Performance Protein – Form Nutrition Plant-Based Vegan Protein?


What is Performance Protein?

Performance Protein is a completely all-natural plant based protein. It is considered 100% vegan due to its only plant ingredients and is also dairy free. The protein also is ideal for anyone who has a gluten intolerance as it’s gluten free.

People who appreciate all-natural, wholesome and chemical free foods without preservatives will like the protein as well. The reason being is it is GMO and Soy free. Muslims and can appreciatively use the protein also since it Halal and the same can be said for those of the Jewish faith because it is a Kosher protein supplement.

Many people claim this is the best all-natural, vegan plant based protein on the market. Even those who’ve struggled to find one that fits their needs. It’s a powerful form of performance based protein and is composed of only organic ingredients.

What Ingredients Are in Performance Protein?

Each serving of the protein has 30g of multi-sourced plant based proteins. And even 5g of organic branched chain amino acids or BCAAs. The proteins ingredients are predominately designed to help with the growth and functional maintenance of muscle tissue and fibers.

Along with that there is also curcumin which is the active substance found in turmeric. Probiotics to help with digestion are also present in the plant based protein powder as is AlgaVia, BioPerine and Digezyme. There are only all-natural ingredients with zero artificial flavors or sweeteners and no added sugar.

The main source of protein in the substances is from peas and brown rice as well as hemp and AlgaVia. The whole algae protein combines for an astounding 30g of complete protein per serving plus all the essential amino acids.

There is absolutely no animal products in this protein whatsoever. And when combined with Curcumin C3 and the 5g of BCAA’s, this is one of the most complete post workout recovery protein supplements in the entire sports nutrition world. It even has the pro-biotics to help keep you leveled in your digestive tract.

They blend they’ve created is completely done by them and sourced from plants only. It’s designed to help vegans get their daily recommended allowance of protein. It’s a superior quality and mixes better than most other protein powders on the market. Because it has no thickeners or emulsifiers.

With the inclusion of the 9 essential amino acids, it makes it easier for the body to breakdown and process the protein within the mix. Without the amino acids, the body can’t properly process protein or absorb it. This is the optimal blend to help repair damaged muscle tissue’s and fibers so you can grow, recover and benefit from sustained energy throughout the day.

The multisource of ingredients ensures all essential amino acids are readily available for complete product of protein. BCAAS work to help the body absorb protein and synthesize it in the most efficient way possible. The curcumin works as a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and immune booster so you can recover even faster.

And with pro-biotics, you can combat the immunosuppressant effects that are often associated with high intensity training. This will help you fight off illness and any other negative bacteria that could be trying to take hold in your gut.

And since the protein contains only all-natural ingredients and no artificial sweeteners it is sweetened with Stevia and thaumatin. Most of you are likely familiar with Stevia, but thaumatin is a newly released substitute for sugar that is derived from the African Katemfe Fruit. It is also a powerful protein so it ads to the already high dose of protein found within Performance Protein.

Where Can I Buy Performance Protein?

You can buy Performance Protein One bag of the protein can be purchased on a subscription basis for 21 British Sterling per month.

The Bottom Line on Performance Protein

Most of the reviews for the protein are high. But there are those that also had a lot of negative remarks to say about the plan based protein. Negative reviews mainly had to do with the different type of sweetness the protein had. Other than the sometimes too sweet taste, people were genuinely happy with the results the protein gave them.

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