Supplement Review Muscle Growth Surge BCAA – Quality Essential Aminoacids Muscle Supplement?

Surge BCAA – Quality Essential Aminoacids Muscle Supplement?

Surge BCAA

Surge BCAA pre-workout mix is formulated to give users a huge burst of energy to help men and women take their workouts to the next level.

By combining the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, valine, and glutamine this pre-workout BCAA drink mix will help improve workout endurance and improve post workout recovery time. Interested consumers can learn more about Surge BCAAs by reading below.

What is Surge BCAAs?

A pure amino acid supplement, Surge BCAA that is formulated to give users the maximum workout support in the form of four branched chain amino acids. This product mixes easily and absorbs quickly within the bloodstream to give users quick action before working out.

The benefit of adding a BCAA supplement to a fitness routine is that this product helps reduce muscle soreness, speeds up recovery, and minimizes muscle breakdown. Additionally, Surge BCAAs helps boost the body’s metabolism rates while reducing inflammation.

How Does Surge BCAA Work?

By combining four amino acids this supplement by Pure Label Nutrition works to help prevent muscle breakdown while people are working out strenuously to reduce weight and build muscle.

Users of this drink mix will find that by adding a BCAA supplement to their fitness routine they will be able to push reps further and workout for longer without feeling fatigue or muscle soreness.

Each amino acid is added to this supplement to help increase protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown. Surge BCAAS offers the additional benefits of boosting the immune system and while preventing mental fog so common with workout supplements.

By preventing mental fatigue, this supplement gives users not only the energy but also focus needed to work out for harder and with more intensity.

Users simply mix one scoop of Surge with six to eight ounces of water and should drink roughly thirty to forty minutes prior to working out. As with all workout supplements it is best to consult a doctor prior to use especially if consumers have preexisting medical conditions or are taking medications.

Surge BCAAs Ingredients

Surge BCAAs combines a mix of four amino acids that work together to support people in taking their workouts to the next level.

-L-Leucine: An essential amino acid, it works to increase the body’s protein synthesis and help support lean muscle mass development. Leucine can also help people lose weight without losing muscle while following a low calorie diet.

-L-Isoleucine: A separate amino acid from leucine that helps boost endurance and works to regulate healthy blood sugar levels.

-L-Valine: Crucial for delivering the extra energy muscles need while working out. Valine boosts cellular energy which helps not only during workouts but also after the workout when muscles are repairing.

-L-Glutamine: This amino acid can help increase the body’s human growth hormone which helps the body metabolize fat while building muscle. This ingredient also helps promote healthy digestion and a strong immune system.

Additionally this BCAA mix contains sodium, potassium, and magnesium that help improve the body’s ability to absorb minerals and the ingredients contained in this drink mix.

Who Makes Surge BCAAs?

Part of Pure Label Nutrition’s line of workout supplements, Pure Label Nutrition manufactures a wide range of products that will help people increase strength, burn fat, reduce joint pain as well as deliver the supplemental support the body needs for proper pre and post workout.

Pure Label Nutrition offers a full money back guarantee on all products.

Surge BCAAs Pricing

Online purchases can be made through Amazon and the Pure Label Nutrition website.


Each thirty serving container costs $21.97 and is eligible for free shipping through Amazon with qualified purchases totaling $35.00 or greater. This product is currently on sale from the normal retail price of $59.99.

Pure Label Nutrition:

Currently this product is on sale for $24.97 from the normal retail price of $59.99.

Should You Use Surge BCAAs?

Men and women looking for a pre-workout drink mix that will help them push the limits of their work out will want to consider trying Surge BCAA.

Interested consumers can learn more about this product by visiting the Pure Label Nutrition website at

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