Curcuwin – Omni Actives Optimal Curcumin Absorption?


Curcuwin is supposedly one of the top companies at developing different herbal supplements for maximum absorption because of a high level of bio-availability. Curcuwin is one of the products that they have developed and is supposedly one of the best sources for Curcumin.

What is Curcuwin?

Apparently, curcumin has very poor levels of solubility and absorption properties. Typically, a person has to take high levels of the substance in order to achieve any real, noticeable results from it. It turns out there has always been a large problem with bioavailability when it comes to curcumin.

Studies have shown that different types of curcumin have different levels of potential absorption. OmniActive, the developers of Curcuwin performed advanced studies into the nature of different tyeps of curcumin. Apparently what they discovered was that Curcuwin was 46 times more absorbable than other types of curcumin.

How Does Curcuwin Work?

It showed a high level of bioavailability. Through the use of their UltraSOL delivery system, Curcuwin contains 20% more curcuminoids that are in the same profile as turmeric, then other similar products.

Curcuminoids are the active compounds found within turmeric and they have been shown to extensively show multiple health benefits for people. Some of the health benefits of the substances found within Curcuwin are improved joint health and mobility.

You can also count on high levels of support for your heart, cardiovascular system and even cognitive functions of the brain. They claim, their product will help think clearer and be able to focus better as well.  On top of those benefits, Curcuwin helps with antioxidant protection and the removal of antioxidants from your body.

Apparently the curcumin in Curcuwin is the of the best, most soluble type and you won’t find a better source for it anywhere. Even though curcumin products are released every day, it appears that Curcuwin is the best source for curcumin out of any and all supplements available on the market today.

Curcuwin claims their product is unique and can’t be replicated, that there is no other curcumin on the market with a higher source of bioavailability. It’s proven to be easier to absorb than many other enhanced forms of the compound.

They also claim that the reason their brand of curcumin works so well is because of the UltraSOL delivery system. Apparently it is a unique method of delivery to help make the curcumin more soluble and increase the bioavailability of the compounds like curcumin that are usually very difficult for the body to absorb. The UltraSOL delivery system also helps the curcuminoids keep the same basic, molecular structure and profile as when it is found in turmeric. And, the system also protects the curcuminoids from damage.

The claim that with standard types of curcumin, the body only absorbs 1% of the curcuminoids in the compound and that with curcumin used in conjunction with volatile oils of the compound turmeric rhizome, you can get about 1.3% of the curcuminoids from the substance. If your source it from a Phytoseom Curcumin, then you extract roughly 7.9% of the curcuminoids and if you use Curcuwin as your source of Curcuminoids, you absorb a very high 46% of the curcuminoids. These numbers are according to scientific research and study.

According to the company OmniActive, Curcuwin is easily the best version of curcumin on the market today. They claim it will differentiate your results from what you would get if you were taking other, standard types of curcumin.

What Are the Ingredients in Curcuwin?

Curcuwin is developed from turmeric. Turmeric is the only source known to hold curcuminoids, the substance that offers the multiple health benefits listed previously in this review. Ingredients in Curcuwin are sourced from only the high-quality resources.

They also claim at OmniActive that all of their sources for ingredients are 100% all natural and only sourced from 100% sustainable sourced.

Curcuwin is supposedly the best type of curcumin in the world and made from the highest grade turmeric available. This is partially because of their source for ingredients that they are able to create a product with such a high rate of bioavailability.

What is the Cost of Curcuwin?

Curcuwin can be purchased online at different websites for a price typically between $25-$30 for 60 capsules. There are no hidden ingredients in Curcuwin and it is said to be 100% safe for anyone to use. However, as always, it’s best to consult a doctor or physician before starting any new supplement or diet change.

Apparently Curcuwin has been used for hundreds of years to help people with a multitude of health issues. Along with the listed health benefits, previously in this review, curcuminoids also show to help improve longevity and increase the body’s natural ability to combat the effects of age. For the price, Curcuwin seems to be one of the best supplements of this type on the market.

What Do Customers Say About Curcuwin?

Curcuwin received an average 3.5-4 stars out of a possible 5-star rating on several websites. That leads to believe that it may not be the best source as they directed. There are other curcumin supplements that had an average 4.5-5 star ratings out of 5-stars. They typically did run a little higher in pricing.


  • Maximum level of bioavailability for curcumin
  • Affordable price for most people
  • Great at combating several unwanted health issues


  • Not the highest rated product of this type on the internet
  • May not be quite as effective as they claim it is

Should I Use Curcuwin?

According to reviews, it’s a tossup. While OmniActive claims it’s the best source for Curcumin on the market, other people would argue otherwise. It’s recommended that if you do use Curcuwin, you try it first before ordering multiple bottles.

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