Tri-Boron Plus – TwinLab’s Calcium, Magnesium & Vitamin D3?


Just about every physical movement we make with our bodies requires us to use our bone structure.

The bones are amazing structures that connect all the various parts of the body together via the skeletal system in the human body.

Our muscles and our joints help us move freely. The cartilage functions as a protective element for the joints, while the fluid located in the joints provides lubrication and supports pain-free movement.

But the bones give the human body structure and provide support to the muscles. When the bones of the body are strong, healthy and moving and working as they should, it’s easy to not give them a second thought.

However, when the bones begin to weaken, become brittle and not function properly they can cause us great discomfort and pain.

It is only then that we realize just how important the bone structure is to the strength and freedom of movement in the body.

We also begin to recognize just how very much unhealthy bones can upset a person’s entire life.

The Tri-Boron Plus Calcium Supplement

The Twin-Lab dietary supplement company wants to help you maintain the health of your bones by introducing you to the Tri-Boron Plus calcium supplement.

The Tri-Boron Plus calcium supplement contains Boron, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Factors designed to help you keep your bones strong and healthy.

But what is boron and why is it in a calcium supplement? Boron is required by the human body in trace amounts.

Medical and clinical studies suggest that boron can help the body improve calcium metabolism and utilization.

Tri-Boron Plus capsules has combined the trace mineral boron with calcium, the previously mention minerals – plus zinc, manganese and copper.

These elements are essential factors in assisting the bones of the body to maintain strength and density as the human body begins to age.

Betaine HCI is added to Tri-Boron Plus to enhance the calcium and magnesium absorption in the skeletal system.

Boron may also support healthy brain function and increase mental alertness.

Where Can You Buy Tri-Boron Plus And How Much Does It Cost?

Tri-Boron Plus comes in a bottle of 240 capsules. The bottles are sold in packs of two. You can purchase Tri-Boron Plus at (

The normal price is $37.99 per 2 pack. Shipping is free.

You can also find Tri-Boron Plus from other sellers on for a slightly reduced price.

If you are willing to do a bit of internet research, you can find Tri-Boron Plus at a deep discount on certain websites that specialize in dietary supplements.

Tri-Boron Plus Review Summary

A University of Maryland study published in American Pharmacy has concluded that many brands of calcium tablets dissolve so slowly that they pass from the stomach before they can take effect.

Tri-Boron Plus capsules disintegrate and break down quickly in the stomach. The Twin-Lab dietary supplement company claims that Tri-Boron Plus capsules are easier to swallow and assimilate.

The Tri-Boron Plus calcium supplements are a combination of three natural, highly usable sources of the trace mineral Boron.

If you are at all concerned about the strength and overall health of your bones, Twin-Lab hopes that you will consider Tri-Boron Plus calcium tablets.

The supplement could be essential in helping you maintain an active lifestyle as you begin to age.

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