The Pescetarian Plan – Vegetarian Seafood Weight Loss Diet?


With the rising global weight levels it has become increasingly important to watch what we eat, in a startling study released by Harvard it was revealed that a majority of individuals worldwide (40%) were either obese or overweight.

This means that even with rising awareness regarding eating habits, nutrition people are still putting on copious amounts of weight. The primary reason for this drastic gain has been attributed to poor dietary standards and exercise habits.

A majority of foods that we consume nowadays are rich in saturated fats, sugars and carbs, these nutrients even though essential usually result in excess fat deposits when consumed in unmonitored quantities..

About The Pescetarian Plan

The Pescetarian Plan is an all new book by Janis Jibrin which prescribes healthy ways of eating using a combination of healthy vegetarian and seafood options. The book explores various recipes and food items which are easily metabolized by our bodies and do not attribute to significant weight gain

The dietary habits presented in this book have been inspired by traditional Mediterranean eating habits (“pesce” is the Italian word for “fish”), and using various scientific literature based evidence respected nutritionist Janis Jibrin (MS, RD) offers users with a step-by-step portion- and meal-planning instructions.

These instructions alo include a wide variety of quick and easy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes which can help users meet their individual weight loss and fitness goals.

She also shares her personal research work which combines her private work (done with various nutritional plans) along with other scientific papers which have been published in relation to various nutritional diets used across different traditional cultures.

The author also describes the amazing potential benefits of consuming a diet which essentially consists of seafood and vegetarian items. The benefits include a reduction in one’s waistline, reduced chronic inflammation, less arterial plaque, and keeping Alzheimer’s at bay.

Lastly, she also explores information regarding mercury levels, overfishing, and the environmental impact of our lifestyle choices.

Who’s Behind The Pescetarian Plan?

Apart from all of the nutritional information, there are also many expertly crafted recipes which have been formulated under Chef Sidra Forman’s expert guidance. She provides practical tips and tricks which help individuals become more confident in the kitchen, she teaches people how to cook fish and other types of seafood in manners which are easy and hassle free.

Along with the written instructions, there are also various photos that have been provided so that users can have a visual guide for their dishes. Some of the key recipes which have been included in the book include Broiled Trout with Preserved Lemon and Thyme, Grilled Shrimp with Peach BBQ Sauce, Roasted Chickpea Snacks, Blueberries Baked with Sweet Cream, and Chocolate Cupcakes with Mint Icing.

Customer and Professional Reviews

The Pescetarian Plan has garnered immense support throughout sections of the media and amongst various individuals, using a weighted average of over 20 reviews the book has received an overall rating of 4.7/5 stars.

Some of the praise that has come the books way includes that from The Washington Post who claims that “The [recipes] in this book are designed to leverage both science and satisfaction”. Similarly Rebecca Reeves (former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) says that:

“This life-changing diet will help improve your health and longevity. The easy-to-follow recipes and step-by-step instructions make adopting the plan simple and delicious. It is a must-read if you are committed to embracing a healthier lifestyle.”.

The Pescetarian Plan Pricing and Availability

The easiest and most convenient means of making a purchase is by placing an order online at The book is priced at $16.61 and it becomes instantly downloadable upon full payment. Payments can be done using a wide variety of means including PayPal, MasterCard and Visa.

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