Spekter Human Enhancement – Alex Becker Health Supplements?


Spekter is a Human Enhancement company headed by Alex Becker and looks to be planning a line of nutritional supplements to be released in the near future.

spekter supplements

For those who may not know who Alex Becker is, a quick internet search will show he is responsible for many business service and software companies that he owns and operates but not too much about the health aspect publicly.  By looking into his facebook profile, one can tell he has went through a recent transformation of taking care of his body and brain better which is likely what lead his entrepreneurial tendencies into developing his own line of carefully controlled products and supplements.

As of right now, it is unclear whether or not Spekter Human Enhancement will be coming out a nootropic, anti-aging, male enhancement or men's related product to start.

Now we can briefly updated our review with new research coming from the Spekter Human Enhancement Supplement line:

  • AG-01 Anti-Aging Enhancement Formula (detox, shield and repair skin)
  • XT-01 Cognition Enhancement Formula (focus, mood, energy & repair)
  • GT-07 Absorption Enhancement Formula (absorb, digest, shield & repair)
  • Cleanse Human Enhancement Formula (detox, flush, remove & gut repair)

We will be sure to update our Spekter review when Alex releases more information in the future.

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