Menopause Supplements – Best Natural Relief Herbal Remedies?

Supplements for Menopause

There comes a time in every woman’s life that she has to face… menopause. During this time, many women find difficulties with living their lives as they normally do and often look to alternative methods such as surgery, prescriptions and supplements to alleviate the effects. And in truth, there are many.

If you are suffering from menopause and looking for relief, then keep on reading. You will find the information to arm yourself against hormones, physical discomfort and more. One of the best things that you can do during this transition in life is to be educated and seek out the best solutions for your symptoms.

Before you get your fill of solutions to menopause such as medications and supplements for it, you will want to know what you are dealing with. Let’s start by understanding the phases of menopause and how they relate to you. This will help you understand which medications and supplements for menopause to talk to your primary care provider about. Plus, it’s good to know what to expect during a life change. Afterall, you only live once… right?

What is Menopause?

Age, it catches up with all of us. Unfortunately for women they are given the added perk of Menopause. This is quite literally an age marker for women. Usually setting in around middle age. It marks the time that a women becomes “barren”.

The ovaries, or the female equivalent to the testicles, are the female reproductive glands also known as gonads or the dominant reproductive organs. The ovaries are located in the pelvis one on either side of the uterus. Although much smaller than the male testicles, the ovaries are the size of almonds, they are responsible for producing eggs or Ova and the female hormone Estrogen. The egg production is marked by a woman’s menstrual cycle. Estrogen and progesterone are also produced by the ovaries.

Once Menopause is done with the woman’s body the ovaries are in essence dead organs. They no longer produce the life and youth giving hormone which literally shapes the female body. Estrogen not only affects the body shape and growth of body hair but it provides a protection for the bones. All of which leads to some unwanted side effects or outcomes which can include:

  • Weight Gain
  • Unwanted Facial and body hair growth
  • Less elasticity of the skin and internal tissues
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart Disease

What is Perimenopause?

Menopause is not like a cold, it doesn’t just show up one day and then a week later the ovaries are dead and gone. Rather, there is a period of time known as Perimenopause. For some the process takes only a few months but for most the process lasts up to four years. Perimenopause is considered complete after a full twelve months of menopause (lack of menstrual cycle). Each woman has a different experience with the entire ordeal but you can count on some common symptomology:

Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

One of the first signs that a woman has begun menopause is an irregular period or menstrual cycle. Many women follow specific monthly schedule and that will be the first thing that changes. More frequent or even less frequent cycles can be a first marker that you have begun menopause. In other words rather than every twenty-eight days they may begin to come every fifteen days. Or in some cases they remain the same length apart but the time of bleeding is longer. Some women also experience much heavier bleeding or unusual bleeding.

The idea or a “regular” period becomes something that no longer exists for the perimenopausal woman. The patterns that her body has been following for nearly her entire life are no longer predictable. This unpredictability that comes with being perimenopausal does have a limit but unfortunately it is years not months. This first stage can last beyond four years for some women and once irregular menstrual cycles have begun a doctor should be seen so that the irregularities can be confirmed to be caused by perimenopause.

While an abnormal menstrual cycle may be the signs of perimenopause beginning, it does not mean that the woman is infertile. Ovulation will continue until menopause is complete therefore pregnancy during this time of a woman's life is still very possible and perimenopause should not be considered a form of birth control. A woman is still able to become pregnant until such time as she has been without her menstrual cycle for a complete year and should continue to use birth control until that time has come.

Hot flashes

We have all seen and heard the jokes about a woman suffering hot flashes but I can assure you the woman suffering them are not laughing at all. When you think of flash you may think this is a fast action thing, like a “flash” or shot of pain but it is not like that at all. A hot flash commonly is a general feeling of all over warmth that seems to be hottest in the chest and head. In some cases the flash lasts for only about a half a minute but in most cases lasts for several minutes. The flash is often followed by extreme perspiration. Doctors and scientists do not understand the exact cause for the hot flashes, nevertheless it is believed that the hormonal and body chemistry changes brought on by the waning estrogen levels.

Hot flashes are not just for those suffering the effects of menopause, they are actually experienced by more than 40% of women who are menstruating regularly who have reached their forties. So hot flashes can begin prior to the onset of irregular bleeding associated with menopause. While studies have shown that approximately 80% of women are done experiencing hot flashes within five years of their onset, many women will continue to suffer hot flashes for up to ten years from onset. Unfortunately, current medicine has provided no theory on how to predict hot flashes and their duration. Fortunately for some women the hot flashes will decrease in their frequency severity over time. Studies have shown that the average woman will have hot flashes for approximately five years from onset.

In some cases, hot flashes are combined with what are called night sweats. This is not your typical perspiration, night sweats should would be more aptly named night wets, as one usually wakes literally drenched in sweat. Many times the sweating is so profuse a woman will need to change her night clothes as well as the bedding. This all results in little to no sleep which will bring on fatigue.

Emotional and Cognitive Problems

During the perimenopausal period many women report a variety of problems dealing with their ability to think clearly and emotional issues.

  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Irritability
  • Rapid changes in mood.

Although many studies have been and continue to be done with regard to the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. It is still impossible to determine what symptoms are directly related to the change in hormone levels brought on by menopause. For instance, the night sweats that accompany perimenopause and menopause can cause fatigue which will have an effect on a woman’s mood and her logical thinking.

Also, women today carry a much heavier work load, many leading very stressful lives due to not only “bringing home the bacon” but also running the household and raising children. All of which can bring on stressful events which will in turn trigger emotional issues.

Other Symptoms of Menopause

Vaginal Symptoms

  • Dryness
  • Itching
  • Pain

Urinary Symptoms

  • Urgency
  • UTIs

Other Physical Changes

Age of Onset

When men are having their “mid life crisis” and purchasing that overly expensive muscle car to make up for their Low T, the women are usually mid way to menopause. Most women have reached menopause, or have stopped having their menstrual cycle by the age of 51. Some women will not reach that point until they are in their mid to late sixties.

There are reported cases of women in their thirties and forties who have reached menopause. There is no specific timeline that can be applies. There is no link to when a woman starts her menstrual cycle. There have been studies that would suggest that there is a link between mothers and daughters with regard to the age of onset.

Things That Can Bring On An Early Menopause

1. Surgical Removal Of Ovaries

Often referred to as induced menopause or surgical menopause, the surgical removal of the ovaries or an oophorectomy will bring on an instant menopause. In cases like these, there is an immediate onset of menopausal symptoms. Several women have reported not only the immediate onset of symptoms but a more severe symptomology has been reported.

In many surgical cases however, the ovaries are not removed, rather a partial hysterectomy is performed removing only the uterus and leaving the ovaries behind. In this instance, the while a woman’s menstrual cycle will cease to exist along with her uterus, the ovaries will continue to produce estrogen and progesterone until such time they naturally stop producing due to the onset of menopause. So the onset of symptoms such as mood swings and hot flashes will not be first signaled by the irregular menstrual cycle.

In many cases of partial hysterectomy, there is a premature failure of the ovaries bringing on menopause within one to two years of the removal of the uterus.

2. Cancer/Chemotherapy

In any women with cancer, the therapy or treatment (Radiation and/or chemotherapy) that they are using to the battle their cancer may bring on early menopause. The symptoms of menopause have in some cases been reported as beginning during the treatment and in some cases the symptoms have developed in the early months after treatment.

3. Premature Ovarian Failure

In approximately one percent of women there is the case of premature ovarian failure, not brought on by surgery. Rather, a woman having been found to be menopausal, or without her menstrual cycle for a year, prior to the age of 40. The cause of premature ovarian failure is unknown. However, studies would suggest that there may be a link to autoimmune diseases or genetics.

Can You Test Blood Or Hormone Levels To Detect Menopause?

This is a very question, especially for women that think that they are about to go through the change. They often think that if they can somehow prevent or delay it, that it will alleviate symptoms.

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible. While you are able to test hormone levels in the blood very easily, the hormone levels in the blood fluctuate constantly and differ markedly from one day to the next. For this reason hormone tests are not reliable indicators of menopause. Blood test can also be run to rule out issues that may be causing symptoms such as irregular bleeding and hot flashes. However, the only sure way to diagnose menopause is the cessation of the menstrual cycle for 12 months.

While you cannot test for specific hormone levels, there are often symptoms of low levels. These can be as blatant as mood swings or as minor like twitching muscles. The best bet is to treat this transition the same way you would when you enter your childbearing years. When you know that your time is coming, consider medications and supplements for menopause that will ease your symptoms as your transition takes place.

Thankfully, there are a number of options that you can begin, even before you have major symptoms of menopause. For example, once your levels appear low to your primary care provider, they may choose something like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to balance out your estrogen or progesterone levels. Additionally there are a number of other menopause solutions such as supplements and alternative therapies.

How To Manage Menopause

Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways in which menopause can be managed.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

We have all heard the words in commercials and from family members, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or Hormone therapy (HT), and also known as postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT). Hormone replacement is in essence a hormone cocktail consisting of compound of estrogens and progesterone. Many women once suffering the effects of the symptoms of menopause chose hormone therapy as a means to deal the lowering estrogen levels and accompanying symptoms. Hormone therapy is the most effectual treatment in controlling things like hot flashes and vaginal dryness. However long term study of hormone therapy has indicated the hormone cocktail of progesterone and estrogen create a high risk for:

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Breast Cancer

Those women that were only replacing their estrogen in hormone therapy were found to not be at risk for heart attack and breast cancer but still at a very high risk stroke as well as endometrial cancer or cancer of the uterus lining. (for those women that are postmenopausal where the menopause was not surgically induced)
Hormone Replacement Therapy is offered in both orally in pill form or transdermally, offered in spray, cream and patch. Most women undergoing hormone replacement therapy seem to prefer the transdermal method as it is able to enter your body without first passing through the liver. You are able to get both forms of hormone replacement therapy in both the estrogen and progesterone combination or estrogen only.

The latest on the scene of hormone replacement therapy is the “bioidentical” hormone therapy which is being used in perimenopausal women. These “bioidentical” hormones are created in a lab and are of the same chemical blueprint of those occurring naturally in the body. This treatment is not mainstream as of yet as it is not completely FDA approved. They are however specifically designed on a case by case basis making the therapy very successful.

The bioidentical hormones are available in transdermal form typically found in gel or cream form. Those that use this new form of hormone therapy are choosing this path as they feel it is safer than the synthetic hormones utilized in other hormone replacement therapies. While this is the feeling of those using the product there have not been sufficient studies to determine if the bioidenticals are safer than the synthetic hormones.
Due to the many risks as well as any pre-existing medical conditions that may make it impossible, hormone replacement therapy is a decision to made with all of the information at hand and communication with your doctor. While it is the most effective form of dealing with the symptoms of menopause, it may not be the safest for you.

Alternative Therapies

For many women hormone replacement therapies are not an ideal option specifically in breast cancer survivors, there are also several women who prefer not to use the oral or vaginal estrogen. In these cases there are several over-the-counter options for the Vaginal symptoms such as dryness. There are also several alternative therapies that have been used by women for centuries. There is more than one way to get those hormones going again.


Yoga it is thought has been around since the fifth century and since that time has continue to show that it can have a positive effective on the body. Studies regarding Yoga and its direct effect on the symptoms being suffered by women that are in any of the stages of menopause have had nothing but positive results. Showing a direct effect on the depression and irritability that come with menopause. Also, the women involved in the studies states that they are more relaxed and and their moods are more stabilized as well as reporting just an overall feeling of well-being.


Acupuncture has been around for centuries and has been utilized to alleviate a myriad of ailments. Research has shown a direct correlation between the relief from hot flashes as well as depression brought on by menopause.
Some insurance companies will cover acupuncture treatment other may not. Having a prescription from your doctor for this alternative treatment may make the difference in coverage.

Plant estrogens (phytoestrogens, isoflavones)

While not nearly as potent Isoflavones have a nearly identical chemical structure to that of estrogen. There are two varieties of isoflavones, daidzein and genistein, these are thought to be the concentrated estrogens of the plant estrogens. These two powerhouse isoflavones can be found in these plant foods:

  • Soybeans
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils

Research indicates that isoflavones assist with the relieve of several menopause symptoms including the hot flashes. Many women who are breast cancer survivors swear by the plant estrogen with regard to alleviating the symptoms of menopause.
Because of the concerns with hormone replacement therapy, many women see the “natural” or plant estrogen as being safer as well as effective. Before the those in the medical profession will agree much more research needs to be accomplished to completely vete out all of the risks and benefits of isoflavones.

Many popular plant solutions are sold as supplements for menopause and other “feminine” issues. In fact, there are a large number of them that you can choose.

Supplements for menopause can include plants, minerals and vitamins. Let’s take a closer look and see what options can work for you and your symptoms.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital to the management of calcium within your bones, blood and gut as well assists with the communication between cells throughout the body. Outside of supplements the main source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Once the vitamin D enters through your skin your body chemically changes it so that your body can put it to work.

How Does Vitamin D Work?

There has been extensive research with regard to Vitamin D and its benefits in postmenopausal women. Originally thought to be most beneficial with regard to bone health with the loss of calcium during menopause the results showed much more. Vitamin D in fact assists in the following:

  • Increased bone strength and reduced risk for falls
  • Reduced breast and colorectal cancer risks
    • Research shows elevated Vitamin D level in the blood may assist in fighting odd colorectal and breast cancer.
  • Reduced cardiovascular disease risk
    • Research shows indicates that Vitamin D can assist in lowering blood pressure
  • Physical Activity
    • Research shows Vitamin D assists with muscle strength


We all know that we need calcium for our bones. What you may not know is that is also essential to heart health. As it assists in the oth the muscle function as well as in keeping the rhythm of your heart. For these reasons, calcium is one of the top selling supplements.

How does Calcium Work?

In dealing with menopause a decrease in calcium becomes a major concern. Not only because of the higher risk for osteoporosis but also for the effect low calcium levels can have on your heart. Research has shown that calcium taken in conjunction with vitamin D assists in preventing breast cancer specifically in premenopausal women. They are still studying the effects of this combination of postmenopausal women.

Vitamin E

Antioxidants have been discovered through research to slow/delay, prevent and in some cases reverse the damage to brain and nerve cells.

How Does Vitamin E Work?

In studies regarding its effects on perimenopausal and postmenopausal women it has been reported that the use of Vitamin E supplements has provided some relief from hot flashes.
It is thought that this relief may have something to do with Vitamin E’s effect on the nervous system.

Black Cohosh

For more than two hundred years Black Cohosh has been put to use by the Native Americans specifically for the relief of cramps and menopausal symptoms. Today the root of this plant is still used for a number of maladies that affect only women.

  • Menstrual cramps
  • Hot flashes/flushes
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances
  • PMS
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Uterine spasms

This amazing plant has also shown to assist in the reduction of inflammation associated with

How does Black Cohosh Work?

Black cohosh is thought to directly affect the endocrine system although how it works is not clear and research continues. Black Cohosh is used all over the world to deal with the numerous symptoms listed above however, Germany has actually approved as a form of hormone replacement therapy. Black Cohosh is available over the counter here in the United States in pill form. You can also find it in a health food store in the form of root, tincture or extract.
The only known side effect when utilizing black cohosh regularly is stomach discomfort. Effects brought on my long term usage is still being researched.


Licorice or Glycyrrhiza uralensis is indigenous to Greece, Asia and Turkey and is a perennial herb whose root system is approximately fifty times sweeter than sugar. It is also known as sweet root. Licorice extract is very easy to find as well as the powder form of the root for tea making or self remedy.
Although it is has been a very popular candy licorice root has a very long medicinal history in both Western and Eastern medicine. It has been used to treat several disease and illnesses including:

  • Menopause symptoms
  • Respiratory disease
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Skin irritations

How Does Licorice Work?

Licorice is full of chemical compounds as well as more than forty identified flavonoids. Both phytoestrogens as well as saponins have been shown to have positive effects on women dealing with menopause. Licorice root, because of its flavonoids, has been shown to have a positive effect in dealing with:

  • Mood Swings
    • Active compounds have an effect on the serotonin levels
  • Depression
    • The active compounds have an effect on the serotonin levels
  • Fatigue
    • Saponin one of the active compounds within licorice root directly affects the adrenal gland.
  • Hot flashes
    • The phytoestrogens assist in replacing the lowering estrogen levels


Indigenous to the Mediterranean and Asia, the Chasteberry can be found on a flowering shrub. This fruit is dried and used medicinally in the following forms:

  • Liquids
  • Capsules
  • Tablets

Chasteberry has albe been referred to as Monk's pepper.

How does Chasteberry Work?

While history has shown the Chasteberry to be extremely effective in the treatment of the symptoms of PMS or premenstrual syndrome, recent studies indicate that is also has been shown to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause.

Dong Quai

Indigenous to the high mountains of Japan, Korea and China, this herb has been utilized for thousands of years to treat the symptoms of menstrual cycle as well as menopause. Dong Quai is also known as the Empress Herb as well as Angelica Root. Interestingly it is a part of the carrot and celery botanical family.

How Does Dong Quai Work?

Most of the symptoms associated with menopause are directly related to the slowdown in the production of estrogen. For this reason the phytoestrogens found in DOng Quai are thought to assist with several issues connected to the menstrual cycle as well as menopause. Dong Quai is thought to assist with the following:

  • Hot flashes
  • Mood Swings
  • Night Sweats
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Treatment PMS
  • Treating hormonal headaches
  • Relieving cramps


If you like Mediterranean food, you might already know the flavor of flaxseed. Subtle and earthy, people from that region have been using it for both eating and medicine, for over a thousand years. You can consume flaxseed in either a crushed or oil form. It occurs naturally in legumes too. However, if you are suffering from menopausal symptoms then you probably should consider taking a more concentrated form, This is why flaxseed is a beneficial supplement for menopause.

How Does Flaxseed Work?

You can get the benefits from flaxseed by either ingesting it as a supplement or adding it into foods. You can stir it in with both solids and liquids. The reason that it is helpful for menopause symptoms is because it helps to regulate hormone metabolism. By balancing this out, it is possible to alleviate many common symptoms. The average dose for menopause specifically is generally around 40 mg per day.

Red Clover

Red Clover is still one of the more questionable supplements for menopause, but wait before you discount it. At first, scientists thought that it was going to be one of those cureall plants. A miracle! However, many of the conditions that it was used to treat are lacking in evidence. There is one area though that keeps rising to the top as something that red clover does do, which is hot flashes.

How Does Red Clover Work?

The body has isoflavones phytoestrogens, which act in a similar fashion to estrogen. By balancing the levels in the body, the theory is that you can counteract hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause by balancing out the estrogen in the body. Because the isoflavones contained within this herbal supplement for menopause, it can be the replacement that many women’s body needs when going through this important change in life.


There are two kinds of Ginseng, Panax Quinquefolius L. (commonly known as American Ginseng), and P. Ginseng (commonly known as Asian Ginseng). Both kinds can be used to increase energy and as a mood stabilizer. Sometimes you will see an alternate “ginseng” being touted as a supplement for menopause, mood and energy that is labeled as Siberian Ginseng. It is important to note that the plant, Eleutherococcus Senticosus, is not part of the Panax family, which is associated with traditional versions sold as Ginseng. It has it’s own beneficial qualities but is not a ginseng to consider when looking for a supplement that will help with menopause.

How Does Ginseng Work?

Originally, Ginseng was noted to give more energy and also to help men with sexual dysfunction. Recent studies have shown that Ginseng (American and Asian) can both be beneficial to the ups and downs of the emotional roller coaster that is menopause. While it won’t help with physical symptoms such as hot flashes, it is a helpful addition when you are looking to take supplements for menopause.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a common plant that can do a lot. Originally, it was found only in Europe and Asia but has spread across the globe. In fact, this hearty plant is considered an invasive species of weed and can now be found in the more temperate regions of India, North America and Africa. Because of the way that it has spread, it has a number of colloquial names that it is also known by including but not limited to Rosin Rose, Chase-Devil, Tipton’s Weed and Klamath Weed.

How Does St. John’s Wort Work?

Most people know that St. John’s Wort is known for treating depression. This is the main reason why it is also such an ideal choice for those seeking a supplement for menopause symptoms. One of the reasons that the herb is so popular is because it is beneficial in a number of the stages of serotonin production because it affects multiple sensors and receptors within the brain. Additionally, there are a number of compounds within the herb that also have specific antidepressant qualities such as flavonoids, hypericin and pseudohypericin.

The mood swings that many women experience during menopause are caused by chemical reactions with their brain. Estrogen drops are common during this cycle of a woman’s life, as her body adjusts, serotonin and dopamine levels also fluctuate. St. John’s Wort can be a good option for some women, especially if they do not have any history or underlying additional mental health concerns.

It is important to note that all supplements can have the potential to have interactions with prescription drugs (and for this reason you should always talk to a doctor before incorporating new supplements for menopause into your diet). Moreso, St. John’s Wort specifically has a long list of potential drug reactions and can cause issues with serotonin production if taken with the wrong combination of prescription and nonprescription drugs.


Found naturally within the human body, DHEA normally decreases a bit at a time over time after the age of 30. This means that by the time that menopause hits, you need a supplement to keep enough in your body to help you. In the case of menopause, DHEA has been used as a supplement for women through

How does DHEA Work?

DHEA is has a long list of benefits, crossing over a number of conditions that affect both men and women. However, in the scheme of things concerning menopause, it is a definite supplement that you will want to check out if you are suffering mental or physical effects. Not only can DHEA help you keep up your strength and energy, it is also shown to encourage healthy weight loss, fight depression, alleviate fatigue and balance out the symptoms of hormonal lows.


Kava is also known as Awa in Hawaii and it is found all through the Pacific Islands. It is available as a menopause supplement as both a powder and a tincture.

How Does Kava Work?

Kava is another of those choices that help with the mental side of menopause. In other words, it helps you manage those mood swings. Stress specially has been shown to increase both the mood and physical symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes). The compounds within Kava can actually alleviate stress by causing your body to react less to it. It will not stop symptoms, but it is a good supplement for menopause to make symptoms less noticeable. Additionally, Kava works well with other supplement options.

Evening Primrose and Primrose Oil

Used for ages to help women during childbirth years and beyond, Primrose Oil and Evening Primrose is an excellent choice when seeking out a supplement for menopause. Primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the Evening Primrose plant. You can get beneficial components of this product by taking supplements of Primrose in dried form or in the liquid form from the oil.

How does Evening Primrose and Primrose Oil Work?

Conten Evening Primrose Oil is used for a wide range of feminine issues including PMS, infertility, dysmenorrhea and menopause. The reason why it is so powerful is because it helps to relieve menstrual associated pains due to the compound called phenylalanine. It also contains GLA, a fatty acid that is more concentrated within this menopause supplement more than any other choice.

HMR Lignans

Lignans are a compound found in fiber rich foods. Much like Soy, Lignans are phytoestrogens and assist in the replacement and balancing of estrogen.

How to HMR Lignans Work?

While studies have shown that lignans are not much help when it comes to the hot flashes experienced by women going through menopause. The other estrogen based symptoms are helped include:

  • Mood Swings
  • Irritability
  • Vasginal Dryness

Lifestyle Changes

Proper Sleep

While a good night’s rest is always important, during a life change such as menopause, it is equally so. Of course with mood swings, restless muscles and hot flashes, sleep can sometimes seem impossible!

Keep in mind that routine is beneficial to establishing a sleep program. You will find that once you are able to get better sleep, you likely will have some reduced symptoms from some of the more annoying symptoms of the change.

For this reason it is very important to consider a sleep supplement that can assist you in battling menopause. They can be used for a number of sleep conditions that are co-morbid yet exacerbate menopausal symptoms.

Some sleep supplements that you may want to consider are:

  • Melatonin
  • Valerian Root
  • GABA


Like so many other health issues we face today most of the menopause symptoms being suffered by so many woman can be directly affected by proper diet and exercise. Movement can ease the symptoms and also will help to regulate hormones during this important life change.

While exercise will certainly not make you feel much better if you are suffering a hot flash while you are working out, but the potential benefits for that night’s sleep are greatly improved. Consult your doctor prior to adding any new routine to your life especially when dealing with perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.

Many women find that exercise is a challenge while they are going through menopause because not only do they suffer from symptoms of the change, they also are tired and lack either motivation or endurance. If you want to incorporate getting into shape during menopause there are a number of additional supplements for women that you can try.

The following supplements can help to increase energy and motivation, which are vital for many women during their life change.

Consider talking to your primary care provider about the following supplements:

*Note: HGH is often prescribed with hormone replacement therapy.

Don’t Give a Pause for Menopause

Just because your body is changing, that doesn’t mean that you are not still you. You will likely still want to live your life as your normally have. Menopause supplements can help you get on the right track by stabilizing out hormonal imbalances, giving you a break from hot flashes and cut down whiplash from mood swings.

Beyond that, it is up to you to take charge of your body. Treat it well and it will be good right back to you. Be sure to stay hydrated, get plenty of rest and to be patient with yourself. Your body has a lot going on. Get started with some supplements for menopause to give your body the boost it needs and get your back on to living your life.


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