NootropiMax – Performax Labs Focus & Mood Enhancing Nootropic?


Like every problem has a solution, every task can be accomplished given that one sets his or her mind to it. Otherwise, it becomes not only stressful, but it also discourages individuals from furthering in a task or something they are passionate about. Why go through all that when one can simply fix the problem?

Nootropimax by Performax Labs ensures that consumers are on the right track without getting distracted. In other words, this product is certain to improve one’s level of focus, concentration, attention and cognitive abilities. In addition, it helps to improve one’s mood as well.  One’s mood is closely associated with their ability to focus; therefore correcting one’s mood will enhance focus and vice versa. Problem solved right?

Let’s take a closer look at Nootropimax, its ingredients responsible for its potency, its benefits, its recommended dosage and its affordability.

What is Nootropimax?

Nootropimax is a dietary supplement that optimizes one’s brain functions. This product is suitable for those who need help with focusing and concentrating in a given task or activity.

It also works to enhance one’s memory. Regardless of what type of situation or activity one is taking part in, this product will make sure that he or she gets in done without getting distracted.

For instance, if one feels he or she is slacking at the gym, the Nootropimax will help consumers manage their time appropriately. To better understand how this product works, let’s analyze some of the ingredients found in this product.

Ingredients Found in NootropiMax

The ingredients that make this product efficient and effective are:


Another name given to this ingredient is waterhyssop, Brahmi or Bacopa Monnieri. This ingredient is plant based and has been predominant in Ayurvedic practices. Its properties are known to help reduce stress and enhance one’s cognitive abilities. It is also believed to help those with depression and anxiety.


This ingredient is a nootropic compound that has been greatly used in supplements that help improve one’s memory, focus, and overall brain health. When consumed orally, this respective compound becomes choline and cytidine and eventually turns into uridine in the body.

Ultimately, uridine helps to increase the amount of RNA (ribonucleic acid), which is needed to help store memory.

Ornithine HCl:

This ingredient is a type of amino acid that enhances one’s energy levels. This is great, as it helps to fight against fatigue and allows consumers to increase their focus levels.


This is a widely known ingredient, as most students, employees and consumers in general drink it to maximize their alertness, sense of focus and energy levels.

This ingredient can be found in a wide range of beverages including teas, coffees, soft drinks, pre workouts and energy drinks. This product uses an appropriate amount per serving that doesn’t result in jitteriness.


This respective ingredient is a combination of dicaffeine and malic acid. As obvious as it may seem, this ingredient has the ability to increase one’s energy levels, focus and metabolism, while eliminating tiredness and procrastination.

While the use of caffeine can leave consumers feeling a sense of anxiety, the malic acid found in this combination eases that sensation. Thus one has the apt level of energy without the jitteriness.


Also known as L-Theanine, this ingredient has the ability to enhance relaxation. It has the ability to improve one’s quality of sleep, reduces stress and enhances one’s mood.

While it works to improve one’s sleep, it doesn’t necessarily put you to sleep. When an individual is stressed, he or she will not be able to fall asleep, but when he or she is calm, it is easier to sleep. In other words, it promotes better sleep, but it doesn’t make one feel tired and sleepy.


This ingredient falls into the category of ingredients that have the ability to induce long lasting energy levels. In addition, it also has cognitive enhancing properties, as it promotes mental clarity, better mood.

Sceletium Tortuosum:

This ingredient is a natural herb, which goes by the name of Kanna. It is also known as a psychoactive herb. Its benefits consist of ameliorating one’s mood and reducing stress, anxiety and any other related symptoms.

N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester:

This ingredient is another nootropic drug known by its abbreviation, noopept. It is known for its ability to increase one’s memory level, elevate one’s ability to focus and touches other aspects of one’s brain functions.

Huperzine-A 1%:

Lastly, this nootropic component is known for its level of potency and its ability to boost one’s cognitive capacities. This ingredient is great for those trying to learn and recall new information.

 What are the Benefits of Consuming NootropiMax?

The following are list of benefits in terms of excelled brain function:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Ability to learn and recall new information
  • Improves one’s mood
  • Allows one to accomplish a given task or activity without getting distracted

Recommended Dosage For NootropiMax

The recommended dosage is 2 capsules. This does not need to be consumed on a daily, but rather when needed. As most of the ingredients found in this product are closely related to one another and are potent, taking more than the recommended dosage is not advised.

How Much Does Nootropimax Cost?

For a quantity of 30 servings, consumers can expect to spend approximately $39.99. This is a fairly decent price, as one supply of the Nootropimax can last over a month depending on how often one takes it.

Overall, Nootropimax by Performax Labs is a dietary supplement that works to enhance one’s cognitive abilities. Not only will consumers have their work done or train efficiently, they will also be more motivated to continue and will disregard the thought of giving up.

Consumers need to keep in mind that it is best to take it when needed, otherwise they will rely solely on the use of external sources to prevent distractions and similar symptoms. For more information on this respective product, go to:

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