Relief Factor – Omega-3 & Curcumin Supplement For Chronic Pain?


Relief Factor is a supplement that helps you to eliminate chronic pain over the course of several weeks or months, depending on the severity of your condition.

You are able to try out the program for several weeks at a discounted rate, before automatically enrolling in a subscription-based service for regular shipments.

What is Relief Factor?

Joint and muscle pain can be difficult to control. You may have had an incident that led to the pain, or you may have experienced it as a result of old age.

Unfortunately, there are not many options to help remedy these issues, unless you speak with your doctor about getting a prescription to control your discomfort.

Unfortunately, that’s all these prescriptions can do – control it. You want it to be gone, so you can stop suffering each day. Lucky for you, Relief Factor is available to solve this issue.

Relief Factor helps consumers to treat and eventually eliminate the soreness and pain that comes with a number of different conditions.

The formula has been created with natural ingredients, rather than the synthetic and addictive chemicals that you find in most major painkillers.

This remedy is not a medicine; instead, it is a supplement to help your body respond to pain and inflammation in a different way, reducing your daily discomfort until it is gone.

When you choose to pursue the help of your doctor, the normal reaction is to prescribe painkillers, which can become addictive.

As your body builds up a tolerance, you slowly have to increase the dosage, if your doctor doesn’t do it for you, to help control your pain as it rises.

You don’t want to continue this torturous cycle forever. Instead, let Relief Factor change your discomfort for you.

How Relief Factor Works

Relief Factor is similar to other supplements, in that the ingredients will determine how effective the formula can be.

This supplement features high-quality ingredients, which are known for their healing powers in the body in different ways.

The active ingredients you will find include:

Read on below to find out more about each of these ingredients.

Omega-3 (EPA and DHA)

Omega-3 is most commonly found in fish oil, and it helps your body in many ways. For the purpose of this supplement, it is able to maintain inflammation in the body and reduce its effects.

This inflammation can occur in your joints and other soft tissues or areas of your body that contain cartilage.


Curcumin also helps to reduce inflammation, helping to suppress different mechanisms in your body that create the inflammatory reaction.

It also suppresses certain chemicals that are triggered by external substances or actions that typically create inflammation.


Resveratrol is highly effective in reducing inflammation, helping to eliminate the levels of stress in your blood.

It works in a similar way to curcumin, reducing the inflammatory response by inhibiting the signals to your brain.

Several studies have been conducted on this ingredient, showing significant effects in decreasing pain and inflammation over the course of six weeks. It also has proven to reduce pain in animals, during other studies.


Icariin serves a much different purpose than the other three substances. This ingredient helps to protect damage to your nerves, DNA, and stem cells, which can result in vitro due to damages that occurred from free radicals. It also helps to block the signal to the brain to prevent inflammation.

Using Relief Factor

The amount of Relief Factor that you need to take on a regular basis will depend on the impact that your pain and inflammation will have on your body.

As a rule of thumb, you should begin the treatment using three packets a day. If your pain is extremely intense, you can use as many as four packets a day.

The goal is to slowly taper down the use of this supplement, so you will use less of it as your pain subsides or becomes easier to manage.

Specifically, you can go down by one packet after the height of your pain is over. If you are unsure of the best time to lessen the amount that you use, then you should speak with your doctor.

Most of the time, consumers that keep up with a regular supply of this formula will notice that they experience relief in as few as three weeks.

However, if your discomfort comes from a long-term condition or more severe injuries, your healing process may be extended beyond this timeframe.

To prevent nausea, you should take this supplement with food each time.

Pricing for Relief Factor

When you initially purchase Relief Factor, you are able to get the supplement at a discounted rate of $19.95.

You will receive a 60-day supply of the formula, and you will be responsible for covering the fee for shipping and handling.

If you do not benefit from this formula, you should cancel within the first couple weeks of the trial.

If you do not cancel the trial, you will be automatically enrolled in the subscription program, which you will be charge $49.95 to engage in.

With each shipment, you will receive 60 packets, which will be sent to you on a monthly basis. You can cancel this program at any time with no penalties.

At this time, the only way that you can purchase Relief Factor by ordering either online or by calling customer service.

Contacting Relief Factor

With so many promises from the company about the efficacy of Relief Factor, you may have a few lingering questions about the product itself or even the membership program. Regardless of the questions you have, the customer service team is available with answers.

If you prefer to speak with the phone-based team, you can call 800-500-8384 on weekdays from 7:00am to 5:00pm PST.

In the event that you are unable to reach someone within those hours, you can also send an email with your question to [email protected].

Relief Factor Review Summary

Relief Factor has many common ingredients, but the effect is much different from what you’ve probably experienced at your physician.

This formula helps to block the signals of pain to the brain, but also helps to relieve the cause of the inflammation that is putting you through more discomfort than you should have to bear.

If you want to take control of the inflammation that is presently ruling your days and nights, Relief Factor is your best chance.

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