Supplement Review Male Enhancement Testofen – Standardized Testosterone Fenugreek Extract Fenuside?

Testofen – Standardized Testosterone Fenugreek Extract Fenuside?


Testosterone is a type of hormone that is naturally found in a male’s body, as opposed to that of a female’s. It is considered the pillar for overall male functioning, as some of which may include sexual pleasure and performance, erection power, length of their penis, facial hair, muscular build and strength and so on.

Boys are advised to wait until the age of 18 to fully reap in the effects of puberty because, they cannot perform at their potential without its presence. Similarly, when men start to age, their testosterone levels start to drop, therefore one’s testosterone levels at an older age can be comparable to that of one waiting to hit puberty. While boys under the age of 18 need to wait, older men no longer need to because of Testofen.

By incorporating Testofen in one’s day-to-day lives, consumers may experience a positive difference in their energy and libido levels, muscular mass and overall sexual function.

To better understand how Testofen can achieve such results, the following review will analyze it with respect to its purpose, its key ingredient(s), its uses, its suitability and much more.

What Is Testofen?

Testofen has been designed with the intentions of improving male health. Gencor Pacific Incorporated create it to specifically help consumers who have experienced the symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, like a drop in sexual performance, muscle mass and energy.

It claims to help consumers gain better control over their appetites, experience faster recovery after sexual performance, reduce Andropause in men over 40 years old and can improve one’s cognitive abilities.


The key ingredient used in Testofen is said to come from Fenugreek, as it is a fenugreek extract that has been standardized for 50% Fenuside. In general, fenugreek is believed to contain over 100 types of phytochemical components that can influence one’s health.

When consumers ingest Testofen, it is believed to replicate the effects of steroid hormones that unites to a type of protein in the blood. By doing so, it can activate one’s testosterone levels.

Although it is true that testosterone levels drop as one ages, other factors like stress, work and one’s incapability to achieve a work life balance can influence it as well. It is believed that when consumers combine Testofen with a proper exercise regimen, they are likely to experience sooner results with respect to their levels of free testosterones, which then can support many facets of the body.

Using Testofen

The ideal serving size of Testofen is said to be anywhere between 300 and 400mg. This may vary across different predictors like one’s age, weight, and overall body composition. To have a better idea as to what might be a suitable serving size on an individualistic basis, it is best to consult a health professional.

Standard testosterone supplements are believed to contain anywhere between 500 and 600mg per serving, which can either come of great use or bring side effects depending on the consumer.

Fortunately, Testofen is never the single ingredient used in testosterone booster, as they may also include natural herbs to induce fat burning and muscular build as well.

Who Can Potentially Benefit From Testofen?

Testofen is made specifically for male adults. While women are encouraged against the use of testosterone, there have been many studies that proved it to be efficient in treating certain health conditions.

A woman’s body contains very low testosterone to begin with, therefore there isn’t enough evidence to suggest low testosterone is the cause of reduced arousal in women. In addition, because women have ovaries, the use of testosterone can bring very little benefits, hence making it more effective for men, as they solely rely on it.

Testofen Research

A study conducted in Australia concluded that Testofen can induce sexual function, performance, muscle strength, energy levels, and overall wellness. The study included 60 healthy adult men who were tested for on a 6-week period, where they were double-blinded, randomized and consists of a placebo and control groups.

Furthermore, of the consumers who have incorporated Testofen included in dietary supplements, over 60% found it to be useful, whereas a little as 6 to 8% contemplated its usefulness.

The biggest concern with the efficiency of a supplement is to take serving sizes that best reflect the individual. While each supplement suggests a certain number of capsules or scoops per use, it is a standard number that can change from consumer to consumer.

Testofen Final Thoughts

Overall, Gencor Pacific Incorporated’s Testofen can potentially impact a male’s overall wellness.

Based on the studies conducted and consumers’ inputs, those of 40 years of age and more can experience increased levels of energy and testosterone needed to improve one’s physical, mental and personal health. The main point consumers should take out of this review is the fact that Testofen can work at varying serving sizes depending on their overall bodily structure and functioning.

For more information on Testofen, go to:

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