Product Review Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence – Toenail Fungus Oil Treatment?

Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence – Toenail Fungus Oil Treatment?

Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence is a topical remedy to eliminate fungal infections from your fingernails and toenails. The creator of this remedy also has penned a digital book about battling fungus and the keys to prevention.

What is Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence?

Even if you keep your hands and feet clean most the time, there are unforeseen circumstances that can put you at risk for nail fungus. This type of fungus starts as a seemingly unimportant white spot beneath your nail, but it slowly become an infection that deteriorates your fingers and toes. If the infection remains mild, you may choose not to treat it. However, if you want to eliminate that fungus from your body, Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence might do the trick.

Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence is a completely natural formula that is based on the effects of an Asian herb called Sophora. Sophora features ingredients that help you to repair damaged cells, reaching them at a DNA level. This treatment makes it possible to eliminate the infection, with minimal damage to your body. While nail fungus is more common with your feet, this remedy is powerful enough to handle either type.

If you visit your doctor with a nail infection, he will examine your nails to confirm your self-diagnosis. However, you must wait for a certain amount of time to receive results back from a lab to confirm what you already know. You may have to take extreme medications or topical remedies, risking nail removal if you can’t eliminate it. Instead, once you see that white growth starting under your nail, use the Snazii Nail Essence to eliminate it before it worsens.

About the eBook

Along with creating a topical solution for toenail fungus, the creator behind the Snazii Nail Essence has also created a digital guide to help you identify, treat, and eliminate this fungus. Though he obviously recommends the use of Snazii to help, it also shows you other ingredients that contain the nourishment your nails require to contain the infection.

By adding the book to your purchase, you are ready to combat any type of fungal infection that threatens your wellbeing. The methods clearly show you everything you need to do to clear up an infection in two weeks, with only a 10-minute investment a day.

How Does Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence Work?

The only reason that any formula can impact your body is with the right ingredients, and Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence has all natural substances. This formula includes:

  • Purslane Extract
  • Scarlet Gilia
  • Wormwood
  • Speranskia

To learn more about each of these ingredients, read on below.

Purslane Extract

Purslane extract is made from an herb that is known for its ability to kill fungus that causes jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and nail fungus. By using this ingredient, you can renew the skin cells, eliminate the affected cells, and make your skin look younger than ever before.

Scarlet Gilia

Scarlet Gilia is a flowering plant that has a wealth of different attributes. It can act to reduce inflammation, prevent viral infections, and protect your body from bad bacteria in your skin tissue, nails, and other areas.


Wormwood is a longtime remedy to sooth cracked and dry skin, which is what often occurs when you have a fungal infection on your nails. It also is used as a cure for toenail fungus.


Little is known about the effects of Speranskia. However, the website for this oil states that it can prevent bacterial infections from impacting your fingers and toes.

Applying the Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence

When you decide to treat your fingernails or toenails with Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence, the first step you need to take is to wash your handles. You should never apply the oil to an unclean surface for two major reasons. First, massaging the product into your skin will also push different particles into the pores and clog them, leading to blemishes. Furthermore, if your pores are filled with particles, the oil can’t do its job anyway.

Once your skin is washed and dried, you will need to shake up the bottle and use a few drops to apply the formula to your nails. Allow it to absorb for about 20 minutes before you do anything else.

If you have a lot of thickened, hard skin over the affected areas, the company recommends that you use some sort of file to eliminate the roughness beforehand. Once you start using this remedy, you will need to maintain consistent use to keep your fungal infections at bay.

Pricing for Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence

The total cost you will need to cover for Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence will depend on where you order it from. Once the company’s website is complete, you should be able to see the pricing information for ordering it directly from the brand. However, in the meantime, this product can be purchased from multiple third-party retailers, like eBay. The pricing on other websites is under $5.

Contacting the Creators of Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence

At the moment, the website for Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence treatment is under construction. Once it’s available, you will be able to access the contact information for the company. In the meantime, there is plenty of information online to answer your question.

Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence Conclusion

Xiu Mai’s Snazii Nail Essence is meant to help consumers with mild to moderate cases of fungal infections. However, this type of ailment is not something you can keep to yourself. Even once you start to apply the Nail Essence on a regular basis, you should notify your doctor to confirm the infection and to find out any additional actions you should take in the healing process.

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