If you are looking for help to rid yourself of excess weight, Acxion may be of benefit to you. The downside of this appetite suppressant pill is that it is only available with a prescription from the doctor. Acxion is the Mexican/Spanish version of Phentermine. You may also have heard this popular weight loss pill referred to by the name of Apidex-P.
Acxion is intended mainly for people suffering from obesity. It can only be taken short term because it is a pharmaceutical strength appetite suppressant pill.
Who Is The Manufacturer of Acxion?
Acxion is manufactured by a German company named Chemische Fabrik Berg. The company was established in 1953 as a subsidiary of Wilhelm Berg KG. The company manufactures other pharmaceuticals aside from Acxion.
The trade name is known as Axcion but the full name for Axcion is Axcion ap. This pill is commercially available under the name of IFA Axcion
The customer service department for Axcion is in Mexico. Consumers can contact the customer service department by mail or phone.
Correspondence should be addressed to IFA Celtics Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 2453 9th Floor, Office 902 Cologne Tizapán, Del. Alvaro Obregon 01090 Mexico.
For those preferring to call direct, the number is 01-800-71-99-604
What Are The Axcion Ingredients?
The doctor can answer questions related to the breakdown of all ingredients contained in Acxion. The main ingredient in this pill is Phentermine hydrochloride.
It is worth mentioning that Phentermine is related to the amphetamine family, and is potentially addictive for some. This particular substance can also cause withdrawals when one stops taking it.
Where Do I Buy Acxion and How Much Does It Cost?
Acxion can only be purchased in Mexico. It comes in a bottle, and costs approximately $30.
Some third party companies do sell Acxion in the United States, but they are hard to locate. The equivalent of Acxion is Phentermine which is a lot easier to get if you are based in the USA.
What Does Acxion Look Like
Acxion comes in tablet form, or as an extended release capsule. The recommended prescribed dosage is one tablet up to an hour prior to eating. Each box contains a three-month supply.
How Does Acxion Work?
When digested, Acxion works on stimulating the hypothalamus gland together with other neuro-transmitters in the brain. The objective is to stimulate these areas of the brain in order to suppress the appetite. It is important to continue exercising regularly. Maintaining a healthy diet is also recommended.
What Dosage Should I Take When Using Acxion?
Acxion pills come in either a 15mg or 30mg dosage, and should only be taken as prescribed by the doctor. They should only be used by people who have a BMI of 30 or greater.
It is important to remember not to take this pill after 7pm because it can interfere with sleep. If more than 30mg is taken daily, overdose could occur.
Potential Side Effects
Acxion seems to be a pill that has many side effects. Side effects ranged from mild to severe. Common side effects reported included:
- Diarrhea
- Bad taste in the mouth
- Headaches
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
More serious side effects reported included:
- Allergic reactions – hives, itching and rashes
- Dizziness
- Fainting spells
- Shortness of breath
- Elevated blood pressure
- Anxiety
- Rapid heartbeat
Acxion Has Received Many Negative Customer Reviews
Overall, research clearly showed that this appetite suppressant pill is not popular. Many have claimed that Acxion didn’t work at all, and that their appetite was the same as before. Here’s some further feedback on what other consumers have said, after taking Acxion.
- “My weight is still the same, but I think I’ve lost inches because my clothes are looser”
- “Acxion caused constipation and a really dry mouth”
- “My mood and energy was affected”
- “As you long as you exercise and eat healthy, the pills may work”
Finding so many negative reviews on this weight loss appetite suppressant pill raises concern.
Does Acxion work?
Little clinical research and published studies support the long term benefits of taking Acxion. The only research found involved a study of obese people, however the participants were limited. Acxion is also intended for short term use only, so it would make sense that a long-term study of this pill was not easily located.
The Bottom Line
There are many negatives reviews about Acxion. Given the wide choice of appetite suppressant pills, this one might be worth a miss. There seem to be some pretty nasty side effects associated with Axcion. It is definitely worth considering that this pill is a relative of the amphetamine family. Also it is only available by prescription in Mexico, so it would be necessary to visit a Mexican doctor, to have this pill prescribed.
Finding solid clinical proof and solid case studies supporting the use of Acxion, which is intended for obese people only, was really hard. It doesn’t do much to build the credibility of this appetite suppressant pill.
Further cause for concern with using Axcion as your choice of weight loss pill, is that this appetite suppressant pill can cause withdrawals, after use. It could also potentially be addictive, not to mention fatal due to overdose, if incorrect dosages were taken.
You may be able to purchase Axcion at some online pharmacies, but doing so is not only potentially unhealthy, but it is also illegal here in the United States. If you think you can benefit from something like this to help you reach your weight loss goals, talk to your doctor today. Remember, no pill can do all the work for you. For best results, this medication needs to be combined with a sensible, balanced diet, and a regular exercise routine.