There are many different foods types out there. Often those of us who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle turn to a variety of different food spread which they can add to various other foods to satisfy cravings and curb appetite. Peanut butter has been the number one go to when it comes to getting your hunger under control. The problem is that not all of these butters are healthy. Some of them contain ingredients and compounds which aren’t exactly on top of the healthy foods list.
The Amazing Chick Pea has a simple mission. They wanted to create a healthy spread which is peanut free, nut free, gluten-free, and delicious as well. They simply love chickpeas.
About The Amazing Chick Pea
Sunil Kumar is the CEO responsible for creating The Amazing Chick Pea Company. According to him, he grew up with chickpeas as a staple in his home. They were used in many different foods and consumed very frequently. To him, it was only natural that once he had a family of his own, chickpeas were also going to be a staple of their diet.
All of this love for chickpeas resulted in the development of The Amazing Chickpea spreadable butter. It’s a notorious and delicious answer to other spreads which contain overwhelming ingredients.
The Amazing Chickpea Products
There are a few different products that The Amazing Chickpea has to offer. Obviously, all of them are based on the delicious and often overlooked chickpeas.
The Amazing Chickpea Traditional Jar
Probably the silkiest and smoothest spread you have ever used, this traditional chickpea spread is the original spread created by The Amazing Chickpea company. It can be spread onto crackers, bread, pitas, or anything else you feel like experimenting with.
Currently, the 12oz jar is priced at $5.99 on the official The Amazing Chickpea website. This product offers 5g of protein per serving, 14g of carbs, as well as vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium.
There is absolutely no cholesterol in this product which means you can maintain optimal heart health while indulging in this delicious spread. Keep in mind that each serving is equal to 170 calories and there are 10g of total fat in each serving but none of that fat is trans-fatty acid.
The Amazing Chickpea Creamy Jar
This chickpea product offers a more prominent chickpea flavor. However, the silkiness and smoothness of this spread are still exceptional. The Amazing Chickpea decided to use the power of sunflower seeds to introduce a nutty taste for those who often find themselves craving the more traditional spread taste.
The jars come in 12oz and 16oz sizes and can be purchased on the official website for $5.99 per 12oz or $6.99 for the 16oz. Each serving offers 5g of protein but a little bit less when it comes to carbs of which there are 13g. Vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium are also present in this spread product. Same as above, there is no cholesterol in the formula. Expect each serving to be equal to 170 calories with 11g of fat of which 2g is saturated.
The Amazing Chickpea Crunchy Jar
Just like the creamy version of this product, the sizes that the crunchy jar comes in are 12oz and 16oz. The official website offers them for $5.99 for the 12oz and $6.99 for the 16oz.
The crunchy texture in this version comes from chopped sunflower seeds which mix very well with the delicious chickpea spread. The nutritional table is identical to the Amazing Chickpea Creamy style spread and as always there is no cholesterol, no trans fats, and no corn syrup in the blend.
The Amazing Chickpea Choc’A Chic
One of the newest products offered by The Amazing Chickpea is their chocolate flavored spread. The key ingredient is of course chickpeas, but with an addition of rich and natural cocoa, this spread is quickly transformed into a sweeter and alternate experience when compared to other products sold by The Amazing Chickpea.
It comes in a 16oz jar and is currently priced at $7.99 on the official website. Surprisingly this spread contains fewer calories per serving, 160 to be exact. Although it offers higher amounts of carbohydrates which clock in at 17g, 10 of which are sugars.
This makes sense since this product is designed to be sweeter and more targeted towards those of you who have a sweet tooth. Since chickpeas are still at the core of this spread you will still get your vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium with each serving. As always, there is no trans fats, no corn syrup, and no cholesterol in this formula.
The Amazing Chickpea Creamy & Crunchy
If one style of The Amazing Chickpea spread isn’t enough to satisfy your spread needs then you have the option of getting best of both worlds by getting the 16oz or the 12oz combo of both creamy and chunky spreads. Getting the combo will cost you $13.98 for the 16oz and $11.98 for the 12oz. This combo should keep you happy for a while, at least until the spread runs out.
Ultimate Combo: The Amazing Chickpea Creamy, Crunchy & Choc’A Chic
Not happy with the creamy and crunchy options? Want a combo that has the new flavor in it as well? No problem! The Amazing Chickpea has you covered. For a low price of $21.97 you can get the trifecta of taste buds stimulating spread flavors: crunchy, creamy, and choc’a chick. Certainly, this will be more than enough to keep your ravings at bay for at least some time.
The Amazing Chick Pea Review Summary
The Amazing Chickpea is trying to revolutionize the spread foods industry by offering us a healthier option for our favorite spreads. We have become addicted to the nut-based spreads which contain high levels of cholesterol and fat. Add in sugars found in the chocolate flavored spreads and you get some of the most harmful food out there.
The problem is that not many people think “tasty” when chickpea spread is mentioned. The Amazing Chickpea has a difficult task ahead of them and it’s to educate the consumer that chickpea spreads can be and often are just as tasty as the other spreads we are used to.
One of the best ways to do this is by utilizing the power of social media and while we did see that The Amazing Chickpea does have a Facebook page, we didn’t see frequent posts about how amazing the chickpea spread really is. Putting up an image every two weeks about the product you have isn’t enough to get everyone’s attention.
In the end, these spreads are top quality, healthy, nutritional, and affordable. Yes, they are pricier than the traditional spreads but this is easy to swallow considering all the benefits you get from choosing this spread of the others.
We wish that The Amazing Chickpea were more active with their product and created a community of chickpea spread lovers but perhaps this product is simply too young to be recognized everywhere as an excellent alternative.