About 30 Days Sugar Free
30 Days Sugar Free is an online program developed by Barry Raspyni. Raspyni claims that sugar is a damaging and unhealthy carb choice for many people, and the benefits that one can get from eliminating sugar from one’s diet can be immense.
About 30 Days Sugar Free
30 Days Sugar Free guides the user from a high sugar consumption through to being complete rid of sugar and other impurities from their systems. The course includes the following:
- Online membership portal
- Diet guide
- Community support group
- Individual coaching
- Recpies
- Daily motivation to stay sugar free
- And more
What Are The Health Risks Of Sugar?
Is sugar bad for you? Could it really have a head-to-toe impact on the human body? When we're speaking about added sugar, the solution is a resounding “yes.”
Even though the sugar industry has actively fought to alter public opinion regarding the health effects of sugar, we now know today that sugar affects just about every organ system within the body.f
Most people blame dietary fat for heart disease. And while certain industrial, inflammatory fats like trans fats do trigger heart attacks, glucose is the real culprit. In fact, at 2016, researchers found a huge sugar sector scandal, demonstrating that the sugar lobby sponsored phony Harvard research in the 1960s.
Turns from the sugar lobby compensated Harvard researchers to take the heat off of sugar's health consequences, instead turning the attention on naturally-occurring fats' assumed role in cardiovascular disease.
This faulty “research” concluded there was “no doubt” that the sole dietary intervention required to prevent coronary heart disease was supposed to consume less cholesterol and also to consume polyunsaturated fat rather than saturated fat.
We now know this isn't correct. In 2014, researchers were able to scientifically show that ingesting too much added sugar may significantly raise your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
In reality, people getting 17 to 21 percent of calories from added sugar face a 38 percent higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to people who got only 8 percent of their calories from sugar. The relative risk was more than double for people who consumed 21 percent or more of their calories from added sugar.
Sugar And Fatty Livers
Nonalcoholic fatty liver occurs when fat builds up in the liver. According to a study conducted in the University of Sydney at Westmead Hospital in Australia, NAFLD is current in 17 percent to 33 percent of Americans.
This growing percentage parallels the frequency of obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. And lots of Americans with the disease don't experience any symptoms.
Tuft University researcher discovered people who drink one sugar-sweetened beverage a day face a higher chance of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease compared to those who steer clear of beverages containing added sugar levels.
Interestingly, the microbiome is at play, also. You see, the microbiome serves as the interface between diet and the liver and modifies dietary results. Researchers are actively exploring our guts' role in preventing fatty liver disease. What is apparent? Drastically backing down on added sugar intake does seem to enhance this disorder to some extent.
Leaky Gut & Other Allergic Diseases
Researchers today consider sugar changes the gut microbiota in a way that increases intestinal permeability, AKA leaky gut symptoms.
This means the chronic, low-grade inflammation which sugar triggers can cause the transfer of compounds from the intestine to the bloodstream. This can trigger obesity and other chronic, metabolic diseases.
Eliminated surplus added sugar is a key part of any successful leaky gut treatment plan. Additional sugar feeds yeast and bad bacteria which may damage the intestinal wall creating a leaky gut.
A Number Of Cancers
Does sugar impact cancer risk? When the National Institutes of Health set out to investigate sugar's link to 24 distinct cancers, they did not find tons of published research, noting longer is needed. But the managed to find some relationships between different kinds of sugar and specific cancers.
Other research hints at a link between elevated intake of added sugars and colon cancer. This greater risk remained even after adjusting for other colon cancer risk truth such as being overweight or obese or having diabetes.
The researchers pinpointed fructose, a part of table sugar and oleic corn syrup, because the responsible sugar facilitating lung metastasis in the breast tumors studies. Previous research studies have shown that dietary sugar intake has an effect on breast cancer development, with inflammation thought to play a role.
In the animal study, 30 percent of mice on the starch-control diet demonstrated tumors. The sucrose-enriched diets? Fifty to 58 percent had mammary tumors. (Sucrose is the principal part of table sugar). The breast cancer was more likely to spread into the lungs in mice fed the sucrose- or fructose-enriched diet compared to the starch-control diet.