Axis Labs CBD Liquid Capsules – Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol Oil Pills?


The cannabis oil industry has been on the rise in the past couple of decades due to a number of unique products that are now safe for use in nearly 50 states within the United States.

Cannabidiol Hemp oil is one such variant and is currently being sold in over 40 countries around the world. This oil solution is primarily made from ‘high-CBD, low-THC hemp’, and unlike medical marijuana based oils and products, they are not psychoactive. Thus, people do not get high through their use and can function normally through the course of their daily work schedules.

It is also important to note that Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of 85 cannabinoids that have been identified and sourced from the cannabis plant. It is a potent compound that is the second most abundant cannabinoid in marijuana after THC. But to be clear, THC (the high inducing agent in marijuana) is only present in trace amounts within these oils. In terms of its action, CBD interacts with our inner energy sites and allows for many benefits like reduced muscle, joint and bone pain.

About Axis Labs CBD Liquid Capsules

Axis Labs CBD Liquid Capsules as the name suggest are ‘cannabidiol hemp oil’ based capsules that have been made using some of the most natural and biocompatible hemp derivatives available in the market today.

Not only are the core active agents herbal, but they also do not interfere with the working of our core energy sites. Thus Axis CBD can be used as a treatment option for curing aches, pains, stiffness related issues without any risk of developing side effects, or long terms ailments.

Key Features

  • Potency: each capsule comes loaded with 15 mg of cannabidiol hemp oil that has been tested and found to deliver many pain relieving results within a short span of time.
  • Quality: all of the added hemp is of industrial quality (extracted from farms based in Kentucky USA) and and is completely ‘non psychoactive’. In Fact, the the supplement is in full compliance with 2014 US Farm Bill, thus ensuring that all of the core components are of the highest quality possible.
  • Muscle Relaxation: one of the core uses of this product is to alleviate pain and joint discomfort. It gradually loosens any knots in our tissues, and allows for optimal blood flow throughout our bodies (enabling maximum nutrient delivery).
  • Vegan: all of the added ingredients are fully compatible with vegan diets and will not cause any flaring up of allergies.
  • Non GMO: none of the primary constituents have been devised using Genetically Modified organisms.
  • 3rd Party Testing: the supplement has undergone rigorous 3rd party laboratory testing. All of the labs have cleared the product of any harmful agents. The results have also indicated that there are no traces of any heavy metals or pesticides in the mix.

Axis Labs CBD Liquid Capsules Dosage Details

  • For starters, users should take one capsule a day.
  • If the body responds well to the supplement, the dose can be increased to 2 pills per day.
  • Each dose should be consumed along with large doses of water.
  • Additionally, the supplement should be kept away from direct heat, moisture or sunlight to maintain high quality.
  • Incase a person is suffering from medical issues, a professional should be consulted.
  • Axis CBD capsules are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18.

Other Important Details

  • Back Pain :the active agents in Axis Labs CBD Liquid Capsules allow for the healing of our back muscles efficiently. Via the supply of heat and key nutrients like iron, magnesium, the product can greatly loosed our strained muscles, thereby providing immediate relief.
  • Cognitive Support: one of the underrated aspects of this supplement is its ability to heighten our sharpness and overall mental acuity.
  • Anti Inflammatory: the core ingredients are anti-inflammatory in nature, and thus reduce any internal or external swelling that might be present in our bodies.

Axis Labs CBD Liquid Capsules Pricing And Availability

Each pack of Axis Labs CBD contains 30 capsules each. A single bottle is priced at $44.95, but upon buying a larger container of 60 pills, a discount of $15 can be availed of. There are free shipping options available on all purchases above $59. Payments can be completed using safe means like PayPal, MasterCard and Visa.

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