Product Review Home & Office Yomee Yogurt – Healthy Automatic Homemade Yogurt Maker Pod?

Yomee Yogurt – Healthy Automatic Homemade Yogurt Maker Pod?

Yomee Yogurt

Yogurt is the result of fresh milk fermented in cultures, or lactic bacteria. The use of bacteria claims to convert milk sugar in lactic acid, which is responsible for the thickening of milk and the unique taste yogurt brings. The question now becomes whether or not store bought yogurts contain more than the necessary components.

It is believed that most yogurt providers may include highly processed ingredients like neosugar, nanoparticles, dimethylpolysiloxane and HFSC-90 to name the least.

Unfortunately, such additional chemicals can negatively influence one’s health over the long run, hence homemade yogurts are recommended. How can consumers make yogurts in the comfort of their homes? This is where Yomee Yogurt may come into play.

The following will introduce Yomee with respect to its purpose, how it works, and its current going price.

What is Yomee Yogurt?

Yomee Yogurt is an automatic yogurt maker that can potentially allow consumers to make fresh, high quality homemade yogurt. Its uses can be beneficial as it can help save money, while allowing one to confidently ingest it. In addition, it has been designed to optimize one’s time by eliminating the mess that comes with making yogurt.

How Should Consumers Use Yomee?

In order for Yomee to work, consumers must download the Yomee App onto their smartphone devices. Consumers need to use their preference of milk as the base, which can be standard milk, or plant-based like coconut, almond, and soy.

Then consumers must insert the Yomee pod and use the app to pick the yogurt style of preference (plain, greek, or stirred). With a press of a button and as little as 6 hours, the yogurt will be ready. Currently, Yomee pods come plain and unflavored, but consumers can expect more flavors to take form in the future.

How Does Yomee Yogurt Work?

The following is an in depth look at the overall Yomee process, which can achieve the consistency and freshness desired:

  • Firstly, it boils and stirs the milk for 15 minutes.
  • Secondly, it brings down the milk’s temperature to about 46 degrees Celsius, which is the ideal temperature to use live yogurt cultures.
  • Once the desired temperature is reached, it releases the Yomee pod and stirs some more.
  • Afterwards, it incubates the milk for a duration of 6 hours, which is the time frame in which the live cultures require to transform milk into yogurt.
  • Lastly, it will chill the yogurt to a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.

How Much Does Yomee Yogurt Cost?

Consumers who pledge $99 or more on the Yomee’s KickStart campaign will receive a Yomee Yogurt Maker and 20 Yomee Pods (either dairy or vegan), which is said to last approximately 1 month. It currently ships to certain countries and upon pledging, consumers can expect it to arrive sometime in Spring of 2018.

Ideally, for those who pledge more money, the more he or she will receive in terms of the Yomee device or their pods. Lastly, each initial purchase may come with 10 pods and for every refill consumers can either choose to purchase a pack of 5 for $5 or join monthly subscriptions of $19.99 for 25 pods.

What Are the Benefits of Consuming Yogurt?

It Is believed that yogurt contains good bacteria that the body requires. This is because of the fermentation process that includes the use of live cultures.

Some of its health benefits may include increased vitamins intake and recovery after training, regulated blood pressure levels, high source of protein, and can potentially contribute towards improved bone, immune and gut and muscle health.

Why Choose Yomee Yogurt?

Yomee Yogurt is worth considering given that consumers can ingest healthy and safe yogurt. It eliminates the tedious process of making yogurt while limiting the time it would normally take to clean up after the mess made. Each Yomee pod of yogurt can make up to 10 ounces of yogurt, which is said to be the required dairy intake per day.

Most importantly, the associated benefits of consuming yogurt can only hold true given that it is in its natural state, which is free of chemicals and preserves, otherwise it defeats the purpose of consuming it.

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