Gargle Away Throat Cure – Nature’s Jeannie Natural Healing Remedy?


Throat issues are extremely common in men and women, especially when there is a change of season or when we are suffering from a cold or flu. Studies have shown that the tissues around our throat are highly sensitive, and are prone to various inflammatory issues.

Thus, many experts have recommended that we take care of our internal health via a daily gargle or cleanse. This helps us clear away any bacteria or antibodies that might have accumulated within our throat canal.

Other than that, a daily gargle can also help us in preserving our voice. Through the use of specific ingredients, any inflammation that might be present can be reduced. This helps us keep problems like tonsillitis and other such conditions at bay.

The Makers Of Gargle Away Throat Cure

According to online research it has been found that Nature’s Jeannie was established in 2014. The company was set up by a husband and wife duo who bring together over “40 years of combined experience in Consumer Packaged Goods and Commodities, related to Marketing, Innovation, Manufacturing & Procurement for independent, Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies”.

The company started off by looking to create throat soothing products via the incorporation of natural/herbal ingredients. Over the years, their rising popularity resulted in the company branching out into other product sectors like lozenges, gargle solutions etc.

According to Juliet A. Boghossian (President/Founder), the aim was to “develop a recipe that addressed total throat care – from sustained pain relief to bacteria control, from decreasing inflammation to loosening mucus, and finally restoring a natural pH balance to support normal throat health”.

The Gargle Away Difference

Gargle Away is a result of 3 years of research that has included numerous independent lab tests and other trials to confirm the efficacy of the product. Other than that, the founders of Gargle Away Throat Care have earned a patent status for their recipe, thereby ensuring that the product is of the highest quality possible.

Additionally, there are many studies that have reviewed the claims set forth by the product, and have verified that not only does the product do what it says, but is also highly efficient and quick in its result delivery.

About Gargle Away Throat Cure

It has been known for centuries that a ‘warm salt-water gargle’ can instantly cure/soothe a sore, scratchy and irritated throat. Thus, in its essence Gargle Away Throat Cure  works to improve on this traditional formula by adding a unique and efficacious blend of “antibacterial, pain relieving and deep soothing ingredients” into the solution. These compounds have been widely studied and found to deliver results within a short span of time.

Since all of the added nutrients are natural, they have no side effects upon our bodies.  Additionally, the product is completely gluten free, and thus has no potential to flare up any dormant allergies.


  • Regular use of Gargle Away has been shown to help quickly soothe issues related to sore throats, laryngitis and vocal overuse.
  • Clinical trials have demonstrated that the core compounds within the product have the potential to reduce bacterial accumulations by up to 99.9% within a week of use.
  • Another key aspect of this product is its ability to severely reduce any problems like inflammation, swelling that might have come about as a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices.
  • Upon regular use, the core active agents within the formula help loosen mucus buildup. They do so by gradually dissolving any accumulations within our nose and throat canals.
  • An underrated aspect of Gargle Away is its innate ability to regulate the levels of PH within our bodies. Though various regulatory compounds within the mix, the supplement can control any unwanted pH changes within our bodies.
  • By clearing our mucus formations from our inner channels and air passages, the product has the potential to reduce any cough related issues that we may be facing.
  • Vocal care: as mentioned previously, one of the core uses of this product is to protect our vocal chords and voice from excess strain.

Gargle Away Throat Cure Compositional Data

Himalayan Salt:

This uniquely derived salt is completely natural and has been found to contain no additives or chemicals. In terms of its benefits, this natural substance has been used for centuries by indigenous people as a means of soothing sore throats and easing irritation based problems.

Organic Honey:

As is well documented, honey has been found to help soothe, coat and protect our throats. Additionally, apart from its natural medicinal properties, it also adds a natural sweetness to the mix.

Licorice Extracts:

This potent root extract has been clinically shown to be highly soothing germ fighter. When used as directed, it can help reduce swelling and irritation.

Purchasing Gargle Away Throat Cure

All Orders for Gargle Away Throat Cure can be placed online on Nature’s Jeannie’s website. Additionally, the product is also available on amazon and other related shopping portals. Payments can be completed using safe means like Amazon Pay, Paypal, Maestro and Visa.

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