HMR Program – Healthy Weight Management Coaching & Diet Shakes?


Losing weight, eating healthy, and exercising more are always on the minds of most people around the world. Whether it’s the latest trend in exercise, finding a diet plan that works or just generally eating better, it can be overwhelming to find just the right fit.

Now there is a plan that combines structured parameters to assist in losing weight and getting healthy. The HMR Weight Loss Program offers a guideline for exercise, eating, and even life coaching to help consumers back into shape and gain a healthy lifestyle all around.

What Is The HMR Weight Loss Program?

HMR Weight Loss Program is an inclusive program that covers all aspects of having a healthy lifestyle. Everything from exercise to eating the proper foods is covered to assist in making wise decisions when it comes to food and activity. Many diets that are popular today leave the population feeling hungry or unsatisfied after meals. This program encourages followers to eat more so that they’re not hungry and can focus on other aspects of the day ahead.

How Does HMR Weight Loss Program Work?

The program offers health coaches to each person who works with the program to get them going in the right direction. The coaches instruct on how to make complete life changes so that the scales start moving down in the first weeks. Coaches on the program understand that when the scale doesn’t move, those who try to work with the program can lose motivation very quickly. By losing weight quickly to begin with, it helps keep motivation high to move forward with the rest of the steps.

For over 30 years, the HMR coaches have offered advice, instruction, and motivation to those who’ve worked with the program. The goal for the entire coaching process is that the new changes made will become routine instead of being considered a “diet plan”.

Who Is This Plan For?

This plan is intended to assist those who are looking to lose weight and be healthier in everyday life. Obesity rates are at an all-time high and the rise in diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease are steadily on the rise. By incorporating these strategies to help consumers lose weight, they can reduce their risk of these type of disease or if they are already dealing with them, decrease the dangerous effects of the disease.

A few statistics with the results of the plan include:

  • The median weight loss in the first 12 weeks is around 23 pounds
  • Consumers go from eating only 1.8 cups of fruit and vegetables a day to over 40 cups a week in the first 12 weeks
  • The physical activity of the people in the program burned over 2,000 KCals a week compared to not doing any activity at all

What Types Of Food Are Consumed?

Part of being on a successful weight loss plan is having food that is delicious. The program offers a variety of HMR foods to purchase to keep the menu motivational. Foods can be purchased from an authorized reseller or online to be delivered to a residence. Food items include:

  • Shakes -There are four different types of shakes and multiple flavors to choose from. There is a lactose free option and each shake offers vitamins, minerals, and protein for a healthy diet plan.
  • Entrees – Portion controlled size entrees are available for purchase to assist in the weight loss program. They can be considered similar to fast food options making it easy to take to work or on the go. These products do not require refrigeration and include a variety of meal choices. Participants choose from meals such as lasagna, vegetable stew, and chicken enchiladas.
  • Breakfast items – Available are choices for breakfast such as cereals, bars to eat on the go, and soups.

The HMR community site also offers recipes to help consumers make healthy choices throughout their program.

What Plans HMR Weight Loss Programs Are Available?

The program provides a variety of options to fit lifestyles of all types of people. There are decision free plans that are very structured where consumers are told exactly what to eat and what to do. There are plans that are at-home weight loss plans where the participant can make the decision on what to eat and follow the HMR guidelines on their own.

How Does The Decision Free Clinical Plan Function?

In this program consumers have seen the largest weight loss progress. This plan includes:

  • Medically supervised instruction
  • No decisions for the consumer to make on their own
  • Great for those who have medical problems such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure
  • Best for those with significant weight to lose
  • Weekly classes that teach healthy lifestyle changes
  • One-on-one support with a life coach to get healthy changes in place and keep them there.
  • Minimum of five HMR shakes each day or at least three and approved meals

What Is The Clinical Approach?

The Healthy Solutions clinical approach includes:

  • Very limited decisions to make on the consumer’s own
  • Very structured program with little flexibility
  • At least three HMR shakes and at least five servings daily of vegetables and fruit
  • Great for those who are looking to lose larger amounts of weight

How Does The At-Home Approach Work?

This plan is for those who feel confident to this program at their own home or who also want to get in phone coaching with the HMR life coaches. This program consists of:

  • At least three HMR shakes and two of the entrees to be included
  • Learning the lifestyle changes that HMR employs
  • Option to have counseling with the group and life coaches on a weekly basis via telephone calls

How Much Does The HMR Weight Loss Program Cost?

The at home approach for the HMR program costs around $15 a day for the food items that will be consumed. The clinical approaches vary in price depending on the support and level of approach chosen.

Does HMR Weight Loss Program Work?

Many have found great success with the program as it is offered on varying levels of budget availability and decision making capabilities. People who have used it range from those who need very structured guidelines to those who just need assistance in food choices.

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