Skin Care Creams Green Cream Review – Quality High Strength Retinol Skin Cream?

Green Cream Review – Quality High Strength Retinol Skin Cream?

The basis of an effective skincare regimen is rooted in the goal to protect the skin, and to prevent damage. The importance of cleansing and moisturizing the skin is vital to restoring and improving appearance, as is wearing sunscreen to prevent premature aging.

Although a consistent routine can seem intimidating, a few minutes spent each day focusing on skincare will reveal rewarding results.

There are a number of products on the market that promise younger looking skin and anti-aging ingredients. One of the most common ingredients is retinol, also known as Vitamin A.

Retinol is effective because it communicates on a cellular level and connects with almost all skin cell receptor sites. Retinol sends messages to the dermis layers encouraging healthy skin and supplying restorative properties.

Not only does retinol communicate on the cellular level but it is also an antioxidant. By interrupting the free radical damage process that is responsible for wrinkles, fine lines, and black circles, retinol repairs the skin.

In addition to repairing the skin, retinol improves collagen production as well as fighting hyperpigmentation cause by sun damage. Retinol also contributes to elasticity and providing the skin with a bright, healthy glow.

In addition to the many anti-aging benefits of using retinol, it also treats acne and reduces the appearance and size or pores. Retinol is responsible for breaking down and becoming all-trans retinoic acid as it is absorbed into the skin. In this way, it is an effective anti-acne treatment.

Because it is available over the counter, it is better tolerated by the skin than prescription retinoids which can damage to the skin and harmful side effects.

Although retinol alone cannot change the size of pores biologically, it can reduce the size of pores that are enlarged because of acne, clogging, and sun damage.

Because the follicular keratin cells located on the pore lining can become slow and cause buildup, the walls of the pores stretch, making them bigger. However, because retinol communicates on the cellular level, it sends a message to the keratin cells and allows the cells to function properly.

By improving the function and increasing mobility, after some time, the enlarged pores will decrease and return to their smaller size.

Green Cream is an innovative skincare product formulated with retinol in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by smoothing the skin, improving elasticity, and improving the overall condition of the skin.

Using retinol, which has been scientifically proven to repair sun damage and reverse the effects of aging, Green Cream is unlike other retinol products on the market as it not only contains effective concentrations of retinol but also contains a proprietary delivery system to ensure that skin will be rejuvenated.

About Green Cream

As mentioned previously, Green Cream contains the active ingredients retinol – a treatment found in retinoids, derivatives of Vitamin A, essential for building and restoring the hair, skin, nails, and vision.

Because of the healing properties found in retinol, it has become the most effective skin care treatment to because it penetrates the layers of the skin topically, changing the DNA of the skin.

Because retinol penetrated the skin, it is as effective as popular antioxidant based treatments. Currently the most effective anti-aging and restorative treatment available, Green Cream is can also be used with anti-oxidant treatments to yield the best results.

Experts recommends that individuals rotate between retinol and antioxidant treatments by incorporating both into the skincare regimen.

Many individuals are confused about the use of retinol as there are other forms of Vitamin A that contain anti-aging properties. Although Green Cream contains retinol, many other anti-aging treatments use Tretinoin.

Also an active form of Vitamin A, Tretinoin is only available by a doctor’s prescription. In order to make the products available for the public, Green Cream chose to use retinol, also an active form of Vitamin A, but does not require a doctor’s prescription as the concentrations are less than 1%.

Because Green Cream works to repair sun-damaged skin, it is important that individuals use it along with sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15 or more. Retinol stimulates exfoliation of the outer cell layer, and makes the skin vulnerable to sunburn and sun damage during the first weeks of usage.

Because of this vulnerability, it is recommended that users wear sunscreen during the introductory period of usage, after the first couple of weeks, sun tolerance will return to normal if sunscreen is used daily with Green Cream.

How Green Cream Works

By following the directions that are appropriate for the particular skin type, the benefits of using Green Cream are endless. In catering to a variety of skin types, Green Cream is available in 3 different levels.

Below is the explanation of the 3 level concentrations and the appropriate skin type they are created for.

Green Cream Level 3 – 0.3%: Beginners and individuals that have sensitive skin should use Green Cream Level 3. It is a high potency retinol cream that delivers the highest potency retinols currently on the market. Ideal for sensitive skin, Level 3 Is the mildest strength of the Green Cream.

Once the skin has acclimatized to the Level 3 cream, individuals can move up to Green Cream Level 6.

Green Cream Level 6 – 0.6%: The second option of Green Cream is the Level 6 cream. Level 6 is ideal for most skin types. It was created to adhere to most skin types while supplying nutrients needed to maintain healthy skin.

Green Cream Level 6 is designed to have 2 to 3 times the strength of the average over the counter retinol treatments, however, the formula is not harsh, tolerated well by most individuals. Individuals can continue to use Level 6 for as long as they feel appropriate.

They can move up to Level 9 once the skin acclimatizes.

Green Cream Level 9 – 0.9%: The highest strength of Green Cream, if individuals begin with the gradual usage beginning from Level 3, they can see amazing results.

It is recommended that individuals do not start out using Level 9, but begin the retinol regimen from Level 3 or Level 6. After using the lower level creams, Level 9 can slowly be incorporated into the daily skin regimen.

It is a great alternative to a prescription strength retinoid that could cause negative side effects.

When using Green Cream, most individuals have reported to see a gradual improvement of their skin as pores are visibly smaller and the skin appears brighter and smoother.

Although results are guaranteed, the rate in which individuals will see a difference varies from person to person as unique skin types and conditions can affects the rate in which the product works.

Purchasing Green Cream

Green Cream can be purchased at select retailers that sell skin care products. It is also available on the website ( Additional information can be found on the website (

Because Green Cream is offered at so many different locations, its price will probably vary by location. However, customers who are interested in purchasing Green Cream and have access to its amazing benefits should expect to pay anywhere from $40 to $45 for the product.

Depending on the location in which the product is purchased, customers might need to pay shipping and handling as well.

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