Bella Gluten Free – Healthy Flour, Pie Crust & Baking Mixes?


As more information becomes available about health and wellness, being accessible by the public more now than ever before, people are making lifestyle changes.

Ten or twenty years ago, people had to blindly trust their food companies, not knowing or caring about how the ingredients might be negatively affecting them.

However, more now than ever, people are being proactive about learning what is in their food and taking steps towards being healthier.

One of the biggest trends in the health industry is going gluten-free. For some, this is not a choice but a requirement because of celiac disease. For others, going gluten-free is about gaining more control over their health.

No matter what the reason, more and more people are adopting this diet, increasing the need for gluten-free products on the market.

Just because more people are going gluten-free doesn’t mean that they don’t like the foods that commonly contain gluten, like breads and desserts.

In an effort to make it easier for those who are gluten-free to still eat the foods they love, Bella Gluten-Free has created its multi-purpose mix, as well as other pre-made gluten-free mixes.

Offering delicious alternatives to products that usually contain gluten, Bella Gluten-Free is making it easier than ever to be healthy.

What Is Bella Gluten-Free?

As is the case with most innovations, Bella Gluten-Free was started out of a necessity. The founder of Bella Gluten-Free is Mary Capone, who was diagnosed with celiac disease.

However, just because Capone could no longer eat foods with gluten didn’t mean she didn’t still crave them. In 2009, Capone met two other women who shared her Italian heritage and love for gluten-free cooking.

In an effort to make gluten-free baking easier and more delicious than ever before, these three women started Bella Gluten-Free.

Bella Gluten-Free started out with a natural baking mix that was completely gluten-free and allergen friendly. This mix had a unique taste and texture that meshed perfectly with the baking and cooking so many people who are gluten-free were missing.

With this mixture, Bella Gluten-Free was able to inspire a revolution, with more gluten-free baked products being created across the country. In 2015, Bella Gluten-Free added another branch to its company, called Cup-to-Table.

This line introduced baking mixes, both sweet and savory, that could be mixed up quickly at home. Still using the best ingredients and whole grain flours, these mixes are all able to be made in less than 30 minutes.

What Makes Bella Gluten-Free Different

The biggest difference between Bella Gluten-Free and other gluten-free options on the market is the passion found in the company. As mentioned above, all three founders of Bella Gluten-Free were professionals before starting the company.

And their passion goes beyond and above just baking, but also for finding the best gluten-free options possible.

Because everyone at Bella Gluten-Free is always looking for the best of the best, the company has been able to create products that are far better than other options on the market.

As previously mentioned, another way Bella Gluten-Free differs from other companies is found in the Cup-to-Table line. There are many gluten-free flour options on the market.

However, these flours often require quite a bit of work before they become delicious and tasty baked goods. Sometimes, people who are gluten-free don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.

Bella Gluten-Free answered this need by creating its pre-mixed baking mixes. With these simple to use options, those who are gluten-free can quickly whip up a wide range of foods, knowing they’re using the best ingredients to protect their health.

Plus, the Cup-to-Table mixes are delicious.

Another way Bella Gluten-Free differentiates itself from the competition is by being dedicated to its manufacturing guarantee.

The company is very serious about the quality of its products, which is why it works so hard to use only the best ingredients in the best manufacturing establishments.

All Bella Gluten-Free products are completely natural, with no GMOs, and are also allergen friendly. Whenever possible, Bella Gluten-Free uses organic ingredients.

And, to prevent cross contamination, Bella Gluten-Free is GFCO certified and part of the non-GMO Verification Project. By making every product in small batches, Bella Gluten-Free is able to have better control over its product quality.

One of the hardest things about going gluten-free is finding the resources to truly embrace the lifestyle change. Another way Bella Gluten-Free is so different is that the founders of the company provides comprehensive support for their customers.

Not only can people with questions about gluten-free lifestyles or specific products contact the chefs directly, but the Bella Gluten-Free website offers recipes and advice.

For those who are overwhelmed or daunted by going gluten-free, Bella Gluten-Free offers the best support possible.

Bella Gluten-Free Products

Due to the amazing response to Bella Gluten-Free, Bella Gluten-Free has expanded its product line to include the Cup-to-Table line. As a result, Bella Gluten-Free now sells its regular mixes as well as these convenient pre-mixed meal options.

Now, customers can get the same great gluten-free flavors mixed up and on their tables within a few minutes.

For those who want savory gluten-free options, Bella Gluten-Free offers a gourmet Italian pizza crust mix, rustic dinner roll mix, and a flaky biscuit mix.

Customers who want to curb their sweet tooth can try the Bella Gluten-Free chocolate brownie mix or chocolate chip cookie mix. And for breakfast, Bella Gluten-Free offers its delicious blueberry scone mix.

Finally, for those who want to try out recipes of their own, Bella Gluten-Free also sells its all-purpose gluten-free mix, which can make a wide range of products.

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