Skinny IQ – Healthy Diet, Workout & Supplement Action Plan?


The weight loss industry is rife with weight loss products and programs and the majority of them just do not work. If you are like most men and women, you have like spent hundreds of dollars on weight loss programs, only to find yourself once again battling with disappointment and even more weight gain.

Instead of continuing the cycle by choosing another low-quality weight loss program, it is time to choose one that works. This review would like to introduce you to Skinny IQ, a proven program with big results. Here is everything that you need to know about this weight loss program so that you can make a smart decision for your body and your health.

What is Skinny IQ?

The first thing you need to know about this program is that it is not your traditional fad diet or “miracle program.” While Skinny IQ does promise you results, you do need to dedicate your time and energy to the program. As long as you invest the right amount of time, energy, and effort, you will start to notice the pounds simply fade away.

SkinnyIQ helps you through your entire weight loss journey by giving you the resources, support, tools, and information that you need to master your body weight and your health. With this program, you will be able to lose the weight and finally keep it off for good.

A Combination Program

Skinny IQ is largely a combination-type program. That is to say, the program incorporates supplements, diet plans, workout routines, and everything else that you need to make the most out of your weight loss journey.

There are a number of reasons for the combination system. First, the program recognizes that everyone has a different body and each one responds differently to certain approaches. By providing you with a combination of methods, at least a few are bound to work.

Second, the combinations used by the program complement one another. This way, when you use the factors together, you receive amplified benefits that work well for you. Finally, the combination system is also easier and more effective than one approach.

Programs that just incorporate supplements or a fitness routine are highly ineffective and do not enable users to meet their weight loss goals.

A Program with an “Action Plan”

It is rare to come across a program with an action plan that actually works. According to testimonials though, SkinnyIQ’s action plan actually works to provide you with solid results. Just so you know what you are getting into, here is are the three main principles of the program and what they entail:

  • Principle #1: No More White Foods

The first principle is to banish white foods from your diet. This principle is not because the program has a vendetta against white foods. Rather, the premise behind the idea that white foods are often processed and refined products that do nothing to promote better health.

Instead, the white foods often lead to higher blood sugar, greater food cravings, and consuming more calories than your body actually needs. Keep in mind that this portion of the program goes beyond just carbohydrates. Banishing white foods also means eliminating dairy, cookies, and other processed and unhealthy products.

  • Principle #2: Reduce Saturated Fats

The second principle of the program is to cut out saturated fats from your diet. As the program and most health studies explain, saturated fats are very bad for your health and mostly amount to needless weight gain.

By eliminating saturated fats from your diet, you can finally meet your weight loss goals. For those who are unaware, saturated fats are often fried foods, high-fat meats, and foods rich in butter or margarine.

  • Principle #3: “Two Veggies for Every Protein”

“Two Veggies for Every Protein” is a principle that you quickly learn to live by with this program. But, don’t get this review or the program wrong – this way of eating does not mean that you only eat tasteless and bland food. In reality, there are countless of delicious, nutritious, and highly effective recipes that you can incorporate into your daily routine so that you can meet your weight loss goals.

You should also focus on limiting your meat consumption, since consuming meant is attributed to weight gain.

As the program explains, by following the above principles, you get a jump-start on your weight loss journey. These principles enable you to easily and to effectively meet your weight loss goals without the stress, the struggle, and the fear of failure.

The Research

Another great quality to this program is that its effectiveness is supported by substantial research. The research delves not only into the weight loss methods and principles, but also into the supplement. The supplement used by program participants contains green tea extract.

According to studies, green tea extract promotes the fat oxidation process, it increases energy expenditures, and it improves your ability to lose weight quickly. The supplements are made out of completely pure green tea extract so that you can experience the prominent and quick results that you deserve.

Moreover, if you are interested in learning more about the research behind the green tea extract, then simply visit the brand’s website today. The website features four pertinent studies looking into the effectiveness of green tea extract. Based upon the four studies, the supplement used by this program effectively promotes weight loss and lower levels of body fat.

Great Testimonials

To date, many men and women have used the program to meet their weight loss goals. You can read about user trials and experiences on the program’s website.

The testimonial page discusses the success stories and how easily the program fits into your schedule. By reading the success stories, you can get a sense of just how well this program works.


SkinnyIQ is highly recommended for men and women looking to meet their weight loss goals. The program is not a miracle product and instead, it does require you to put a bit of time, effort, and dedication into the system.

If you are able to make the commitment, then SkinnyIQ provides you with big results.

Supplement Police
Supplement Police
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  1. Does Skinny IQ make anyone else nauseous? I took it for a few days last week and thought it was a coincidence. I stopped for 5 days and took it 12 hours ago and I’m still nauseous (and I’ve been eating and drinking water).

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