How To Deal With Colic Symptoms
Learning How to Treat Your Infant’s Colic Symptoms
Whenever you are considering starting a new medical program, medicine, or treatment, always make sure to consult your physician and discuss things with them first.
If you happen to be a parent, the words “infantile colic” are most likely one of your worst nightmares. No matter how many different things that you try, it just feels as if you are never able to truly identify what is wrong with your baby. Quite a few parents fail to ever even realize that their child is suffering from colic.
What Is Colic?
Colic is defined as being a condition where an infant cries or throws fits for a minimum of 3 hours a day for approximately 3 days per week. Although, if you are the individual who is taking care of the child, it might feel as if they are crying for weeks on end without stop. The condition officially becomes referred to as “colic” when it has happened for 3 weeks or more.
For the most part, colic can afflict any baby- not necessarily just those that are in poor health. In fact, studies have even shown that it most commonly affects babies that are in otherwise perfect health.
What Causes Colic?
At this time, it has not been determined what the exact cause of the extensive crying is. However, recent clinical studies have led professionals to believe that certain gastrointestinal issues may affect colic more than we had previously believed to be possible. Physicians now have reason to believe that certain health issues, such as lactose intolerance and sensitivities to specific foods, can both cause colic, and increase the likelihood of a child having it.
It is important to note that the potential causes of colic are not just limited to gastrointestinal issues. Other factors, such as maternal stress and allergies, are also believed to have an effect.
Surprisingly, breast-fed colic generally cures itself or disappears once the child reaches the approximate age of 3 months old. There are many recommended treatments for breast-fed colic, some of which include chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, carbo vegetabilis, colocynthis, probiotics, L. Reuteri, and cuprum metallicum.
Research On Colic
A well-known hospital in Italy recently released information about various studies that they have completed proving that daily doses of probiotics are a great way to healthily treat breast-fed colic without potentially harming the child. Additionally, these same researchers have also concluded that when L.
Reuteri is consistently consumed by breast fed infants, the symptoms caused by their infantile colic can start to disappear in a week or less.
How To Treat Colic Symptoms
Because of this fact, it has been deducted that probiotics play a very essential role in the successful treatment of many types of colic, and that they are one of the best ways to both sooth and cure symptoms.
The compound carbo-vegetabilis is also very effective in treating symptoms pertaining to colic. It helps to increase the speed of release and volume of intestinal gas that is generally associated with a reduction in abdominal discomfort.
Colocynthis is also well known for having the ability to reduce abdominal discomfort, and cuprum metallicum has been scientifically proven to help treat and prevent abdominal muscle spasms that are oftentimes painful and inconvenient.
Each and every one of these natural health products is both effective and safe to use, and all of them will be able to offer you and your child relief. If you have simply not been able to successfully treat your baby’s colic, we strongly suggest that you give one of these a try. Not only will your baby be happier and healthier, but you will be too.
We want to remind you that it is especially important that whenever you are considering starting a new medical program, medicine, or treatment, always make sure to consult your physician and discuss things with them first.