Yoli Better Body System – Healthy Nutrition & Weight Management?


With recent focus on obesity and health-related diseases, living healthier has become the topic of discussion. Every couple of months, the media releases a story that showcases the latest extreme diet fad. Once the general public catches wind of it, it usually results in thousands of people going out and buying the latest product. Unfortunately, the product often falls short of expectations, and is subsequently never heard of again. Although many fall victim to mainstream diet plans that fail to live up to their promises, there are ones that not only work, but are easy to incorporate into living a healthier lifestyle.

While most people find the thought of diets and meal planning daunting, it does not have to be time consuming, or expensive. While personal meal planning requires commitment and consistency, there are so many options that guarantee the promise of reaching nutritional standards for each meal.

Whether you are dealing with picky eaters or dietary restrictions, following a simple meal planning diet can promote healthy eating. There are many benefits of meal planning. In addition to healthy eating, saving money makes the top of the list. When there is a set schedule for specific recipes, it is easy to manage through careful budgeting and meal planning. Another benefit of meal planning is less stress. Because everything is planned out, there is no stress about what to serve at each meal, as it is all planned out. Without this added stress, there is more time in the day to accomplish other tasks.

While adding diet restrictions and meals plans to improve overall health, it is important that all the needed vitamins and minerals are also consumed daily. Yoli Better Body System is an innovative diet program that provides health supplements. Whether the goal is to improve overall health, or lose weight, Yoli has created products that allow people to reach their health goals on the journey to optimal health.

About Yoli

Founded in 2009, Yoli has made it their mission to transform lives. Their leading high-quality, natural health products offer solutions to health-related issues. Founded on the goal to make people’s lives better through better physical and mental health, and offer a compensation plan that allows customers of all financial standings to participate in their programs. Yoli is an innovative company that has allowed people to enjoy life without having to make extreme restrictions or lifestyle changes.

Yoli’s Better Body System (BBS) has revolutionized the approach to health and wellness programs across the globe. Within the Better Body System Program, Yoli also offers single product plans, and Transformation and Lifetime kits. Because each body is unique and has different needs, the BBS program was designed to optimize health while providing a safe way to lose weight naturally, avoiding harm to the body.

The program has proved to show results immediately, with people losing approximately 7-15 pounds in the first week of use. Also seen is an increase in energy levels, and overall feeling of rejuvenation. The BBS program uses the highest quality ingredients to ensure that the products serving diverse health needs. The most popular focus areas include pH balance, weight management, metabolism, structural support, and nutrition.

Yoli Better Body System Program

Because Yoli’s program is not only a diet and exercise plan, all of the focus areas are guaranteed to benefit all the aspects of better health. As a result of bad dietary choices high in acidity, many people struggle with pH balance. Yoli uses a unique alkaline blend that focuses on reducing acidic waste by balancing pH levels, which can cause vulnerability to more serious health issues. Once the pH balance has been corrected, Yoli offers products that encourage reaching and maintaining weight goals. Whether it is their sleep aid, or whey protein shakes, the BBS program is determined to make weight loss easy and exciting.

After reaching weight goals, Yoli offers metabolic solutions that support maintaining weight goals while boosting energy and allowing food to be burned efficiently to improve the metabolism long-term. Maintaining weight requires meeting nutritional needs. The BBS plan is designed to help achieve nutrition goals by offering antioxidants and probiotics to ensure that the immune system is working at its full functionality and warding off potential illness. To avoid risk of injury, Yoli offers structural support that provides the nutrients needed to support the body’s bones, joints, and muscles.

Benefits of the Yoli Body System Program

As mentioned previously, Yoli offers customized plans which allow customers to choose the best features for their needs. The BBS program can be used by customers who only want to focus on one health aspect at a time. Unlike other popular diet plans; this allows them to purchase products that target their single goals without buying the full package. Yoli also offers specialized two kits for specific needs. The first, the Yoli Transformation Kit, is specifically designed to reduce the presence of acidic waste by enhancing the digestive system, boosting metabolism, and providing overall nutrition which assists in attaining optimal health. The second, The Lifetime Kit, is designed to be used after achieving weight goals from using the Transformation Kit. This kit is essential to providing long-term health and maintaining weight and health goals.

The benefits of Yoli are rooted in their goal to provide every customer with a unique experience that makes achieving better health easy and attainable. Meeting a diverse variety of lifestyles, the Better Body System program was created to make lives easier. The program can be used by vegetarians and meat eaters. Meat eaters are encouraged to replace animal-based proteins with plant-based proteins that can be found using lentils and legumes, or veggie-meats. The BBS program is also safe for people who have diabetes. It can be beneficial in treating and regulating blood sugar, as the program promotes a balance of all the body systems.

Because Yoli is inclusive to a variety of lifestyles, exercise is not necessary in order to lose weight while on the BBS. However, the products are designed to assist in reaching fitness goals, and most clients notice an increase in energy levels, which makes them inadvertently increase exercise levels.

Purchasing Yoli Products

All products can be purchased directly from their website (www.yoli.com). For those interested in changing their lifestyles and embracing the Yoli plan, the many products offered by the company, as well as their prices, can be found below.

Individual Products

  • Alkalete (1 bottle, 60 capsules) – $35.00
  • Pure Capsules (1 bottle, 60 units) – $35.00
  • Thermo Burn Capsules (1 bottle, 60 capsules) – $40.00
  • Dream (1 bottle, 60 capsules) – $40.00
  • Better Body Vitamin (1 bottle, 60 tablets) – $40.00
  • Better Body Mineral (1 bottle, 60 tablets) – $35.00
  • Better Body Enzyme (1 bottle, 60 tablets) – $35.00
  • Omegas (1 bottle, 60 softgels) – $43.00
  • Flex (1 bottle, 60 capsules) – $40.00

Transformation Kits

  • Transoformation Kit – YES – $340.00

Lifetime Kits

  • Alkalization Kit – $70.00
  • Digestive Health Kit – $70.00
  • Sport Performance Kit – $150.00
  • Stress Relief Kit – $75.00
  • Foundation Kit – $75.00
  • Joint Relief Kit: Alkalete (1 bottle), Flex (1 bottle) – $75.00
  • System Support Kit: Alkalete, Omegas – $78.00
  • Daily Essentials Kit: Omegas, Vitamins, Minerals – $118.00

Yoli offers three ways to shop and order their healthy products. The first option, the customer choice, allows shopping at retail pricing, where auto shipping is not required for customer shopping, and can be done at any time. The second option, the preferred customer, receives wholesale pricing and an auto shipment every four weeks, a monthly delivery. To participate in the preferred customer option, enrollment is required, but can be cancelled at any time.

Finally, Yoli offers a compensation membership program that allows customers to participate in an automatic shipment programs with access to a number of resources and benefits. Members that qualify can receive commissions for sharing the program with their friends and family and are eligible to receive bonuses that include, but are not limited to, travel/vacation incentives, and other special offers. Membership requires a one-time fee of $39.95 for a starter package and a monthly $9.95 fee to keep membership active.

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