now, don’t expect five star dining here: many of the dishes are very straightforward. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, of course: but they’re designed to be easy and fast to cook.

Page 138, for example, features the “Pizza Sandwich”, which is literally just two pieces of pizza stacked on top of each other with a few slices of meat and cheese in between. You cook it, then eat it. It looks exactly like you expect it to look.

Fortunately, not all the recipes are that basic. Here are some of the sample leftover recipes you’ll learn while reading through Leftover Chef:

  • Buffalo chicken nachos
  • Bread budding (using leftover bread)
  • Egg fried rice
  • Holiday leftover recipes, including Asian turkey lettuce wraps
  • French fry fajitas
  • Iced coffee ice cubes
  • Fried spaghetti balls
  • Breakfast potato bite

Leftover Chef Pricing

Leftover Chef is priced at the following rates when you order online or over the phone:

-Cookbook: $16.99 ($10 + $6.99 Shipping)

-Cookbook + Chef’s Chopper: $23.98 ($10 + $6.99 + $6.99 Shipping)

You can only buy Leftover Chef through BuyLeftoverChef.com or by calling 1-800-313-6273.

All purchases come with a 30 day money back guarantee. However, you’ll never receive a refund on your shipping fees.

You’re also responsible for paying the return shipping yourself – so most customers will find that it’s not worth the hassle.

It’s also important to note that, like other As Seen On TV products, Leftover Chef comes with a 3 to 6 week shipping period. Some customers report that they received their product before that 3 week window. However, don’t expect to get Leftover Chef very quickly.

What is the Chef’s Chopper?

Certain Leftover Chef packages come with a bonus “Chef’s Chopper” offer. This device is similar to the Slap Chop.

It’s a mesh chopping tool that you can easily use to chop up various ingredients – like onions, peppers, and other vegetables.

The Chef’s Chopper adds $10 onto your order – although this price is advertised as “a separate fee”.

Leftover Chef Review Summary

Leftover Chef is designed for people who constantly struggle with leftovers. If you find yourself wasting food, throwing out leftovers, or just eating bland leftovers all the time, then Leftover Chef may be the right choice for you.

The cookbook features 150 recipes specifically designed to help you maximize the value of foods you already have in your fridge.

Recipes range from basic to slightly-less-basic. You have the “pizza sandwich”, for example, which involves stacking two slices of pizza on top of each other and cooking them with meat and cheese in between.

You also have “recipes” like iced coffee cubes, where you just pour leftover coffee into an ice cube tray.

However, with 150 recipes to choose from, there is some value in there. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re willing to pay $17 for that value.

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