Exercise Equipment Core Trainers Wonder Core Twist – Total Body Workout Resistance Exerciser?

Wonder Core Twist – Total Body Workout Resistance Exerciser?

Wonder Core Twist

When you are trying to lose weight and get physically fit, working out your core is a must. The problem with that is that many people are not sure what kinds of exercises to do and what equipment would be best to build a rock hard core. Sit ups and crunches are great and all, but you need to do more if you are serious about getting that six pack.

I was in a similar dilemma and after some research and trial and error, I came across a new piece of equipment known as the Wonder Core Twist. The so-called “ultimate total core workout” – does it live up to this moniker? Keep reading to find out!

What Is The Wonder Core Twist?

You may have seen a commercial for the Wonder Core Twist on television before. It advertises itself as exercise equipment that makes it easier for you twist your abs to build strong sold core muscles.

That is not all it is said to do, though. The Wonder Core Twist is also supposed to work out your whole body. You can do all kinds of exercises using this handy piece of equipment. The television advertisement for the Wonder Core Twist showed people doing a variety of exercises, including push-ups, cycling, and scissor kicking.

The company behind the Wonder Core Twist also claim that their product is light to hold and is easy to store away and move. Putting the product on a scale, I found that it weighed roughly 8 pounds (3.6 kg). This is much lighter than typical exercise equipment, although old folks could have some trouble carrying this product around.

Now that I have shown you what the company claims about their Wonder Core Twist product, let’s see how it really works.

The Wonder Core Twist’s Functionality

In total, the Wonder Core Twist is said to allow you to be able to do twelve different workouts – all working different parts of your body. In addition, the equipment comes bundled with two DVDs that show you how to do those exercises using the Wonder Core Twist, which I think is a nice addition. Along with the DVDs, you will get a guide with words and diagrams showing you how to do various exercises using the Wonder Core Twist.

The Wonder Core Twist mainly works due to its handlebars that provide double resistance, along with the base that rotates from left to right as you twist your body. That is at least how they work when you do the main core twist exercises – their functionality changes depending on the exercise that you are doing.

Interestingly, the company behind the Wonder Core Twist says that these handlebars actually make the exercise easier for you than if you were doing it without the equipment, which is a bit of a headscratcher. If you are really trying to build a strong solid core, wouldn’t you want the workout to be harder? I guess one argument can be made that this allows you to do more reps of said exercise. I still do not think it was the wisest move. But hey, we all work out differently so some will like it and other will not.

Unfortunately, the rotating base cannot be locked into place. This means that if you were hoping to do stationary workouts like sit ups, you will have a hard time because the base will be moving under you.

How To Build A Rock Hard Core

Look, we all know that exercising is one of the main ways to develop a six pack. However, exercising alone will not get the job done. You have to eat right so that the gains that you make from working out with equipment such as the Wonder Core Twist do not go to waste.

I have compiled a list of diet tips curated from various fitness sites that you can follow to get the maximum benefit out of your Wonder Core Twist workout.

1. Protein, protein, And more protein!

There is simply no better substance to be consuming when trying to gain muscle than protein. If you consume protein before and after a workout, you will see your muscles gains pretty quickly. In addition to this, protein also helps you keep your weight down because it speeds up your body’s metabolism process.

2. Water Is Your Friend

There is no better beverage to drink than water. No calories, no harmful ingredients, and plenty of benefit. Water keeps you from dealing with dehydration and it is also a very good cleanser for the body – pushing out toxins that may inhibit your muscle gains and your health in general.

3. If You Eat Carbohydrates, Eat Them Only After Exercising

Carbs are not the most unhealthy things in the world to eat, however, you are not doing yourself any favors if you consume them before a workout. That said, consuming carb-rich foods is alright if it is done after a workout, as those carbs are less likely to turn into body fat.

4. Speaking Of Fat…

Much like carbs, you have probably heard plenty of horror stories about fats as well. The truth is, not all fats are created equal and some fats are actually really good for you. Just stay away from trans fats and saturated fats and you will be good to go.

5. Do Not Take Breaks When Exercising

Are you tired out from some cardio? Do not wind down by just sitting and catching your breath. Get down and use your Wonder Twist Core to do some core exercise. This is a great way to lose weight and make muscle gains simultaneously.

As you can see, the majority of these tips have nothing to do with exercising. It does not mean that exercising is not an important part of the equation, but it should be stressed that it is not the only part of the equation either.

Purchasing The Wonder Core Twist

If you are interested in purchasing the Wonder Core Twist, it is going to cost you about 100 USD. You can either choose to pay the 100 USD straight-up, or you can pay it in five installments of 20 USD.

The great thing is that no matter which option you choose, you will not pay any additional cost for shipping and handling. And for that total 100 USD, you will be getting the Wonder Core Twist equipment itself, and the aforementioned exercise DVDs and guide. You will also get a handy diet guide to help you with the nutrition side of building rock hard abs.

The company behind Wonder Core Twist also allows you to return the product and get a full refund within three months of the purchase date if you are not satisfied with your results. However, you will have to pay the shipping and handling costs if you do choose to return your Wonder Core Twist. The company’s customer service can be reached at 1 (800) 648-8891 if you would like a refund.

Does Wonder Core Twist Have Competition?

Of course! You have probably seen similar workout equipment to the Wonder Core Twist in television advertisements at one point or another. But how do those competitors measure up?

Most do not measure up very well. A notable competitor to the Wonder Core Twist is the Core Max. It shares the double resistant handlebar design, however, that is where the similarities end. The Core Max does not have the rotating base which takes one of the main perks of the Wonder Core Twist away.

I would say that the only reason to purchase a Core Max over a Wonder Core Twist is the price. The Core Max will only cost you 60 USD. That said, the Wonder Core Twist is definitely worth the additional 40 dollars and if you are short on cash, you always have the five 20 USD installment option.

Wonder Core Twist Verdict

After all of this, I can confidently conclude that the Wonder Core Twist is one of the finest “As Seen on TV” exercise products that I have seen. It is a genuinely high quality product that delivers on its claims to assist you in building a rock hard core.

It stands heads and shoulders above its competition due to its original rotating base idea. And I especially like that it comes with DVDs and guides so that you are getting the full ab-building experience and you can actually do it right.

When I look at workout equipment such as the Wonder Core Twist, I ask myself a few questions:

  1. Is it easy to get adjusted to and use?
  2. Can I do different exercises with it?
  3. Does it work out all of the muscles in my body?

When I asked myself these questions as they pertain to the Wonder Core Twist, I found myself answering yes to all of them. This shows that it is an excellent piece of exercise assistance equipment.

My final piece of advice is that you should not expect the Wonder Core Twist to do all of the work for you. Like I said earlier, exercising with it alone will not be enough to get you that much desired six pack. You need to eat healthy too or else you are just wasting your time and money.

If for some reason you are doing everything right and the Wonder Core Twist still is not delivering your desired results, you can always return it within the three month window for a full refund.

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