Tony Horton P90X2
We suppose you have already heard about Tony Horton and his amazing weight loss programs. His diets have helped people all around the world to drop weight naturally and easily.
The new system called P90X 2 is a very effective DVD exercise program that gives you a lean, muscular body in only 90 days.

What is P90X2?
This new program basis its functionality on exercise and not dieting. Getting in shape with this new program means working out around 6-7 days every week, each routine lasting for one hour or more.
The exercises are very vigorous.
The dieter is asked to take a fitness test before starting to use the system. The core of the program strengthens your balance, defines your muscles and develops your agility and endurance.
P90X2 Workout Program
There are three major phases this program comprises: Phase 1 – Foundation, Phase 2- Strength, Phase 3- Performance. If you don't manage to make it, the program offers an additional recovery week of practice. There are 12 workout DVDs, a companion fitness guidebook, a nutrition guide, a calendar and a P90X2 System video overview.
The 12 DVD Workout program features:
X2 CORE: trains the core, meaning it prepares you for the following movement patterns.
PLYOCIDE: trains your mind and body coordination. It is especially designed for general performance, being also called Plyocide.
X2 RECOVERY + MOBILITY: is for recovery and mobility, teaching you how to transform the resting time into body realignment through different methods such as foam rolling.
X2 TOTAL BODY: focuses on resistance
X2 YOGA: is about Yoga and meditation, improving the general range of motion and the isometric power. It also stabilize the muscles.
X2 BALANCE + POWER: balances the core of the body.
CHEST + BACK + BALANCE: trains the chest and the back. It balances these body parts through some so called not traditional methods.
X2 SHOULDERS + ARMS: concentrates on improving the biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles.
BASE + BACK: combines pull ups and plyocide exercises in order to obtain definition of large muscles.
P.A.P. LOWER: is about the transition from mere fitness to pro-level performance.
P.A.P. UPPER: functions exactly like the previous mentioned one, only for the upper body.
X2 AB RIPPER: It is designed to define and strengthen the abs.
What Is Included In The P90X2 Program
Along with the powerful workout DVDs, you will also be given a Fitness Guide so that you will know exactly what the program entails and what you need to do to get the most out of the P90x 2 program. You will also be given a Workout Calendar so that you can see what you have to look forward to. Every buyer also get Free Support on BeachBody as well as Phone and Email support as well.

Does P90X2 Work?
There are too many overweight people in the world. It seems more than half of the population is either too fat or obese. This is a serious issue, as obesity causes many other health issues like diabetes.
The entire program is about muscle confusion, meaning it continuously brings new moves into the scene, so the body never adapts to a set of exercises.
Repetition is also essential, since it stabilizes the buildup. Make sure to buy a high quality pair of shock-absorbing shoes. Equipment is very important because it provides the perfect conditions to work out. Improve your life and become slimmer.