ZzzQuil Sleep Aid – Vick’s Non-Habit-Forming Liquid Nighttime Relief?


Poor sleep health is one of the most common disorders in the United States.

According to recent statistics released by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, one in three people in the US experience brief, infrequent symptoms of insomnia, while one in five have ongoing short-term insomnia issues.

Concerningly, one in ten people have a chronic insomnia disorder that keeps them from maintaining a healthy sleep schedule over an extended period of time.

Sleep is incredibly important to the human body, and is essential in the healing processes, flushing toxins from the body, and a broad spectrum of other critical functions that can only be performed in the deep REM stages of sleep.

A chronic lack of sleep can cause a wide range of health disorders, such as irritability, headaches, migraines, anxiety, depression, and inflammatory disorders.

Ensuring you’re getting enough sleep is difficult when stressed or under high amounts of pressure.

The inability to sleep due to anxiety is compounded by the fact that many of the digital devices we use on a daily basis emit high levels of blue light, which disrupts the ability of the body to generate melatonin, which is secreted in the brain to induce sleep.

To combat chronic insomnia or the inability to sleep, many people turn to pharmaceutical sedatives, but these can have a wide range of unwanted side effects.

Sleep medications can often leave users drowsy or delirious and confused the day after using them, making them unsuitable for use when working a professional career.

Many of the most common pharmaceutical sleeping pills are also known to cause weight gain.

A new sleep supplement, however, is providing individuals that are suffering from an inability to sleep with a viable and effective solution that is non-habit-forming, safe, and doesn’t cause drowsiness the following day.

Made by trusted international health product manufacturer Vicks, ZzzQuil is one of the most popular new sleep aids available on the market.

In this article, we’ll check out the ZzzQuil solution and find out what makes it different from other sleep aids to help you decide whether it’s the right product to help you get a good night’s rest.


What Is ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid?

ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid is a new non-habit-forming sleep aid from Vicks that is intended to be used as an occasional sleep aid to help treat intermittent insomnia and poor sleep.

The active ingredient in ZzzQuil is able to not only promote the faster onset of sleep, but also helps users stay asleep for longer, and gain more rest from their sleep.

ZzzQuil is formulated to deliver a full eight hours sleep, and is different from most other sleep aids from the market in that it is free of pain-relieving ingredients such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

While ZzzQuil may sound similar to NyQuil, it’s actually extremely different- while NyQuil is formulated to help treat the nighttime symptoms of the common cold and flu, ZzzQuil is formulated specifically for helping restless individuals sleep.

ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid Formula

The active ingredient in the ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid is an antihistamine compound called diphenhydramine.

This chemical compound has been subjected to an extremely large amount of clinical investigation, and has been conclusively proven in many scientific trials to significantly lower the latency of sleep onset, improve overall sleep quality, and improve the sensation of rest[1].

The next-day drowsiness effect of the active ingredient in ZzzQuil was also tested in a 2010 clinical trial.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study tested participants for sleepiness and brain activity the day after using diphenhydramine, and found that it offers a significantly lower next-day drowsiness effect than other sleep aid solutions, such as bepotastine[2].

Overall, diphenhydramine is one of the safest and most effective sleep aid supplements on the market, and, when used intermittently, is non-habit forming and side effect free.

ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid Range

The ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid formula is available in a number of different formats and dosages. The most convenient product that contains ZzzQuil are the ZzzQuil LiquiCaps, which incorporate the ZzzQuil formula into an easy-to-swallow gel cap.

The range also includes two different liquid solutions- ZzzQuil Warming Berry Liquid, and ZzzQuil Calming Vanilla Cherry Liquid.

Both of these solutions, however, have a 10% alcohol volume, so probably aren’t the best solution for use as a children’s sleep aid.

The final product in the ZzzQuil range, however, ZzzQuil Soothing Mango Berry, offers the same advantages as the other two liquid formulas but is completely alcohol free.

All three of the liquid ZzzQuil formulas are available in 6 and 12 fluid ounce bottles, while the LiquiCaps are available in packages between 12 count and 72 count.

ZzzQuil has minimal side effects, but Vicks recommends consulting a medical professional before use in the case of individuals that suffer from chronic bronchitis, glaucoma, or breathing difficulties.


ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid Verdict

The ZzzQuil is one of the most effective sleep aid formulas available on the market and, unlike most other sleep aids, causes minimal drowsiness the following day.

If you’re looking for a highly effective, safe, and healthy sleep aid solution, ZzzQuil is a great option.

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6348106
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21105284

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