Sculpting A Model Physique – Matt Dustin’s Health Program?


When it comes to weight loss and sculpting your body, the majority of men and women tend to reach a plateau in terms of results.

Eventually, you’ll find yourself struggling to lose those last 15-20 pounds and no matter what you do, you’re unable to attain the results that you are hoping for.

If you are truly dead-set on losing those last 20 pounds and sculpting your body for a perfect finish, then what you really need is a specific program that is developed to help you get there.

That being said, this review would like to introduce you to a new program on the market called Sculpting Model Physique. With this program, you’re able to incinerate those last 20 pounds, while still managing to eat your favorite foods.

Essentially, with this program, you do not need to spend hours at the gym – but you do need to dedicate yourself to the methods taught.

What is Sculpting Model Physique?

Sculpting Model Physique is a new program on the market that helps you torch that last bit of weight that is standing in between you and success.

Unlike the majority of other programs on the market, this one is designed to allow you to still enjoy your favorite foods and to not spend hours at the gym.

The only catch is that you need to follow the program’s recommendations so that you can experience the fat loss that you need to develop the best body that you’ve ever had.

A Well-Known Program

While Sculpting Model Physique is relatively new program, it has gained a great deal of traction since its release.

The program has been featured on some of the most upstanding media outlets. For example, it was featured on Sports Illustrated,, T-Nation, Lifehacker, BroBible, muscle and Strength, Ask men, and EliteFTS.

Each of these outlets has raved about the program and how well it works to help users fulfill their weight loss and body sculpting goals.

Moreover, since each of these media outlets is a reputable source, you can count on the information that they provide.

The Developer: Matt Dustin, CSCS

When choosing a program, it is helpful to review who the developer is. After all, you certainly do not want to find yourself using a program that is developed by someone who has no experience in the field and who does not know what he or she is doing.

In this case, you really should not have any such concerns. Sculpting a Model Physique was developed by Matt Dustin, CSCS, who is a fitness author, online coach, and body transformation expert. He developed the program due to his own struggle with weight loss and reaching his sculpting goals.

His program has enabled him to not only transform his own body, but to help others experience the same fantastic and life-changing results.

Dissimilar to most other options on the market, this one does not require you to spend hundreds of dollars on equipment, supplement, injections, and the like. As he claims, his program has everything “figured out.”

A 12-Week System

One of the main benefits of this program is that it can be completed in just 12 weeks. While it may seem like a long time to some, it really is just a minuscule amount of time for you to reach your weight loss and body sculpting goals.

Throughout the 12 week process, you’ll be able to shred away the body fat, you will build lean and strong muscles, and as the program explains, you will “uncover a body worthy of the magazine covers.” With this system, you’ll be able to make the most out of everything htat you do so that you can achieve pure success.

What You Get

As you would expect, this program features a number of key components to help you experience results. When you order this program, you receive the following guides so that you can implement the right strategies with ease:

  • Training Manual

    The first portion of the program is the training manual. The manual identifies methods such as strength training, hypertrophy training, density training, and other advanced techniques that function to torch fat and enable you to build the lean muscles that will further burn calories and help you build bulk.

    The effects of this program are so impressive that actors, swimsuit competitors, and lingerie models use so that they are fully prepared.

  • Nutrition Manual

    The second component of the program is the nutrition manual, which teaches you how to calculate you fat loss and micro-nutrient needs. You will also learn how to develop and customize a meal plan that works just for you and your schedule.

    As you improve over time, the manual gives you insight into ways that you can adjust your meal plan for even more progress. As the program explains, your nutritional content is just 90% of the process and with this guide, you’ll learn how to handle it the right way.

  • Supplement Guide

    The supplement guide is for those who want to include supplements into their daily routine. While supplements are certainly not necessary to succeed with this program, they can give you an edge when you need it.

    Also, rather than allow you to waste money, the program provides you with specific recommendations that are affordable and effective so that you can be certain that your money is being spent on the right items.

  • Program Overview

    The final element is the Program Overview, which teaches you everything that you need to know on how to get started to maximize results. It includes a syllabus for success and welcome week materials.

Together, all of these materials cost $358. However, the program is currently offering the entire program for just $47. Also, the program comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the program for any reason, then you can contact the brand and return it for a full refund.


Overall, Sculpting a Model Physique is an ideal program for those who are looking for a program that they can rely on for amazing results. While it is not a quick fix for your body growth and weight loss needs, it certainly does work if you are willing to dedicate the time and effort into the program’s recommendations.

You should expect to dedicate at least 60 minutes per day to the workouts, but the routines are easy and enjoyable. Moreover, the nutrition plan teaches you about foods that you should incorporate for optimal results.

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