Carrot Fertility – Medical, Dental & Vision Egg Freezing IVF Plans?


Health benefits offered by modern companies are able to assist individuals with a wide range of health conditions, such as dental, preventative, pediatric, and even holistic medicine.

A groundbreaking new startup called Carrot Fertility, however, is planning to assist employers in providing their employees with a critical service that has, until now, been largely overlooked- fertility treatment.

According to recent statistics released by the Center for Disease control, more than 6.1 million women in the United States, or roughly 10% of the total female population, experiences difficulty in conceiving or becoming pregnant after more than one year of attempting. These numbers are almost the same in men, and represent a frustrating and difficult to treat issue.

Infertility is a complex problem, and can be caused by an issue in one of the many different critical events that need to occur in order to conceive. Although infertility is a relatively common problem and affects up to one in ten people, it’s not talked about commonly, and can be an alienating and isolating issue to deal with.

In men, infertility is commonly caused by varicocele, which is an imbalance between testicle size. This condition can be detrimental to the shape or number of sperm, and decrease the chances of conception. Many of the toxins present in the modern environment and diet can negatively affect male fertility.

Female infertility is typically associated with health conditions that affect ovulation. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is the most common cause of female infertility, along with blocked fallopian tubes, physical problems with the uterus, or other uterine health conditions.

Fertility treatments can be extremely expensive. The average cost of fertility treatments in the United States averages between $11,000 and $12,000 USD, which typically involves procedures such as ovarian stimulation or intrauterine insemination. These costs are inaccessible to the vast majority of hopeful families, and unfortunately aren’t commonly covered by health insurance.

The Carrot Fertility platform aims to change this issue by providing employers with an accessible and effective means of providing their employees with fertility benefits. In this article, we’ll take a look at Carrot Fertility and find out how they plan to achieve this to help you decide whether they can help you achieve your family goals.

What is Carrot Fertility?

The practice of offering fertility benefits to professional employees has been adopted by many of the largest tech giants in the world for some time now, including Apple and Facebook. Offering prospective career employees the ability to freeze their eggs in an attempt to retain female professional talent for longer periods of time, these innovative employers have seen a large amount of success in maintaining adaptable health benefit schemes.

The founder of Carrot Fertility, Tammy Sun, decided to create the Carrot Fertility platform after experiencing difficulty in conceiving. After spending more than $30,000 USD in order to create her family, Sun decided to work towards making fertility treatments more accessible to all Americans.

The Carrot Fertility platform began as a small startup working out of Y Combinator, a US-based seed accelerator. The Carrot Fertility team has already captured more than $3.6 million USD in seed money over two rounds from eight different investors, and is currently based in San Francisco, California.

The Future of Carrot Fertility

Once their fertility treatment benefit platform has launched, the Carrot Fertility team plan to assist prospective families by eliminating the costly and time consuming doctors consultations required for fertility treatment, and instead provide employees with dedicated text, voice chat, and video call consultation with professional fertility experts to help them build a custom fertility plan that will help them achieve their goals.

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