Best Ranked & Top Rated 23 Laws Of Eating For Muscle – How To Build, Grow &...

23 Laws Of Eating For Muscle – How To Build, Grow & Sustain Diet?

23 Laws Of Eating For Muscle

Building muscles is not only about working out. There are several other things people can do on top of working out to build strong body muscles. Americans are good at gaining weight, with over a third of the population obese, but this isn’t the type of mass you should be looking to gain.

Doing resistance training can help you gain some great muscles. However, you will need to employ several other tips to successfully gain muscle mass.

1. Always Tip The Scales

Growing muscle mass means eating more calories than usual. If you’re training hard to gain muscle mass, it is recommended that you also add in one additional meal a day. You should aim to have a caloric surplus to provide the muscles with the necessary raw materials for mass gain.

It is recommended that you insert a meal of about 300 calories in between the day. This can be done during the longest break when working out.

2. Eat Frequently Throughout The Day

Bodybuilders cannot have all their caloric needs in one single meal. It is recommended that you eat 5-8 times in a day to support muscle mass building. When training hard, a lot of calories are burned which need to be replaced. This can only be done by eating more often during the day.

3. Eat Clean

Remember, you are what you eat, so eat healthy clean foods. The most important aspect for any person looking to add some muscles is eating high-quality foods. Poor food choices like processed food and fast foods are not recommended when building muscles.

4. Always Measure Your Intake

You need at least 40 grams of protein at each meal. How do you know what 40 grams looks like when eating in a cafeteria? You must learn how to gauge 40 grams with your eyes. Two scoops of protein powder are equivalent to 40 grams.

Examples of 40 grams of protein include 5 cups of low-fat milk, six large eggs, 5.5 oz of chicken breast, and so on. The point here is to learn how to measure with your eyes.

5. Take Whole Food Proteins

It is important to go for proteins from whole foods like dairy, chicken, fish, eggs, and steak. Leaner steaks with low amounts of saturated fats should be chosen. Regulate the amount taken in a day and avoid too many dietary fats that can lead to the wrong weight gain.

6. Protein Counts

We have already looked at the importance of counting your proteins. 40 grams per meal is the recommended amount. These proteins are usually broken down into amino acids and used to repair cell tissues that have been damaged from hard workouts. Use your weight to measure a number of proteins to consume in a day. If you’re 200 pounds, then consume at least 200 grams of protein a day.

7. Assess And Grow

Are you making any gains by the second week? Don’t solely rely on the scale when assessing this, as you might be losing fats and gaining muscles, which could cause the scales to show no change or even a net gain.

8. Sleep Often For Gains

Give yourself enough rest time for the muscles to recover. Enough sleep time will help nourish your muscles. Sleep is as important as the workouts if you want to experience muscle gains.

9. Have Enough Time For A Good Start In The Morning

Eating a healthy breakfast is the way to go if you want to experience greater gains. Never be in a hurry to skip the morning meal as the body has already gone close to 8 hours without food.

10. Never Miss A Meal

On top of prioritizing a good breakfast, never miss a meal during the day as your body burns a lot of calories when working out. Diet consistency is very important if you’re to make remarkable muscle mass gains. Plan well and prepare some meals even during the weekend so that you never miss a meal during the day.

11. Consume Liquid Calories

It is quite difficult to make all your meals unless you work out at home. Being able to prepare some liquid calories by scooping some powders and shaking with some water or other type of drink is a great way to add the much needed calories in your bloodstream. A good quick fix is whey protein, which tends to dissolve really quickly.

12. Don’t Be Afraid Of Saturated Fats

Lowering the intake of saturated fats is a mistake which will eventually lower your muscle gain. Saturated fats help in the production of the hormones and soluble fats that lead to high testosterone levels. Remember, testosterone will increase muscle mass, especially in men.

13. Cook Your Meals Properly

Poor cooking methods can easily spoil your protein rich food. Grilling chicken or broiling is a better way to cook your proteins.

14. Ignore Those Sweet And High Sugar Foods

Processed foods and sugar-sweetened drinks should be removed from your counter as they replace healthier options. Empty your kitchen of these foods to avoid the temptation of biting one. It is also advised that you go food shopping when full to avoid unnecessary eating on the way.

15. Boost Your Blood Flow

Supplement your diet with L-arginine which has been shown to produce nitric oxide. Nitric Oxide helps improve the skeletal blood flow, allowing for improved delivery of nutrients to the muscles. This helps people work out harder and for longer.

16. Use Creatine To Boost Metabolism

Creatine monohydrate has been greatly shown to support muscle gain while boosting strength. Creatine is naturally found in red meat and helps increase the volume of the muscle cell. However, you can also get it through supplementation.

17. Use The Three Amigos

The three amigos are the branched-chain amino acids, leucine, valine, isoleucine, which are all known to play a key role in muscle mass building.

18. Dine With Discretion

There is nothing wrong with dining out with friends, but this does encourage unnecessary eating. The tempting desserts and unlimited drink refills when attending parties or eating in groups encourage the wrong kind of weight gains.

19. Give Order To Your Orders

Scan your meals before you order. If you can’t find what suits you, take the time to ask if they can create a meal that suits your diet. You will be surprised at how most restaurants make custom made orders.

20. Speed It Up Post Workout

Make sure you get some carbs immediately after your workouts. This is the time when your muscles are hungry and ready to replenish the spent glycogen stores.

21. Go For Slower Carbs

Carbs that take longer to digest will ensure that you will have sustained energy levels throughout the day. Good examples of these include yams, sweet potatoes, whole grains, and brown rice.

22. Have A Pre-Bed Snack

A pre-bed snack is the best way to avoid eating unnecessarily during the night. Just in case you feel hungry, eat your pre-be snack, and you’re good to go until morning.

23. Avoid Fast Food Restaurants

In most cases, the food choices here are tasty but not healthy. Most people fall into fast food restaurants just because they can’t starve a minute more.

23 Laws Of Eating For Muscle Final Words

When you’re looking to build muscle, remember that working out is not the only lifestyle change you may need to make. Ensuring that you are eating properly for maximum gain will go a long way in achieving your muscle building goals.

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