Mary’s Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder – Pure Product?


Ever heard of a protein filled with greens? Not the the typical use of spirulina, spinach and broccoli, but the use of hemp?

Mary’s Nutritionals has built a reputable name by providing consumers with natural pain management and wellness supplements. While many beneficial uses of hemp-derived cannabidiol has circulated in recent times, Mary’s Nutritionals has made it a goal to potentially solidify such claims.

The following review will look closely at how hemp-derived cannabidiol can make a difference in protein powders. More specifically, this review will introduce Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder with respect to purpose, its key ingredient(s), its directed uses and its current going price.

What Is Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder?

Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder is a vegetable-based whey protein powder. It is currently offered in a vanilla berry flavor and can be consumed as a post-workout. What differentiates Mary’s Nutritionals’ from other protein powders is its use of activated hemp extract.

What Is The Key Ingredient Used?

The key ingredients used in the Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder are whey protein and hemp extract.

Whey protein is produced by heating milk. When milk separates into cheese by-products, the separated matter is used to create whey. Ingesting whey protein can help consumers either satisfy their daily requirements of protein or it can be used for those looking to increase muscle mass and overall size.

Of the two ingredients, hemp extract has had mixed opinions. Hemp extract is also referred to as cannabidiol (CBD). CBD naturally occurs in cannabis plants. What differentiates CBD from hemp and marijuana is the fact that marijuana contains little to none, whereas hemp is the sole proprietor of CBD.

Hemp-derived CBD also contains no traces of mind altering properties like marijuana does, therefore making it a safer source of relaxation for daily uses.

Mary’s Nutritionals’ claims to use the most significant parts of the hemp plant, which rids any form of intoxication. Furthermore, the use of hemp found in each and every Mary’s Nutritionals’ to contain as little as 0.3% of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

It is believed that a quantity of at least 18% of THC is required to achieve mind altering effects, which is much more than what Mary’s Nutritionals’ includes.

How Should Consumers Make Use of Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder?

For optimal results, consumers are advised to take one scoop of the Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder into 12 to 16 ounces of water or beverage of choice after having worked out.

While other consumers are not restricted with respect to their beverage base, water is superior as it is believed to increase the body’s absorption rate.

What Is Its Current Going Price?

For a quantity of approximately 330grams, the current going price of Mary’s Nutritionals’ Protein Greens is $40. The price is fairly set given that it can induce recovery after training in the most natural mean possible, as opposed to the use of chemicals that are questionable in terms of their whereabouts.

Why Choose Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder?

Overall, Mary's Nutritionals Hemp Protein Greens Powder has found a way to preserve the quality and nutrients embedded in hemp-derived CBD into protein powders to potentially alleviate any form of pain that one may experience.

Hemp has gotten its fame due to its usefulness in treating physical pains such as seizures, spinal stenosis, and others than typically last over 3 months. Hence, incorporating hemp into a protein powder is unique, as consumers are likely to take protein powders as post workouts to induce faster recovery.

Although, Mary’s Nutritionals’ purpose is to provide pain relief supplements, it is only done so temporarily, therefore consumers must consult a health professional for permanent and prolonging pains.

Lastly, its price factor is fairly set given that each serving can include up to 80mg of activated hemp extract.

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