4 Cycle Fat Loss – Results In 7 Days Or Less


4 Cycle Fat Loss Review

4 Cycle Fat Loss is a new diet program that – no kidding – claims that eating lots of potatoes can kickstart your weight loss program. Here’s our review.

What is 4 Cycle Fat Loss?

4 Cycle Fat Loss is a downloadable eBook that consists of four books: Cycle #1, Cycle #2, Cycle #3, and Cycle #4.

4 Cycle Fat Loss starts off with some bold claims: it talks about how one man ate 20 potatoes every day for 60 days in a row and ended up losing a lot of unwanted body fat.

The idea behind 4 Cycle Fat Loss is that you can eat certain foods – like potatoes – to kickstart your metabolism and enhance weight loss results.

That guy who ate 20 potatoes a day for 60 days in a row? He started at a weight of 197 and ended at a weight of 176. Other measurements – like his cholesterol and blood glucose levels – also dropped to healthier levels.

One of the key goals of 4 Cycle Fat Loss is that by strategically eating carbs (like potatoes), you can boost your weight loss results.

4 Cycle Fat Loss doesn’t actually require you to eat potatoes. It’s just one easy source of carbs, and carbs play a key role in this diet. Keep reading to find out how 4 Cycle Fat Loss claims to work.

How Does 4 Cycle Fat Loss Work?

4 Cycle Fat Loss claims to work by instructing you how to strategically eat carbs. If you eat the right carbs at the right time, you’ll “get results in less than 7 days”. Your body won’t store these carbs as fat. Instead, you eat the exact amount of carbs your body needs to protect your metabolism and keep your body constantly burning fat.

4 Cycle Fat Loss calls this concept “Macro Patterning”:

“…And that's exactly what Macro-Patterning™ is. The EASIEST scientific way to aggressively lose fat using a strategic carb cycling plan that you can actually adhere to through the holidays and beyond.”

The program works in four cycles. Each cycle comes in the form of a downloadable eBook. After purchasing 4 Cycle Fat Loss, you’ll gain instant access to all four of these eBooks. Here’s how each cycle works:

Cycle 1: 7 Day Carb Depletion Diet (you take carbs out of your diet entirely for one week)

During this cycle, you reprogram your metabolism to make fat your number one energy source (instead of the carbs you eat). This drains your body’s carb stores and shuts off the body’s dependence on burning nothing but sugars, which “further accelerates the break down of ugly fat”. This stage also helps you “aggressively control and stabilize blood sugar” to create even more rapid fat loss. The creator of the program claims you should lose between 5 and 15 pounds during the first seven days.

Cycle 2: Macro-Patterning (strategically eating carbs to keep your body’s metabolism and fat burning high)

Strategically add carbs back to your diet so you never feel hungry and your metabolism never shuts off. This cycle also adds some specific exercises to the mix. These exercises are designed to speed up your metabolic rate even further while creating faster fat loss.

Cycle 3: Accelerated Fat Loss (add more nutrients back to your diet)

The creator of 4 Cycle Fat Loss describes this cycle as

“the first nutrition cycle ever that’s specifically designed to overcome ANY and EVERY type of adaptive response the body has to stop you from losing weight.”

It’s a 2 week meal plan that teaches you how to strategically eat different foods and nutrients to “manipulate your hormones” and push your fat burning onto the fast track.

Cycle 4: The Diet Break (cheat week!)

After completing cycle 4, you can continue with a maintenance program (which is also featured in the book). Or, you can go back to cycle one to repeat your weight loss results.

During this fourth and final cycle, you intentionally increase your carbs and calorie totals to keep your metabolism healthy and burning fat. You can start resuming your normal food consumption. As the creator of the program explains,

“Cycle 4 gives you a huge physical AND psychological advantage and ensures you’ll be able to stick to your plan day after day, year after year.”

4 Cycle Fat Loss claims that there are “over 31 published studies backing up the science behind Macro-Patterning”. You can see links to all of those studies at the bottom of the 4 Cycle Fat Loss sales page.

How to Buy 4 Cycle Fat Loss

4 Cycle Fat Loss is exclusively available online from 4CycleFatLoss.com, where it’s sold for $20.

All payments are processed through the secure Clickbank payment processing form, which accepts all major credit cards and PayPal.

After making your purchase, you receive all of the materials in downloadable PDF form in your email inbox. At this point, you can read 4 Cycle Fat Loss on your tablet, laptop, desktop, smartphone, or whatever else you want to use.

Other bonuses included with 4 Cycle Fat Loss include:

— Food Timing Hacks for Rapid Fat-Loss eBook
— The Fat Burning Shortcut Solution

Like all Clickbank purchases, your 4 Cycle Fat Loss purchase comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. The company suggests you contact them through the link you purchased if you need to request a refund.

Who Created 4 Cycle Fat Loss?

4 Cycle Fat Loss was created by a pair of self-described “best selling exercise and nutrition authors” and “stubborn fat specialists” named Shaun and Karen Hadsall.

Shaun Hadsall has previously been known online for programs like his 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan and his intermittent fasting guides (which is basically what 4 Cycle Fat Loss is, anyway).

Karen Hadsall, on the other hand, has co-authored a few of Shaun’s books. Prior to creating the 4 Cycle Solution and 4 Cycle Fat Loss together, the pair created programs like the 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution.

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