Ultimate Detox – Real Detox Drink To Pass A Drug Test?


Ultimate Detox is a website dedicated to helping with drug testing and drug detox. It’s a UK based organization that will help you cleanse your body and pass drug test. Read this review to find out about Ultimate Detox today.

What Is Ultimate Detox?

According to the makers of website, Ultimate Detox is a system to help pass drug tests. If you’re uncertain about having specific substances in your body, then Ultimate Detox will help you pass. There is virtual, at home detox kit and drinks you can get that will help you detox your body so you can pass a test.

How Does Ultimate Detox Work?

At Ultimate Detox, they claim to have collected everything you could possibly need to know in order to pass drug test. They can teach you how to pass, what causes false positive tests. And will go into detail about different testing methods.

They also have a drug testing database. Along with that you can take virtual drug test. They have quick and easy ways to determine if you are more likely to pass a test or to fail a test. It’s supposedly the only product of its kind on the market.

And a good way to pass upcoming tests. They claim to produce the world’s best cleansing solution. The Ultimate Detox Cleansing Drink is the only product of its type that has been developed and manufactured in the UK. They provide, fast and discreet shipping. And every order comes with a 100% money back guarantee.

What are the Ingredients in Ultimate Detox?

The Ultimate Detox Cleansing Drink only contains the highest quality ingredients and is one of the most advanced detox solutions on the planet. They claim it will help you rapidly remove any substances from your system. Apparently it goes to work immediately and will help you pass any drug test. Once again, it’s the only product of its type you can find that is from the UK.

You drink it prior to your deadline and it’s ultra-advanced, scientifically formulated benefits begin going to work immediately. They claim it is more effective than any other substance of its kind in the industry.

They make big claims, stating that it has a 100% success rates according to their tests and you can find that on the company website. It’s ready to drink immediately, and absolutely zero mixing required. It will also, supposedly work in as fast as an hour and has a 5 hour window of effectiveness.

It doesn’t matter what the substance is that you are trying to eliminate from your urine, it works on any and all of them. Also, they claim that it is 100% safe and undetectable and extremely easy to use. Basically, you drink it, and it’s as simple as that.

They also say that it has only the best ingredients in it. And the panel is super easy to peel off. It’s fast and discreetly delivered for all UK residents. The Cleansing Drink costs $30 pounds.

Other Products on Ultimate Detox Website

Cannabis Drug Testing Kit – Along with selling the Ultimate Detox Cleansing Drink, they have an at home cannabis, drug testing kit. The kit is designed to allow you to test yourself while at home for the presence of cannabis metabolites in your system. It’s an easy to use tester that has the best laboratory results of anywhere on the market today. Supposedly it’s perfect for people who have an upcoming drug test and need to make sure they can pass it.

It’s a single use kit and is only 6 pounds. It will provide the user with accurate results. You can only use it to test for cannabis however. And it has a built in quality control system, plus will give you results within 5 minutes. It comes with ultra-easy, ready to follow instructions and has the fastest delivery to anyone in the UK.

The Multi Panel Drug Testing Kit is the other product on the website. It is just like the Cannabis drug testing kit, except it works with cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, ectstacy, benzodiazepines, methadone and opiates. The Multi Panel kit is only ten pounds. And they claim it will help you accurately detect if there are any substances in your system.

How Much Does Ultimate Detox Cost?

The products on the Ultimate Detox website range in prices, from $6 pounds to $10 pounds to $20 pounds. If the products work as claimed, they would be well worth the price.

What Do Customers Say About Ultimate Detox?

After a looking into it, only a few customer reviews could be found on the internet. Each of the reviews were positive and people all claimed that the detox cleansing drink helped them pass the tests. They also provide clinical study information on the website. It would seem that the drink genuinely works as directed. They also have a customer support where you can contact them to get any questions you need answered, answered.


  • Helps you pass a urinalysis for drug screening purposes
  • Works with any and all drugs
  • Works in on an hour’s time
  • Has a effectiveness for 5 hours
  • Affordable


  • Not a lot of reviews

Ultimate Detox Review Summary

If you’re unsure of what your results will be for an upcoming drug test, then yes. Ultimate Detox is likely a good product for you. It’s a good idea to probably pick up the screening tests as well to make sure.

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