Supplement Review Digestive Enzymes Perfect Digest Review – Probiotic America Digestive Enzyme Support

Perfect Digest Review – Probiotic America Digestive Enzyme Support

Probiotic America Perfect Digest – Worth It?

Probiotic America Perfect Digest is a nutritional supplement that uses digestive enzymes to boost the efficiency of your digestive tract. Here’s our Perfect Digest review.

What is Perfect Digest?

Perfect Digest is a nutritional supplement that delivers a high dose of digestive enzymes to your gastrointestinal tract. These enzymes boost your absorption of nutrients while promoting beneficial bacteria, which ultimately helps your immune system and makes it easier to digest the foods you eat.

Without the right digestive enzymes, your body may struggle to process the foods you eat. Digestive enzymes help process the food you eat, extracting nutrients from that food while minimizing gas and bloating.

Certain enzymes – like lactase – are required if you want to properly digest dairy products.

If you experience regular gas and bloating after you eat, then you may have a digestive enzyme problem.

Perfect Digest is made by a company named Probiotic America. Founded by Dr. Cary Nelson, Probiotic America manufactures a number of popular digestive health supplements for men, women, and children.

How Does Perfect Digest Work?

Perfect Digest works by delivering a blend of 16 digestive enzymes to your GI tract.

These digestive enzymes immediately go to work to reduce gas and bloating. Probiotic America recommends that you take Perfect Digest with each meal, which helps the enzymes immediately go to work processing the foods you’re eating.

You can take 1 or 2 capsules per meal. Do not exceed 6 capsules in one 24 hour period.

The makers of the supplement recommend taking it if you experience the following symptoms on a regular basis:

  • Gas and bloating after meals
  • Heavy feelings in your gut after meals
  • Feeling full after a few bites of food
  • Undigested food in your stool

The symptoms above could be a sign of a digestive problem. You may be able to solve that digestive problem by taking the right blend of enzymes.

So which enzymes and ingredients does Perfect Digest use? Let’s take a closer look

Perfect Digest Ingredients

Perfect Digest uses the following ingredients to achieve its digestion boosting benefits:

Amylase, Diastate, Bacterial Protease, Glucoamylase, Fungal Protease, alpha-Galactosidase, Lactase, Cellulase, beta-Glucanase, Lipase, Xylanase, Pectinase, Acid Protease, Phytase, Invertase, Hemicellulase

The majority of these ingredients are enzymes. The enzymes each help your body in a different way. Some of the enzymes attack bad bacteria in your GI tract. Other enzymes promote good bacteria. And some of the enzymes just directly target the food you eat. Lactase, for example, helps your body break down dairy products. Without lactase, your body can’t properly digest dairy products.

Perfect Digest Pricing

Perfect Digest is available at the following prices:

  • 1 Bottle (30 Day Supply / 90 Capsules): $29.95
  • 3 Bottles: $76.37
  • 6 Bottles: $141.96

All Perfect Digest purchases (like all Probiotic America purchases) come with a 90 day money back guarantee. if you’re unhappy with your purchase for any reason, then you can request a refund at any point within 90 days.

About Probiotic America

Probiotic America is a nutritional supplement manufacturer that focuses on creating digestive health supplements. The Probiotic America About page describes how the company:

“researches and develops new strains of beneficial bacteria for cutting-edge probiotic supplements.”

The company is led by Dr. Cary Nelson, who claims he used to “be one of the three-quarters of Americans who suffer from digestive health issues.” After experimenting with probiotics and enzymes, Dr. Nelson decided to share his supplements with the world and try to help others solve their own digestive problems.

The company is based in California at the following address:

21900 Burbank Blvd
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

You can contact the company by phone at (866) 803-9895 or by email at

In addition to Perfect Digest, Probiotic America sells other popular digestive supplements like Perfect Biotics (a probiotic formula) and Perfect Flora (a bacteriophage digestive health supplement).

All Probiotic America products are available to order online from the company’s official website.

 Should You Use Perfect Digest to Boost your Digestive Health?

Perfect Digest claims to be an effective digestive health supplement for anyone struggling to digest the foods they eat. If you frequently experience gas or bloating after a meal, then your body may lack the necessary digestive enzymes to break down your food.

By adding a supplement like Perfect Digest to your daily regimen, and taking it before each meal, you can give your body the tools it needs to break down the foods you eat.

Perfect Digest is priced competitively compared to other popular digestive health supplements on the market. It’s also created by a real medical doctor. The same can’t be said for a number of other so-called “digestive health” supplements sold online (often at higher prices than Perfect Digest).

If you’re looking for an easy way to treat your digestion problems, then Perfect Digest may be the right option for you.

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