Anastasis – Inspired Nutraceuticals Konnect & LAX Nootropics?


There is nothing worse than having to force oneself to stay productive and on track at work, home, with family, and at the gym.

While many people think that energy drinks may offer a solution, these substances are not only damaging to one’s health, but they only provide a temporary improvement in energy and no impact upon the ability to focus.

For that reason, users may want to consider an alternative and safer approach from a brand that offers products that not only generate higher energy levels and more focus, but ones that can help the body relax as well.

That being said, this review would like to introduce Anastasis. Currently going through a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo, this brand is poised to be a success based upon the success of the campaign and interested individuals.

What is Biohack With Anastasis?

Anastsis is a brand that takes “neurocapacity to the next level.” The high-quality nutraceuticals offered by the brand work as a great alternative approach to traditional options that often lead to poor outcomes, negative health consequences, and many other issues.

The solutions offered by Biohack by Anastasis are natural, safe, convenient, and they promote a life with healthy living. By choosing a cleaner solution like this one, users can ensure that their health is well taken care of and in the right manner.

Dedication to the Consumer

There are many different brands on the market and most of the time, buyers are left out of the equation when it comes to products. In this case, Anastasis is focused on not only delivering excellent and prime formulas, but it also works hard to ensure that its buyers are satisfied with its product.

As the brand explains, “we are here for the consumer.” The brand’s efforts ensure that those who use its formulas are confident in the brand, its products, and everything that it has to offer.

The brand’s approach to better health and customer care was inspired by its founder, Chris Waldrum, who himself struggled to find products that promote cognitive enhancement and health benefits in a natural and safe manner.

After trying for years and finding nothing, he decided to create a brand that works and that is founded upon natural methods for better cognitive enhancement.

The Benefits of Biohack with Anastasis

Biohack with Anastasis offers users many different health benefits. Here are the main advantages of choosing this brand over other options on the market:

Works Well for Anyone

First, the brand’s products are designed for users of all walks of life.

Dissimilar from other brands on the market, this one can be safely and effectively used by corporate CEOS, real estate moguls, athletes, students, the elderly, and everyday individuals who are simply looking to improve their energy levels and to stay on track on a daily basis or who want to rest easy and stress-free at the end of the day.

All-Natural Ingredients

Second, the brand uses nothing but all-natural and safe ingredients. When using an energy-boosting or relaxation-inducing formula, the ingredients is one of the first things to look at.

The good news is that all of the brand’s products feature nothing but natural substances such as ashwagandha extract, tea crine, natural caffeine, DMAE, theobromine, gaba, lemon balm, and 5-HTP.


With these ingredients and many others, users can feel confident that they are making a safe decision or their health needs. Further, there are no additives, fillers, chemicals, synthetic substances, or other harmful compounds that can detract from one’s overall health.

Fast Acting

Third, many of the formulas are fast-acting substances. Those who take them as needed will notice a significant improvement in their energy levels or their ability to relax.

The best way to ensure that users experience the maximum benefits of the products is to use them on a regular basis and as directed. Those who follow the usage regimen will be pleased to notice transformational results.

Excellent Testimonials

Fourth, another reason to choose this all-natural and effective approach is that the brand has received excellent testimonials and reviews.

Those who have added the formulas to their lifestyle have been especially pleased with how well and quickly they work to deliver the expected outcomes. Those who are interested in watching the testimonials can do so through the brand’s funding page.

Made in the United States

Finally, the brand’s products are made in the United States in an FDA approved facility that follows Good Manufacturing Practices.

These practices ensure that the products receive strict oversight during the manufacturing process, thus verifying that they are safe and effective for one’s needs. Further, each ingredient is independently tested post blending to ensure potency and effectiveness.

Clearly, there are many great reasons for choosing Biohack with Ansatasis to one’s lifestyle. The products are safe, reliable, potent, effective, and they lead to the right health outcomes when used as needed. Very few brands on the market are able to deliver such qualities, especially in an all-natural manner.

Anastasis Products

Those who may be considering Anastasis Biohack will find that the brand has two product offerings – one that boosts energy levels and one that helps individuals relax. Here is information about the two products so that users know what to look for when visiting the brand’s Indiegogo page.


Konnect is an all-natural formula that enables users to “elevate their mind.” This product, when used correctly, generates higher energy levels and a great deal of focus.

As the brand explains, the product leads to heightened focus, increased alertness, enhanced concentration, improved memory recall, sustained energy, better neurotransmitter production, and a reduction in mental fatigue. One can of this formula is equivalent to 50 cups of coffee.


Lax is the second formula and as the name suggests, – it helps users relax. This product is ideal for those who are looking for a way to eliminate the stress at the end of the day and who want to finally rest easy when they go to sleep. Better yet, those who use it do not need to worry about any accompanying drowsiness or unpleasant feelings.


The main benefits of this formula is that it decreases stress, it reduces cortisol production responsible for the “fight or flight” mechanism, it enhances serotonin levels leading to more relaxation, it alleviates anxiety, improves recovery, and lead to a better mood.

With this formula, users can finally experience that great sense of calm after a hard day’s work.

With these two formulas, users are able to regulate their energy levels, whether they are interested in boosting them or reducing them. The formulas are also made with all-natural and safe ingredients and they are very easy to incorporate into one’s lifestyle.

The instructions for use are on the packaging and once users order, all they need to do is to follow them to experience the results they are striving for.

Anastasis Summary

Ultimately, those who are interested in adopting natural methods for regulating their energy levels better may want to consider Biohack with Anastasis. The brand is currently going through a funding campaign on Indiegogo.

If successful, the estimated release date is November 2017. To join the campaign and to secure a product, just visit the brand’s funding page today.

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