Organic Grains – Whole Food Grains & Flours Ingredients?


Consumers who are looking for an easier way to purchase high quality grains will definitely want to check out This website offers bulk orders of organic grains and flours sourced from farmers throughout the US and abroad.

By shopping online through this site consumers can get their favorite grains delivered to their doorstep for a low price. Organic Grains even offers same day shipping on freshly milled products. Please read below to learn more.


Started as a way to make it easier for consumers to easily purchase a wide variety of grains that are not only the highest quality available but also hard to access, this website is great for people who live in rural areas and getting to a larger health food store can be difficult and expensive.

At just $4.95 flat rate shipping consumers can purchase pounds of flour and grains for a low shipping rate. Many flours are stored on shelves for months after milling which leads them to lose much of their nutrition.

Organic Grains wants to give consumers the option of sourcing healthier grains that are fresher by offering milled to order products. Each milled product is done by hand using traditional stone methods and shipped within hours of milling.

All of the Organic Grains products are available in one, three, or five pound bags and they offer over one hundred organic grains and flour combinations.

Organic Grains Products

Consumers can choose between one pound, three pound, and five pound bags of each product making it easy to stock upon favorites or try a new grain without huge commitment.

Traditional Grains

All of the traditional grains are sourced from within the United States and purchased from farmers who take good care of their harvest from seed to grain.

Each of these grains are organic and consumers can choose between whole rye, whole wheat, 7 grain flakes, whole yellow corn, hard red wheat, soft white wheat, whole triticale berries, and organic cracked wheat.

Ancient Grains

These grains are named as such due to the fact that ancient grains have changed very little over centuries of farming. Ancient grains offer huge health benefits in addition to flavor and texture to breads, stews, and other favorite family recipes.

There are five different varieties of quinoa including tri-color, red, black, white, and sprouted. Additionally consumers can purchase both white and black chia seeds plus whole and sprouted amaranth. Many of these grains are sourced form certified farms in South America and India.

Sprouted Grains

By sprouting grains much of the phytic acids are removed which will enhance vitamin absorption by the body. Many consumers prefer the rich, depth of flavor available in bread made with sprouted grains.

This line includes sprouted whole wheat flour, einkorn flour, hard white wheat, and hard red wheat.


There are two types of flours available organic flour and freshly milled. The organic line contains all-purpose flour, bread flour, and whole wheat flour. The milled varieties include a mix of grains each stone milled after the order is placed and shipped within hours of the milling process.

Individuals who are interested in trying a new grain can get inspiration and easy to follow recipes through the Organic Grains website helping consumers branch out of their normal cooking routine.

Organic Grains Pricing

Organic Grains offers competitively priced options and same day milling services. Prices per pound decrease with bulk orders so it is a money saving incentive to order larger quantities of grains that consumers use most often.

Traditional Grains

One pound starts at $6.99 up to $21.99 for five pounds. There is an additional $4.00 charge for the fresh milled service.

Ancient Grains

One pound of each variety starts at $8.99 and five pound bags of each variety range up to $30.00.

Sprouted Grains

One pound bags start at $9.99 and go up to $30.00 for five pound bags. Milling is an additional $4.00 regardless of purchase size.


Flour prices start at $8.99 and go up based on type and whether consumers choose freshly milled or not.

Shipping costs on all orders from are a flat $4.95 fee for all orders shipped within the contiguous United States. Review Summary

Home cooks and even small scale bakeries will appreciate how Organic Grains makes purchasing top quality products easier and cost effective.

Whether consumers are looking for freshly milled flour for artisanal breads or want to improve their family’s dinners with health millet options, Organic Grains delivers.

The website is very well organized making it easy for interested consumers to view full nutritional information for each grain as well as see recipe suggestions on how to get the most out of each product. With flat rate shipping Organic Grains probably offers cheaper selections than local health food stores.

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