Royal Nut Company – Healthy Brazil, Cashew, Almond & Chia Butters?


With the increasing amount of junk food in the market, it is becoming increasingly tougher to find food items that are wholesome and provide our bodies with optimal health benefits. Many of today’s so called ‘health foods’ contain copious amounts of sugars and processed fats which can be hard to metabolise, and thus use efficiently for any physical activity.

However, in the recent few decades many manufacturers have begun to infuse traditional food items like spreads, jams and margarines with nutritious goodies like almonds. Brazil nut, chia, acai. This allows these products to not only cater to one’s taste buds, but also allows for a rich, healthy experience.

For example, acai and chia are known for their amazing antioxidative benefits, they contain a high concentration of active agents which actively counter any free radicals or other harmful toxins that might have accumulated in our bodies.

Why do we need such foods in the market? The answer is abundantly clear from recent scientific data that has been released into the public domain. For instance, a study released by the Stanford Review in 2015 showed that most kids now from an early age (6-9 years) are put on a diet, that is not only unsustainable, but can also cause the child's health to gradually wane as he/she grows older.

This is in part due to the misguided proportions of sugar, carbs, fats today’s foods contain. Over years of accumulation, fats can cause issues like high blood pressure, obesity, increased cholesterol levels from an early age.

Thus, it is important to make a change, and there is no better way to start than by modifying the intake of our snack content.

About Royal Nut Company

Royal Nut Company is a family-owned business, that is ‘dedicated to sourcing, manufacturing and supplying the highest quality Nuts, Nut Spreads, Dried Fruit, Legumes and Grains, Health Foods, Confectionery, Snack Foods and Spices’.

The inception of the company can be traced all the way back to 1987. Since its long 30 year tenure, the company has consistently provided the market with healthy food and snacking options The key difference that sets ‘Royal Nut Butter’ apart from its contemporaries is the fact that the core-family is still involved in every aspect of the daily manufacturing operations (from ordering to delivery).

This ensures that all of the products are crafted with maximum attention and that the level of service that users get is one that they expect.

Royal Nut Company Product Range

In this section we will be talking about all of the nut butter spreads that the company has to offer its customers with.

Some of the key variants available for purchase include:

Brazil Nut Butter

This spread has been crafted using an ‘Amazonian nut’ commonly referred to as the ‘Brazil Nut’. Each serving of this delicious spread delivers a hit of ‘intense nutrition and delectable flavour’. Due to its composition, it is light, possesses a pure nutty flavor and has a velvety texture that allows for the spread to dissolve in one's mouth.

To make the nutritional value even more apparent, the manufacturer has added linseeds to make the spread healthier and thus perfect combination to add to one ‘morning toast, evening veggies or even as a standalone snacking option’. Each Jar contains 250gms of the spread, and is priced at $8.00.

Almond Chia

This potent combination of healthy ingredients includes Chia and Almonds. These aforementioned nutrients are labeled as ‘superfoods’ and rightly so, as they allow users to keep their cognitive abilities sharpened, and allow for instant energy release (thus ideal as a snack).

In terms of their purity, the almonds and chia seeds are 100% Australian grown, and thus have to undergo rigorous quality testing standards. The spread can be used to coat crackers, added into one’s favourite smoothie, blended into a fruit salad, or even just consumed straight from the jar. Each container is reasonably priced at $8.00.

Hazelnut Butter

We all know about Hazelnut because of nutella. However, Royal Nut Hazelnut Spread has the added advantage of containing no extras like ‘oil, preservatives or sugar’. Each serving is made from 100% fresh nuts and has been grounded to give perfect consistency to the spread. It can applied onto bread or toast, or can even be directly added into a smoothie blend.

From a compositional standpoint, the spread contains high amounts of proteins, and thus is an ideal snacking option for individuals who workout regularly. Similar to all the other variants, each container is available for $8.00.

Apart from the above three variants, the other popular items include Macadamia Butter, Cashew Butter, ABC Chia Butter, Royal Butter, ABC Butter, Almond Butter and Pistachio Butter.

Royal Nut Company Availability

All of the aforementioned items can be purchased quite easily via an order placement through the official ‘Royal Nut Company website’. (  All of the compositional, pricing and volume options have been outlined in great detail, and checkout/ payment is quite easy.

Users can complete their transactions using a host of safe and secure means like PayPal, MasterCard and Visa. Lastly, since the company is Australian owned, all of the displayed prices are in AUD.

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