Muscle Growth Nitric Oxide Boosters BioRhythm Blue Cycle Review – Top Nitric Oxide Boosting Supplement?

BioRhythm Blue Cycle Review – Top Nitric Oxide Boosting Supplement?

Over the past several decades, the idea of what makes a man has slowly begun to change. And a lot of these changes are great. Men are getting more in touch with their feelings and actually discussing their emotions with their loved ones.

They’re expressing themselves more and exploring styles that aren’t just jeans and a t-shirt. The progress of men is an amazing thing and it has definitely changed society for the better.

However, even though expectations of what make men has changed over the years, there are still a few things that have stayed in place. The biggest idea of what makes men, men is that they have to be strong.

Emotionally, mentally, but just as importantly, physically. The idea that men protect their loved ones is still a concept very much in place. And, to this day, men answer this call by building strong, muscled bodies.

From the beginning of time, a man exerted himself by shows of strength. And while time has definitely changed society, men are still proving themselves with feats of strength. The good thing about building stronger, more muscled bodies isn’t just that they show how strong a man is, but it’s actually better for the health and wellness of the men forming these bodies. Which is why it can be so difficult for those who suddenly find their bodies failing them.

One of the biggest problems men who work out on a regular basis experience is that of the plateau. After committing themselves to building better, stronger bodies, nothing is more disappointing then putting in the time and effort and failing to get results. It’s at this point that men need a little bit of extra help.

Blue Cycle is a supplement that is able to help users burst through their plateaus. Using natural ingredients to target a biological reaction, Blue Cycle is able to get users better results in a shorter amount of time.

What is Blue Cycle?

Using the latest advancements in technology and biology, Blue Cycle was created to take users to the next level of their workouts.

Using a complex formulation of some of the highest quality ingredients available, Blue Cycle has been able to completely change the way users approach plateaus, giving them the extra push they need to get bigger and stronger, in less time. By approaching muscle growth from a comprehensive perspective, Blue Cycle is able to offer better results with no extra effort.

The key behind Blue Cycle is found in nitric oxide, commonly called NO by workout experts. Scientific studies and research has found that nitric oxide has a hugely beneficial effect on those who are working out to build lean muscle mass.

The process that occurs when nitric oxide is introduced to the system helps feed the muscles, so they can push further and pump harder than ever. However, there is a downside to nitric oxide. When too much nitric oxide is in the system, it causes lactic acid to build up, which causes the muscles to fail faster and get more fatigued. This is why you want to maintain a balance between NO2 and the hormone testosterone as well.

Most supplements that contain nitric oxide and set the process into motion just ignore the problem of the lactic acid build up. This is where Blue Cycle sets itself apart from the competition. In order to counteract this, Blue Cycle has included a lactic acid buffering ingredient called beta-alanine. As the nitric oxide boosting ingredient in Blue Cycle, citrulline malate, reacts in the body, the beta-alanine prevents the lactic acid build up. The result is better pumps and longer endurance, plus a decreased recovery time.

By carefully blending the ingredients found in Blue Cycle, the supplement has been able to take the nitric oxide process to another level.

Now users can get the results they want in the time they want, without any of the nasty side effects. It’s this devotion to the health and wellness of its users that has made Blue Cycle such an amazing supplement option.

Benefits Of Blue Cycle

One of the biggest benefits of Blue Cycle has already been described in detail above. While nitric oxide has proven itself to be extremely beneficial when it comes to those looking to increase their muscle mass, the side effects of the process often caused more problems than the benefits were worth.

However, because Blue Cycle has solved this problem by adding beta-alanine to buffer the lactic acid released during the nitric oxide process, users can get the benefits of the supplement without any of the pesky side effects. This has been known with helping males dealing or going through low testosterone levels.

Of course, all the benefits of taking a nitric oxide supplement apply to Blue Cycle, which is why it has quickly become a favorite amongst those who are ready to take their bodies to the next level. Blue Cycle allows users to push themselves to failure, which is where the best muscle growth occurs.

Once users are consistently pushing them past this point on a regular basis, they will be able to get better results, in the form of increased muscle mass, strength, and more defined muscles.

As mentioned above, Blue Cycle was formulated using the latest technology in the supplement industry. While that can clearly be seen in the way the supplement combated the lactic acid issue in the nitric oxide process, it shows itself in other ways in Blue Cycle.

For example, beta-alanine used in Blue Cycle also contains l-histidine. This combination doesn’t just allow users to push themselves further, but it also provides an extra boost of energy and strength, one that penetrates muscle fibers. While this provides better results, it also supports faster repair, so users can get right back to working out.

In addition to the points described above, Blue Cycle has several other benefits that work to give users better results in a shorter amount of time. These additional benefits can be found listed below.

  • Increases Strength
  • Accelerates Recovery
  • Boosts Lean Muscle Mass Growth
  • Increases Muscle Definition
  • Boosts Stamina
  • Promotes Focus and Drive (like nootropics)

And all these benefits work together to give user’s better pumps that give them better overall results.

Purchasing Blue Cycle

Blue Cycle is currently available for purchase on the website of the manufacturer that makes the supplement ( On this website, the supplement is currently available for $69.99, which is for a bottle of 120 capsules.

It should be noted that the recommended dose for Blue Cycle is three capsules every morning with another three taken with water half an hour before a workout. In order to get the best results in the shortest amount of time, it’s important for users to follow these directions.

However, because so many of the capsules are required per day, it’s not uncommon for customers to purchase two or more bottles at one time. This allows users to know that they’re stocked up enough to get them through several months of intense training.

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