Meldonium – Sharapova’s Mildronate Nootropic Drug?


Meldonium Review – What  You Need To Know

Everything You Need to Know About Meldonium – Sharapova’s Performance Enhancing Drug:

Tennis star Maria Sharapova failed a drug test for Meldonium while playing at the Australian Open. For most people, this is the first time they’ve ever heard of Meldonium. So what is it? Why is it dangerous? Let’s take a closer look.

When Was it Banned?

Meldonium was only banned in January 2016. Since it was banned, a string of athletes across multiple sports have been caught using the drug.

Who Has Tested Positive?

Maria Sharapova is the biggest name that has been caught using Meldonium. However, other notable athletes that have been caught – or have admitted to using – include:

-Ekaterina Bobrova: Former European champion ice dancer who was part of the Olympic gold medal-winning Russian team at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

-Eduard Vorganov: Russian champion cyclist.

-Abeba Aregawi: Swedish 1,500 meter runner (as reported in Swedish media).

-Other Athletes: So far, two other athletes have been linked to Meldonium, including two Ukrainian biathletes. Meanwhile, the US-based organization Partnership for Clean Competition claims that Meldonium was found in 182 of 8300 urine samples it collected as part of a recent independent investigation.

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What Does Meldonium Do?

Meldonium is also marketed under the name Mildronate. It’s made by a Latvian pharmaceutical company – which is why you’ve seen it predominantly used by athletes in Russia and Ukraine.

The drug is designed to give those who suffer from heart and circulatory conditions better “physical capacity and mental function”. It’s often prescribed by doctors to treat angina, myocardial infarction, and chronic heart failure.

If you’re healthy and you take Meldonium, you get a similar boost to your athletic and cognitive capacity – at least, that’s the idea.

Athletic organizations have decided to ban Meldonium because it aids oxygen uptake and endurance.

Today, Meldonium is most common in Eastern Europe and former Soviet countries, where it’s often used to alleviate symptoms of heart conditions. That’s it’s official purpose. However, it’s also widely available for sale online.

When Was Meldonium Banned?

Meldonium was banned on January 1, 2016.

That ban wasn’t really a surprise: the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) had launched a study on Meldonium in September 2015, after which it declared the drug would be a banned substance.

The Russian anti-doping agency also announced the ban around the same time.

Sharapova claims that before the 2016 season began, she received an email from WADA telling her that Meldonium would be banned but she “did not read the information at the time.”

Sharapova insists that she didn’t know the drug was banned and that she has been taking the drug for 10 years for numerous health issues.

How Does Meldonium Work?

Meldonium is a controversial athletic drug. But outside of the athletic world, it’s been popular in the nootropics community, where exciting new studies have demonstrated its connection to improved learning and memory recall.

The drug is thought to work by changing the expression of hippocampal proteins related to synaptic plasticity (although this effect has only been observed in a rat model).

It also reduces carnitine and increases y-butyrobetaine, which affects your energy metabolism.

Carnitine is needed for a certain type of energy metabolism, and Meldonium shifts your metabolism to another type by lowering carnitine levels. This leads to less harmful metabolites, which ultimately means the body is operating with a more efficient metabolism.

Some of the other observed effects of Meldonium include:

-Decreased levels of lactate and urea in blood

-Improved economy of glycogen (the level of glycogen in the cells during long-lasting exercise is increased)

-Increased endurance properties and aerobic capabilities of athletes

-Improved functional parameters of heart activity

-Increased physical work capabilities

-Increased rate of recovery after maximum and sub-maximum loads

-Activates CNS functions and reduces physical stress

The drug is classified as an anti-ischemic drug.

Check out this study, published in December 2015 in Drug Testing and Analysis, to learn more about the athletic and cognitive effects observed in rat models of Meldonium.

Meanwhile, certain nootoropics retailers are now selling Meldonium, where they advertise effects like: reduce fatigue, improve mental processes, boost athletic training, and improve circulation.

Meldonium Dosage

The Meldonium we see sold online today comes with a recommended dose of one to two 500mg tablets per day (start with one tablet per day in the morning and gradually increase as tolerance builds).

It’s also not recommended that you take Meldonium within 8 hours of bed time. You should not exceed 2000mg of Meldonium in one day.

How to Buy Meldonium

Meldonium is primarily available from nootropics retailers that deal with Russian sources. It’s a Russian drug – and even the box that you receive will be covered in Cyrillic, so you’ll need to rely on the internet to learn dosage instructions (unless you speak Russian).

Currently, packages of 60 x 500mg capsules are retailing for around $49.99 on sites like AwakeBrain and

You can also save money by ordering a 180 pill 3 pack ($139.99) or a 5 pill sample pack ($6.99).

Due to recent media attention and the Sharapova incident, Many Meldonium retailers have sold out of their stock.

Who Makes Meldonium?

Meldonium is made by a Latvian pharmaceutical company named Grindeks, which operates under the official name AS Grindeks.

The company was founded on October 17, 1991 and is best-known for Meldonium or Mildronate. Grindex’s official website claims that the company specializes in the heart and cardiovascular, CNS and anti-cancer medication therapeutic groups.

Should You Use Meldonium for Nootropic Purposes?

Thus far, Meldonium has not been extensively studied for its nootropic benefits. Its primary benefits appear to be athletic.

However, as many people have pointed out, one of the best endorsements a performance-enhancing drug can get is being banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency – something that happened to Meldonium in January 2016.

If you want to make yourself a guinea pig, then you can order Meldonium from one of several major nootropic retailers online today at a price of around $50 for a monthly supply. However, if you prefer taking nootropics that are proven safe and effective, then you may want to wait a few more months for more Meldonium tests to emerge.

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