7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie Review
7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie is a recently released eBook (also available in paperback) that promises to teach you how to reverse your type 2 diabetes symptoms. Find out if it actually works today in our review.
What is 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie?
7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie is a downloadable eBook sold at TheICTM.org. That oddly-named website refers to “The International Council for Truth in Medicine”, which appears to be an online nutrition blog masquerading as an official medical organization.
This International Council of doctors claims to have reversed type 2 diabetes. If you follow their simple steps, then you can reverse your type 2 diabetes too.
Some of the other claims made by the ICTM include:
— Doctors at ICTM have “helped 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring.”
— The strategies you’ll read about in this online eBook are “twice as effective as the leading type 2 drug” when it comes to normalizing blood sugar levels, preventing blindness, and reducing neuropathy pain, among other symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
— Tens of thousands of people “in over 40 countries” have successfully used these strategies to cure their type 2 diabetes
Basically, you download the eBook, follow the guides and lessons inside the book, then watch your diabetes disappear in 21 days.
Does that sound too good to be true? Probably. Keep reading to discover how the Big Diabetes Lie works.
How Does 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie Work?
7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie is a general guideline to reducing your diabetes symptoms. The 500+ page eBook contains dozens of different strategies to help you manage your diet, lose weight, and ultimately kick diabetes to the curb.
Some of the strategies discussed in the book include:
— How to lower your cholesterol 25 to 30% without the use of prescription drugs
— How to reduce your food cravings
— How the FDA has conspired with diabetes pharmaceutical companies to push natural diabetes cures from the market while promoting their own expensive diabetes medications
— Learn why “counting calories is completely unnecessary” when it comes to losing weight
— How to increase your glucose metabolism by 20 times
— How to lower your risk of dying from cancer by 67%
— How to normalize your blood pressure and blood sugar levels without the use of medication
— How to use natural foods to eliminate neuropathy pain using techniques that have worked in “81% of patients” according to a study at Loma Linda University in California
— Learn the 7 easy steps to perfect health, which is the “culmination of all the research, studies, data, and thousands of testimonials” collected by The International Council for Truth in Medicine
If you were looking for one instant “diabetes cure” in Big Diabetes Lie, then you’re not going to find it. If, however, you’re willing to read through a collection of tips and begin to implement those tips in your life, then 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie could be exactly what you need.
How to Buy 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie
7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie is available exclusively online from www.theictm.org/big-diabetes-lie. That site offers a 60 day money back guarantee with all purchases. After making your purchase through the site, the eBook will be delivered directly to your email inbox.
You can also choose to receive 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie in paperback – for an extra price. If you choose that option, you’ll receive the printed book in the mail within 7 to 15 days. Meanwhile, all bonus eBooks will be delivered immediately to your email inbox.
Here’s how much you’ll pay for 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie:
— Digital eBook: $37
— Paperback Book: $54.39
All payments are processed through Clickbank. You can pay by any major credit card.
If you want to request a refund, you’ll need to reach The ICTM’s customer service at [email protected]
What is The International Council for Truth in Medicine?
One of the weirdest parts about 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie is the fact that it was created by an organization that calls itself “The ICTM”, or “The International Council for Truth in Medicine”.
Here’s what the official site says about the organization:
“Created and led by Max Sidorov, we are a group like minded doctors and health professionals who strive to bring you the latest scientific findings and newest health treatment methods in an easy to read and use format. The scientifically proven treatments we compile must work better, safer, and cost less than prescription drugs or injections traditionally prescribed by most doctors.”
That’s about all that the official website has to say about the supposedly international organization.
The picture at the top of TheICTM.org homepage shows a group of 5 doctors named Dr. Sakorikova, Dr. Valk, Dr. Shust, and Dr. Meto.
At TheICTM.org homepage, you’ll find a collection of blog posts that vaguely discuss problems like weight loss, asthma, diabetes, and depression. Many of the articles – like this one about the top 8 best superfoods – claim to be written by Max Sidorov.
Googling the ICTM reveals virtually no information about ICTM outside of TheICTM.org and the 7 Steps to Health + The Big Diabetes Lie official website.
Who is Max Sidorov?
According to TheICTM.org, Dr. Max Sidorov is the head of an international group of doctors that has a significant presence around the world.
Googling Max Sidorov, however, reveals absolutely no information about a doctor or any international non-profit organization.
Instead, all Google results for Max Sidorov come up with this guy, who became an internet sensation after helping launch a fundraiser to support a bus monitor who was bullied by teenage boys. Remember that video we all got mad about in 2012 where boys bullied some poor old female bus monitor? Max Sidorov was the Toronto man who first launched the fundraiser to support that woman.
The Dr. Max Sidorov behind The ICTM and the Max Sidorov behind that fundraiser appear to be two totally different people. However, if you visit the “Max in the news” section on TheICTM.org, you’ll find dozens of handpicked links that discuss the fundraising Max Sidorov and nothing about the Dr. Max Sidorov.
Based on this evidence, it seems like a less-than-honest organization called itself TheICTM.org hijacked some Good Samaritan’s name to make their cause seem more legitimate.
In fact, it also appears this group also hijacked the real Max’s image. The Photoshopped header for TheICTM.org displays a headshot of Max Sidorov (the fundraiser guy) over top of a doctor’s lab coat:
“Dr.” Sidorov is the second guy from the left. The picture used in that header is from Max’s official Twitter account, which can be seen here.
Did the Max Sidorov who launched the bus monitor fundraiser go to medical school and become a doctor within the past 3 years? Possibly. Did that guy suddenly decide to start an international organization of doctors whose singular goal is to sell a “cure” for type 2 diabetes in a $37 online eBook? Probably not.
Once again, it seems like an online eBook retailer has hijacked a Good Samaritan’s name to increase its brand presence.
Conclusion: Who Should Buy 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie
7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie appears to have stolen a man’s name and likeness in order to increase its brand presence online.
It also claims to offer a cure for type II diabetes.
Best of all, this information is available for you in a $37 eBook.
Unfortunately, 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie does not make any mention about scientific evidence or clinical results anywhere. So if you’re looking for a diabetes cure that actually works, then 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie probably isn’t it.
I have watched complete video in YOUTUBE. I felt it is a big scam just by listening to repeatedly “push the below button where are you waiting for”. it seems the person try to mesmerize the poor diabetic people for making money. The Government intervene and catch hold of such fraud persons and punish them severely so that anybody shall fear to come an idea in their mind to make such scams.
Did not receive items therefore please refund all monies ($) sent you. Do not know about ebooks.
i got child hi got diabetes type 1 i didnt know this book ken help him
The advertisement quotes, among others, the following:
“To have people free of diabetes after years with the condition is remarkable” – Prof. Roy Taylor, Newcastle University.
“We welcome the results of this research because it shows that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed.” – Dr Iain Frame, Director, Diabetes Association, UK.
As far as I know, the above statements were made in respect of a research carried out by Newcastle University UK, that shows keeping intake of daily calorie to a controlled level, type 2 diabetes can be reversed. The statements have nothing to do with this book.
This is clearly a “copy and paste” con job.
I would like to order the book 7 steps to health when my money arrives next week. Please email me the address where I can send a check. Thank you
I am a type 1 and I have one of the best doctors in the country. He actually used me as the control with type 2 people. He took 100 type 2 and for 180 days put us all on a new diet and exercise program that gradually increased every two weeks. He weaned us off carbs in the first 3 weeks but made sure we had what we needed thru a couple of home made shakes from ingredients found at the local store. Then he started us on a mild exercise program in the 4th week. Once every 2 weeks we met in 4 separate groups with the exception on me being the control. The results were out standing. My a1c is now 6.2 which for a type 1 is fantastic. My insulin intake was cut by 35%. 41 people in the group got completely off all their meds including bp and cholesterol pills. The book isn’t worth the effort to waste money. Eat Smart, regular exercise and common sense and type 2 goes away.
I want a return label to send this book back. Please return credit to my credit card
The article is rather bad in it’s cheap shots about Max Sidorov. It talks about “Dr.” Sidorov. Nowhere on their website does it claim that Sidorov is a doctor of any kind.
The article also provides a link to his Twitter account to show the obviously shopped image of the organization’s header. If the author had actually read some of Sidorov’s tweets, he would have seen several on vegetarian diets and #7stepstohealth. And, Sidorov doesn’t claim to be a doctor anywhere.
Plus, to make the statement:
“Based on this evidence, it seems like a less-than-honest organization called itself TheICTM.org hijacked some Good Samaritan’s name to make their cause seem more legitimate.”
is REALLY bad without any research.
Sidorov *is* involved with this thing. Obvious. Is the book worth the money? I don’t know. I’m a Type 1 diabetic (40+ yrs), so this book is moot for me.
Besides, there is a commenter (Veanna) who states she & someone called Dennis have followed the suggestions in the book for 5 decades and are healthy. More importantly, and rather damning about the book, she says:
“It all boils down to eating a plant based diet, and doing some kind of regular exercise program.”
So, no need to buy the book. Just follow the above sentence.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some pork chops, rice and steamed veggies to consume…
Since I have not bought the book and not read it, I cannot say anything about the truthworthiness of it.
But it is a wellknown is fact that diabetes type 2 can be managed with right food and exercise, and you can get information to do so either free by searching or much less expensive from other books.
I’m greatly confused by these comments. I ordered the first book for $37.00 and received an eamil with the button to download it immediately. I then received an email with the button to download a the other books. I have looked through this book and am greatly impressed with it. They have dozens of citations to support everything they say. It all boils down to eating a plant based diet, and doing some kind of regular exercise program. I have eaten a plant based diet for many decades now, and do a yoga program everyday, and I am in great health at age 69. I also have a very good friend who is an alternative health care provider and a chiropractor – he states categorically that everything in this book is totally true – because he counsels his patients to follow the very advice given in this book. So I am not sure why all of these critical comments are being made. This company is at the very top of ClickBanks under the Health & Wellness category, and it they were scammers as is suggested here, you only need to complain to ClickBanks and they would be removed. The fact of the matter is that Type 2 diabetes can be totally healed by following all of the advice in this book. So I am really confused by all of this negative comment.
Thank you, Veanna!!
I just saved myself $37 by reading yours & Dennis’ comments about your 5 decade lifestyle!
Oh, and by reading just one sentence in this comment:
“It all boils down to eating a plant based diet, and doing some kind of regular exercise program.”
Ta-Da! That was easy. Totally.
“If it really worked, then the information should be given for free”
Yeah, I don’t think grocery stores really provide things to keep you from starving because they charge. Charging for water?? Psshhh…yeah right. That can’t possibly work to keep you hydrated. Gyms don’t really help you lose weight and keep you fit because they charge too. I mean, you can just run outside, why pay for a gym! I call SCAM!!
The reality is that it takes work to come up with solutions that actually work for people. It also takes work to get it out to people. If everyone could do everything for free, we’d be living in the streets.
I work for the largest insurance company in the US and can tell you that people are paying THOUSANDS for medication to treat their Diabetes, and they’re convinced they have to be on it for the rest of their lives. So why not call SCAM on that?? I feel bad for people that don’t do their OWN research. The person that wrote this is making money on the ads on the side and bottom of the post for everyone that visits and stays on the page. They are not doing it for free. Do you think that THIS ARTICLE IS A SCAM??
This group may be less than legit and I agree that it seems potentially very fishy from how they’re approaching it. However, this presentation has many truths. For the most part, type 2 diabetics and people with other chronic illnesses CAN get off of their medications (which are all toxic and have many negative side effects) if they eat and do the right things, and Big Pharma doesn’t want anyone to believe this. The medical industry relies on keeping us sick…alive, but sick. It is true…even and the case of cancer….maybe most prominently in the case of cancer. Another HUGE truth here: Inflammation is the root cause of most symptoms of chronic illnesses of all kinds, from diabetes, to various autoimmune diseases, Crohn’s and colitis, and even depression. People who live in the western world and especially the U.S. are full of inflammation because we eat tons of crap…highly processed “food”, GMO foods, and foods covered in toxic pesticides. We also don’t give our bodies proper nutritional support. We live in a very toxic world – from all kinds of chemicals in our environment that we breathe and touch, to the products we clean with, and the ones we slather all over our bodies every day. Even the water we drink is full of harmful chemicals (and drugs), if we don’t use a proper filter. All of this contributes to inflammation and chronic disease. There is plenty of evidence out there to support of all, those it’s certainly suppressed by the mainstream medical community. Most traditional doctors have blinders on and choose to believe what they learned in medical school is all fine and that they’re doing the right things by prescribing drug after drug. I also think some know damn well it’s not right, but are making too much money from pharmaceutical sales and chronically ill patients who stay on meds forever. Sadly, doctors who are taking a stand against this and focusing on integrative, functional, complementary, holistic, and natural medicine, because it’s what’s right, are being targeted by the powers that be. They risk their careers (and lives) every day to say and do what they believe is right. And for the most part, these practitioners aren’t making money hand over fist like the average traditional doctor making bank on drug sales. They do what they do because they believe it’s the moral and ethical thing to do. If you don’t believe any of what I’ve just laid out, that’s your right. I believe the truth is out there and there’s tons of evidence to support all of this. Do you homework. Read and search beyond the mainstream media and medical industry marketing and propaganda. If you actually don’t believe that our typical western lifestyle is the primary contributor to the skyrocketing rates of all kinds of chronic illnesses and that drugs are the answer to all that ails us, then I do think you’re a complete ignoramus.
” For the most part, type 2 diabetics and people with other chronic illnesses CAN get off of their medications if they eat and do the right things”
Absolutely! There is abundant evidence for this. It is repeated over and over again in medical school. This is what I tell all of my patients.
“Most traditional doctors have blinders on and choose to believe what they learned in medical school is all fine”
Most doctors I know are happy to implement new evidence based therapies and approaches.
“I also think some know damn well it’s not right, but are making too much money from pharmaceutical sales and chronically ill patients”
Most doctors I know are salaried employees who make no money from drug sales and have wait lists for appointments because there are not enough doctors to see everyone quickly. They certainly don’t benefit from “keeping people sick.”
“Sadly, doctors who are taking a stand against this and focusing on integrative, functional, complementary, holistic, and natural medicine, because it’s what’s right, are being targeted by the powers that be”
They may be considered “quacks” because the medicine they practice is not based on evidence but rather on anecdotes and gimmicky sales pitches that are indistinguishable from infomercials selling vacuums.
” typical western lifestyle is the primary contributor to the skyrocketing rates of all kinds of chronic illnesses”
If by chronic illnesses you mean Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, COPD, obesity, and certain types of cancer, then your thinking is in line with the mainstream medical media marketing propaganda purveyors.
I agree with most of the information you presented in your blog but a lot of people do not realize their doctors are not the most reliable sources to receive diabetic treatment from. Most doctors receive very little training in regards to proper nutrition for helping reverse diabetes It has been proven that natural foods can lower your sugar levels tremendously by many reputable research institutes. Their are three common foods that I take myself and they definitely lower blood sugar levels no matter what your insulin intolerance is. I recommend any person having trouble controlling their their sugar levels start taking cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, and raw potato starch. These common food elements have been scientifically studied and proven to be effective in treating diabetes. agr
Thank you all and Thank God, All of you have been so kind enough to share your experiences and save people whom you don’t even know from getting caught into such big scams who are playing with emotions. I was almost to order this.
May God correct their wisdom and “Karmas” to save them first.
Thanks a lot to “Supplement Police” website also. Can you kindly help to catch hold of this fraud website, so that no further prey…
Dear Prabhat, Veanna & Dennis here. This is actually no scam at all. We have been blessed to have found the information in this book over the course of many decades. A lot of trial and error and a lot of time and money we spent on useless fad diets and supplements. You can save yourself so much time and money and suffering by just following this totally science based book.
Again, we want to emphasize to you and to everyone who is following this thread, all of the nay-sayers are badly, badly misinformed about this book. They do not know in the least of what they are saying. Don’t be fooled into not purchasing this book for the miniscule amount of $37.00. It can save you big, big time so much pain and misery.
Hi All, I saw this scam being posted in the comment section of a legitimate medical news release today 7-1-16 that I saw posted on Yahoo News, which was on the site called “MedicalExpress”. The news story headline to Google is:
“Unexpected Finding Links Cell Division, Glucose, and Insulin”
That very simple article basically shows a new discovery that’s probably 200 yrs away from treatment!!!!!!! Or just gives people hope.
And one of these scammers posted 2 of the only comments in the comment section of that article about the “7 Day Scam”!
Total B.S….! I’d like to think many major diseases will never be cured by world governments since this planet would run out of food!!!!!!!!!! Very disappointing, and I take care of my mom who suffers from Diabetes with severe debilitating health problems, so my health suffers greatly now too, so the World Gov’s. can take out 2 people at once to save the planet from Carbon Emissions and the food supply. However, I was delighted to hear the new price of $700 in insulin when I picked it up the other day which is 3x the cost since last year, since my mom’s in the Medicare Gap right now…….don’t really look forward to tomorrow.
Dear Christopher,
Veanna & Dennis here. We have been following exactly what is offered in this book, and we have been enjoying a totally healthy disease free life for 5 decades now. We have a Chiropractor friend who applies everything in this book and says, “Type 2 Diabetes – the easiest of all “chronic diseases” to Cure. Not treat, but to actually totally reverse. He cures all of his patients with Type 2 Diabetes using this program detailed so completely in this book. He discovered theses same practices on his own, but it took him many decades of trial and error, as it did us. Save yourself so much wasted time, money and suffering and just buy this book.
So we do not know where you are coming from, why you would put down such an absolutely complete and totally science based guide to health and cure as this book is. Plainly you have another agenda or you have not read this book.
We just want to let you know and everyone who reads this thread that all the negativity posted here is absolutely and unequivocally false. So we say before God.
Veanna and Dennis, FROM Douglas Cosier—
You both are very correct, I have used the BOOK — 7 Steps to Health —
Have Cured my Wife’s Cancer using H202 (30 % food grade).
Have Tossed my own Diabetes 2, through Max Sidorov’s Book.
I want to Buy 3 of his books (paper back) for $ 25 each and need to
know the SIZE and WEIGHT, as I will be paying the Postage.
My Book I have was left in Thailand tow years ago.
Another Cure for Cancer is ASPARAGUS— Steam it — Spin it (blender) — Drink it.
I have Proof with “HCG Urine tests” 99 % accurate. BLOOD TESTS for Cancer Not Accurate. Please send SIZE of BOOK and WEIGHT ?
If in doubt and you don’t receive your ebook, contact Clickbank.com and complain and they will stop their Clickbank payments and kick the site out of clickbank.
Thanks for the blog. When I visited the ICTM.org website my first impression was that it indeed was an organisation that helps debunk the myths associated with diabetes and expose the private heathcare sytem around the globe which mostly operate on a singular cause of making profits. However 5-10 minutes into the video I began to suspect that nothing substantive is being spoken of and it was mere bullshitting. At the end I finally realised that it was only a promotional for their book! How cruel! What could have been said in 2 minutes is dragged for over half an hour. That is completely insane.
Dear Vayuputra,
Veanna & Dennis here. You are greatly mistaken. Yes they are promoting their eBook. But we can tell you, and God is our witness, that this is an amazing book, totally science based, and if you follow the principles and practices detailed so completely – you will actually reverse all of the pain and misery you have suffered from your Type 2 Diabetes.
All of the negative comments about this eBook are totally false. For $37 you can totally change your life beyond what you may currently believe.
After reading their high glow advertisement or the so called information booklet, it seems they not only hijacked two i.e. One Dr SIDOROV, the original guys name and the organization’s name i.e. THEICTM.ORG which is similar to the International Mathematical behemoth organisation called ICTM.org.
Further, the ebook, which ia scrap, selling for $37 offeer multiple commissions to the agens or promoters called Affiliates i.e. 75% upfront, back end and the so called three layer commission.
Does any one who have little bit of common sense buy or promote this product. Please do not buy or promote this product. It is just a gimmick to make easy money using glossy ads.
Was going to order books. Listened to above comments. Changed my mind. No address found for this company ICTM. This is so sad. DIABETICS suffer everyday. And now we have to suffer internet scams. God help us!!
Dear Lillie,
All of these negative comments are totally baseless. This is actually a fantastic book and if you follow it you can totally reverse your Type 2 Diabetes. Hard to understand why all the negativity. Totally false. It works totally for us, and we have a chiropractor friend who uses this same program to heal all of his patients with Type 2 Diabetes. He swears by everything in this book.
Don’t believe all of the bad reviews of people on this thread. We don’t know where they are getting their information, but it’s not objective and it’s totally false.
Totally. No, really, like, totally.
Before I plan to order, I check the company, and find this site. Thanks to people who share the information.
If something is too good to believe, please get secondary opinion.
I purchased the download e-book but it was never delivered and
the contact email bounced back with no receiver so this is an obvious
scammer on the internet – sad but true
Where’s my book I ordered????? 5-26-16 Need answers!!!!!
I am interested in the 7 Steps of Health. .having problem in ordering it :(
You can order thru Clickbank. This program is listed in Clickbank Marketplace. Look for an ad in Google Adwords and other ad platforms and click from there. You will be taken to the sales page, then click buy. You are shown next the Clickbank secure order form. I bought this book yesterday and 2 more upsell books at 50% discount. Refund guaranteed within 60 days. Easy and fast downloading including the bonus books.
How dumb are you? you really want to order this, haven’t you been reading the comments. It’s a scam!
RESEARCH FIRST, searching “ICTM scam” and then other search terms, so that you can read what has already happened to other people. Most comments are people saying they are not getting the e-book. THAT is a huge RED FLAG.
FREE TIP: To help detox your body, in which your body is self-healing, buy or grow organic fruit and vegetables (which are truly free from all chemicals). There are tons of juicing recipes online FOR FREE.
Lose weight by eating Cabbage Vegetable Stew. No meat or potatoes for 7-days. Season this stew with herbs and spices as you want. You can eat as much as you want and drink the stew’s juice to help satisfy you. I like to brown my onion before adding it to the stew, to help reduce the gas effects that raw onion does to me. This diet is safe to use for a month or longer. After a week, use fruit for snacks, as fruit is a healing agent of vitamins and mineral and it’s also a natural deterrent to help curb you away from sugars and candy, that I’ve found to work. Eat fruit daily. I prefer most of my fruit intake early in the day to encourage emptying my body. If I skip fruit, I find myself reaching for a few (4-10) chocolate chips. I’m okay with that since I’m no longer eating candy bars or drinking sodapop.
This book is available at Amazon.com… I did search a while ago… I guess its safer there. (That video is only for marketing mostly alike for whatever products introduce in the market.)
yes i listen to like 30 minutes it seemed it said push the button and no button was on my screen very disastifing to listen that long and not get anywhere your add kept saying the same shit over and over being diebetic it sounds to good to be true. but you basically put me into a dibetic coma your sale pitch is too long
This video made me laugh out loud several times. Anyone with a sense of critical thinking should get this scam from the get-go. Spreading fear of complications as if they are BOUND to happen if you don’t follow their program, follow up with an emotional story of how his father died..I wonder how many times during the video he said “No more drugs, needles, medication” hahaha ;) This is ridiculous!!
Does anyone want to help me find the people behind this so we could maybe shut down this for good?
I wrote this to their customer support;
I would just like to tell you how disgusted I am with your approach and marketing. I mean, playing with peoples emotions while spreading fear of late complications as if they are BOUND to happen if you don’t follow your guide. If your guide worked, you wouldn’t need to charge people, because people would have gladly donated if this was such a miracle cure. And your part in the video where “NOTHING OF THIS IS REVEALED IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA” and yet you proceed to link to 120 public “scientific studies” that are ALL out of context with the real subject.
I hope karma serves you big time, and that you one day will suffer because of your actions, because they are so selfish and greedy – and you dont even understand it yourself, because you have probably indoctrinated yourself to believe your own bullshit.
Keep on living in denial, and call yourselves “Doctors of the Truth” all you want – This is shameful as fuck, capitalising on people with chronic diseases.
Have a good day, and f**k you :)
Amen, Magnus. Their definition of “right now” and the length of the presentation was enough to convince me that this was a scam, but I’m glad I googled ICTM and found this site. I heartily agree with your wish for their karma.
I ordered the 7 steps to health book on mar. 3,2016 $39.22 and other book $33.91 and never got the books
I like to get the books . when will I get them.
After reading the many comments it is refreshing to see that despite a well scripted sales pitch that uses a mixture of a dash of greed with the emotion of fear and a dash of jealousy it is apparent that people can see through the scam elements that punctuate the pitch. As good as the pitch is, the close is so crude that it would trigger alarm even for the village idiot. I would not detail these faults simply to provide a feedback for these con artists to enable them to correct these faults and succeed in duping more victims. There should be a law against false snake oil cures for everything and it is about time the authorities closed down these freaks before one of their victims who has been ripped off, suffers a disturbance of the balance of their mind and decides to embark on that final journey and chooses one of these dropkicks to accompany them for company on the journey of no return.
I am 73 years old, and have had Type 1for over 56 years. I have been on the roller coaster all this time, and it has been one Hell of a ride. Don’t try to imagine. My feet and legs have now become quite ripe, and the 15 to 20 sores that I deal with daily are now very difficult to keep at bay. The two worst ones about cost me my legs…..both were Podiatrist’s “mistakes”. Thank Goodness I found on the net a product called Aquacel a silver product that works. My eyes are going, with Glaucoma and other problems. I see two eye specialists. My intestines are shot….have Gastroparesis. And so on. I volunteer this: whatever your dose happens to be….diet and exercise, pills-meds or so many units of insulin, at the end of the day when you test, if you are constantly high, you are eating too much. Balance this. I Pray these sentences can help one person.
Thanks DLC, I just lost my sister in Feb to diabetes she was only 59, her legs were constantly infected and then so was her body, she did not eat properly and her level were always very high. My brother who iss 62 is also diabetic, he has recently changed his eating habits and his doctor is now taking him off his meds. his levels are where they should be. so yes eating properly and not over eating helps. this ITCM is a scam don’t let them take your money, from what I have read you never get the books anyways.
Thanks for these comments. i was almost a prey for these scammers.
I ordered this last night, however I don’t have the capacity to down load. I need a printed copy.
These con artists should be put in the front of a firing squad and eliminated living off the lives of people with diabetes looking for a cure that is not true
If these “7 steps to health” really work, the authors should give it at no costs to everyone and certainly all, who have been cured will send more money than the 37$ each. Anyone with diabetes would be pleased to donate to these doctors if it has helped them.
So my proposal is, please give this ebook away for free and beg for a donation from everyone who has been cured. If you are so convinced that this method really helps, you will be rich in short time. Everyone cured will say it to others, no ads are needed.
I listened to what was supposed to be a seven minute presentation. It was a prime example of what I tell students to beware of. The slick voice with just the right inflection at appropriate times. Unverifiable statistics to support their claims. The use of odd numbers and percentages to make these statistics sound more believable. The one line quotes from multiple journals, all taken out of context. These quotes could even be saying exact opposite of what ICTM claims. The reader has no way of knowing without the context of the quote. This is exactly the type of presentation which we should recognize as a scam.
Is there no way these criminals can be traced arrested and imprisoned? It would certainly go some way in deterring other would be con-men from breeding such despicable scams.
Quero muito compra mais estou comedo pois já fui enganado com outras compra pela internet
Look if these people actually had a cure and just wanted top help you, they wouldn’t be asking for money except in the form of donations and diabetes has been around for a very long time, and these guys figured it out, my advice to you whom were tricked is research the people and the institutions and you will quickly see through their lies, Also if it takes more then 7 minutes to make a presentation for a cure its not real
Eat one-half (1/2) of what you usually do avoiding most cereals and high sugar fruits (lots of green veggies and very little animal products) and
Exercise- treadmill and weights, build up slowly to one hour per day, lose all that fat.
Most people can’t or won’t do it, find exercise to demanding, no friends or family support, or just plain stuck in a rut type thinking.
That was the “natural” approach to diabetes before insulin.
Look up some natural health books pre-1920 for more info.
I am type 2 diabetic and know that I am my own worst enemy. When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, my A1C was at 13.7 and triglycerides was at 800. I was killing myself. For my family and my sake, I lost 75 lbs. Changed my diet. I stopped eating fast-food and Twinkies. I do take cinnamon, bitter melon, and gymenans sylvestre. I had a urine test and no sugar was found
I had to rethink my exercise regime, and I’ve accepted moving 5-15 minutes per day, so that I could build up my endurance and start stretching out the time. It’s easy to forget looking at the clock when you exercise at the right time of day of your day that has no interruptions. My son likes to dance (really, more hopping around) and running around mom when she’s up and moving in the same space. He’s my little light of encouragement and a joy to move with. I miss my healthy body. I don’t want it buried. Move, people, move.
I never got my stuff either!!! 6-9mmonths ago. Hook. Line. Sinker. I got caught
I have heard about these “cures” before,and, as usual,have been left dissapointed. I have type 1 diabetes myself, and I have almost resigned myself to the fact I am going to die a slow painful death, but, I cannot put up with that. When I come to the stage of having major complications due to type 1 diabetes, I am going to use solvents (like I did as a kid) to bring on a quick painless death,thats what seems to be my only option.
Keep your Faith in God Robert! Do not resolve to suicide..or the eminent death most ftell Us to expect! I have been hospitalized numerous times with Ketoacidosis…and was kept in ICU for weeks…bit my Faith has only grown! You and I can overcome this burden! Let’s start by walking around the block…and eating more green foods…let’s guzzle more clean water…and only ta!e what is necessary of the other foods! We can do All things through Christ! Jesus does care for You and I! Bless your way…try!
Most of the complications described are those of type two diabetes. You have type 1. If you keep your blood sugar under control by using the appropriate amount of insulin, (and you don’t gain a lot of weight in the future and develop insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes), none of these complications should affect you.
Dear Robert, please listen to Bobbie, and do not take your life, which is GOD’s business to give and take away. Keep praying daily and GOD will answer you! Therein is your healing!
Jesus repeated every prayer that I ever said or thought, word-for-word, and in order, since I was a little girl, and the next morning I was healed from brain damage that doctors said was not reversible. Jesus healed me from Hypothyroidism, which doctors say is not reversible, but the Holy Ghost welled up inside me and made me laughed in the doctor’s face when he tried to give me a life-long prescription! The LORD promised to fill me full of HIS Glory, and gives me counsel, and leads me, and keeps me from harm. GOD fills me with such Pure Love that I am in love and in total awe! Truly, I tell you that ALL Glory and ALL Honor and ALL Praise belongs to GOD Almighty, the Maker of Heaven & Earth.
Seek GOD’s face, and ask Him for yourself. GOD LOVES to reprove Himself to His children. GOD LOVES YOU!!! Please RUN to Him so that the devil cannot have any room in your mind to deceive you any further! Be blessed on purpose! I promise you that you will not be disappointed. Jesus is the Lover of our souls.
I like many others have ordered the book in good faith, paid over $85NZD, have received nothing. Sad how we just keep on trusting others.
Long live the truth will set us free
I ordered this book and was to receive several others, can you tell me where they may be.
I ordered this book and was to receive several others, can you tell me where they are? If I don”t see them soon I will ask for my money back.
Comment: Good I came here. I came across this on facebook, listened to the ‘sweet’ video and was convinced until I came here and learned that it is a scam. I wonder there are dupes everywhere. God save us. I have been diabetic since 1995(Type ‘ll ).
God bless you! Live life on purpose. Seek GOD’s face!
If it looks like a scam, sounds like a scam and reads like a scam, then it’s probably a scam..
Hi, I received this commercial on Facebook and I read everything and listen to the Video bcz I’am also Diabetic type 2 and I got really excited when I read about the resolve this book does, but I say to myself it seem to be to good to be true bcz I have been in Seminar at the Clinic I go to and I what’s to convinced.
When I was ready to take the step to order, I allways make sure that is legible bcz I have been scam before online.
I did not see a phone number so I can talk to a representative.and in the bottom of the ad it say to contact by E:Mail so I though that was kind of strange that they did not have a phone number for Customer Services.
My next step I when back to Google enter TCTM and found all this comment about people that were scam.
I’am so glad that I check this information before bcz I was ready to order it.
My advice to everyone how is diabetic to speak to there PCP doctor first and go to seminars bcz it help me a lot in learn about my health and taking care od my diabetic.
My Endocrinologist is the one that monitor my A1C and and I’am working really hard to bring my level sugar down.
I hope this information will help someone in any.
God blesd.all of you,
I ordered this book and find I can not afford all the supplements so I have been trying to send the book back and get a refund – no luck so far and I can now see why, with all the negative comments I have been reading. It seems I’m not the only one. I got so far as to putting in my e-mail address and they told me it was the wrong e-mail address!! How that can be when I have had the same one for years, I don’t know. It is really too bad that there are people out there that like to take advantage of someone with diabetes to make a buck! I’ll put my e-mail address below, but who knows, maybe I don’t even know it!!
Is there a way to see what they recommend without buying the book?
I have had two blood sugar improvements, both times after reducing my weight to a certain figure. I noticed that the gap between losing weight and your blood glucose level lasts three months. I think this can be explained by the fact that it takes you A1C three months to renew. So I don’t believe in “reversing” diаbetes in 21 days. Neither do I believe in the idea of reversing diabetes.
I ordered the paperback book 7Steps to Health and have not received the book I would like for you to refund my credit card. I ordered my book on an IPad.
I tried to cancel the day I ordered this a few times not sure if it got canceled or not I was going to order the $37.00 and The $57.00 but was charged $37.00 and $99.00 for the diabetics books I changed my mind because I don’t have the money just went through a divorce and don’t have the money to spare right now please refund I have not downloaded anything
Had a feeling it was a scam, just by the repetitive “Push the button below, what are you waiting for?” in the YouTube video.
I also notice a consistency among charlatans with these type of videos, they always want to drag you through superfluous meandering speech that always sound redundant, then they inevitably get you to feel comfortable with some form of emotional story in trying to get you to feel the similarities.
I f you have Type 2 diabetes, your time would be better spent googling and searching Youtube for the work of Prof. Roy Taylor at Newcastle University and also the Blood Sugar Diet book and website by Dr. Michael Mosley. Here is advice that works, for free- Lose weight (10-20% of your current body weight) and remove carbs from your diet. 800 calories a day for 8 weeks. Use 3x 200cal diet shakes if you cant work out food calorie content. Drink 3 litres of water a day to prevent dehydration and have a big bowl of cooked green veg- sprouts, kale, cabbage or broccoli for your evening meal.
Walk briskly for at least 30 mins a day- 15 mins up the road and 15 mins back.
This really does work to reduce your blood sugar. no BS.
Thanks for your input.
I want to send the big book back. It’s too complicated and expensive. Please send instructions. I know I’m supposed to send it through the mail. But where to?
I do not have the option to read this thru my phone. I need the book. Cancel the pcf for 37$ and send the book. I have been diabetic for 30 years and many stomach problems. Need help.
Check out Vanadyl sulfate. I know someone who was in her 80’s and helped. If someone is in border line will reverse the problem after using a few bottle without known side effect.
You know they LIE when early on they say it takes 7 minutes. After
30, no credibility- need honesty
I placed and order and I haven’t recieved any thing yet ,I want my money back ,why do the govement let people like that have a web site that lie to people
I would like to knowhow ican order abook thru the mail 7 steps to healthand the big diabetes lie.
Sarah Burghard
I would like a refund. I ordered on my iPad and it downloaded on my iPhone and that phone is not in my name.
Thank you for leaving a comment. But please know that we do not sell this product. You will need to contact the company you purchased it from.
— Supplement Police
people are saying your book is no good I watched the video and I have diabeties so is this a scam are what
It is a sales pitch and scam. These are very dishonest sales people with no scruples and care for people who suffer from diabetes.
What a shame it’s a lie ! I almost fell for it !
I AM A DIABETIC WHO BEGAN A 30 Day Diabetes protocol 5 weeks ago;while on Metformin 500mg. daily.
The program was taxing but definately rewarding.As a result of the program I went from a count 20 to a
7.I following the program as outlined; so I am elated with the results.
My question how do I know if I am cured???,should I continue on the regime ;and if so for how long.
Do I come off the program gradually, if so, whats the plan going forward is my real question.
By the way I am having one Hell of a time getting answers, surely customer service for a company this size
is a must.Amen
you’re not cured. you don’t cure diabetes without getting a new pancreas. you can be a diabetic who has his diabetes under control through diet and exercise and possibly even be able to go off meds, but you’re still diabetic.
That’s not how it works. Her pancreas is probably just fine if she has type 2 diabetes and was only on metformin.
Dear Friends,
I ordered this book on January 16th 2016. Thanks you for sending it along.
However, when I ordered it I was also supposed to get several shorter books about other diseases: arthritis, cancer, heart etc. These books never arrived.
Please be kind and reply satisfactorily. My money was received satisfactoriiy by you!
Connie Gambriel
I’m a doctor. Believe me when I tell you they don’t exclude any viable treatment option for any disease in medical school or residency training. Also, to state that no news outlet has put this out there for all to see even after they stated over 48,000 successful stories on their video. Give me a break. Total BS. Run away as fast as you can.
Thank you for your advice. Much appreciated and helpful.
I ordered the seven steps book about diabetes and inflammation but I have not received it yet either send the book or please refund my money I paid for through PayPal
Thank you for the article. It was too obvious that there was something wrong with the site. The dude in the video is in many other miracle solutions to make money, be better here do better this and so forth. Also, when ever you can’t skip a video it rings the alarm bells. Besides the lack of facts and sources. A lot of flashy things in your face, rather than getting to the solution.
Le livre les 7 etapes on peu l’avoir en francais merci
I havew trieed to find out the address of their HQ, but it is not given. Sounds like a
Please how can I get the ebook from / Nigeria? How do I pay for ebook.
I would like a refund. I didn’t realize it was an ebook.
Pam Willis
Why did ou not realize that? It was clearly stated!
i ordered some products 1 month and 3 weeks i have not received anything yet, it cost me over 120.00 dollers i would like if you can ship it to this adress 335 mill rd. apt. 601 etobicoke ontario canada postal code m9c 1y6 or give my money back thank you.