Olimp Micellar Casein – High Quality Night Protein Formula?


Protein supplements have come a long way since their advent, now there are many blends which not only offer faster protein delivery but also help in the boosting of our overall metabolic rate.

Recent research has made available a new type of protein derivative, which allows for users to extract various muscle development benefits during periods of rest. The supplement tweaks our metabolic activity so that when an individual is relaxing or sleeping, his/her body is still running on full throttle and actively burning lipid depositions.

Many studies have pointed to the fact that a protein based diet can greatly contribute to the overall wellness of an individual, this is because proteins are completely natural and thus are easily broken down by our stomachs.

Not only is their synthesis easy, but they are also easily absorbed by our various organs. Thus a diet which contains high levels of protein, pure lean meat, less carbohydrates, healthy fat content is ideal for maintaining one’s weight levels.

About Olimp Micellar Casein

Olimp Micellar Casein is a highly potent protein supplement which is effective in protecting the body against the destructive effects of hunger during the hours of sleep, thus it ensures that essential amino acids which are required for optimal system recovery are delivered whenever required.

Scientific studies have found Micellar Casein to be an excellent source of protein after a workout, the compound has been clinically found to deliver a long-lasting, constant supply of amino acids which are necessary for the regeneration of the muscles that have been damaged during intensive training.

Who Should Use Olimp Micellar Casein?

Micellar Casein has been designed for any user who requires an increased protein intake due to his/her daily exercise regime. The target audience however are those individuals who are aiming to maximize the regeneration process of muscle structures that have been overburdened due to regular training, as well as for the stimulation and quick development of fat-free muscle mass and power.

It is perfect for endurance athletes, combat sport participants during periods of intense preparation. Micellar Casein is also excellent for overweight people, and those individuals who are looking to get rid of excessive fat tissue gradually and healthily.

Thus users intending to use Olimp Micellar Casein should atleast be performing some sort of daily activities to obtain maximum benefit from the product.

Compositional Information

Micellar Casein

This compound contributes to form 93% of the entire mix, casein has been scientifically referred to as a “slow” protein ( it can be classified as an anti-catabolic agent). That means micellar casein can prevent excessive protein breakdown in our body, which can sometimes lead to dullness and fatigue. Whey on the other hand is called a “fast” protein(anabolic in nature) which means that it stimulates protein synthesis, but does not inhibit catabolism.

Scientific research has also shown that micellar casein allows proteins to form a clot in the stomach, this results in a slow and steady release of amino acids into the small intestine for absorption into the bloodstream.


These compounds are scientifically reffered to as Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) and are partially made up of manmade fats. The name is given due to the fact that the carbon atoms in the mix are arranged in a chain like connected structure. MCTs are generally made by processing coconut and palm kernel oils in the laboratory.

The oils are light-yellow, odorless, translucent liquids at room temperature and usually occur naturally in coconut oils and some specialised foods.

Olimp Micellar Casein Dosage

  • 1-3 portions of Olimp should be consumed on a regular basis.
  • The supplement should be consumed early in the morning and then before going to bed for optimal benefits.
  • On training days, it should either be consumed 30 minutes prior to a session or during the recovery phase.
  • 1 scoop of the powder should be added to 8 oz of water, this is done in order to maximise the absorbability of the added proteins.
  • The daily maximum dose should not be exceeded, if a user decides to consume more than 3 scoops a day, he/she may experience unforeseen side effects.
  • Olimp is not a standalone supplement but provides maximum benefit when used in conjunction with a regular exercise routine and a stable dietary regime.
  • It should not be consumed by children, pregnant mothers or women who are actively nursing.

Olimp Micellar Casein Pricing and Availability

The powder comes in small yellow packages which contain 600 gms of the supplement. There are three flavours to choose from including peanut butter, strawberry and vanilla-pear. Each unit is priced at 24.99 €.

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